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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Popsci Golden Calves

Anonymous No. 16379778

>Made by politician who profited massively off of it
>insane predictions and fear mongering which have been proven to be wrong
>single handedlly made the anti-science, anti-professional mindset that had been slowly growing go mainstream
>every time you bring this up a horde of redditors come out of the woodwork talking about how it needed to be full of sensationalism and disproved predicitons because of the dang dirty republicans.
What are some other Popsci golden calves that people will defend for no reason?

Anonymous No. 16379979

>What are some other Popsci golden calves that people will defend for no reason?
Every "science youtuber". Veritasium/etc.

Anonymous No. 16379981

Milgram Experiment
Stanford Prison Experiment

(both frauds, but still taught to undergrad students as though they were real and valid experiments)

Anonymous No. 16381330

>Popsci golden calves
unlimited fusion energy,,, two more weeks.

Anonymous No. 16381755

>What are some other Popsci golden calves that people will defend for no reason?
I see it all the time in historical science/achievement movies:
Hidden Figures is a great example. I'm not sure they got even one single fact right in that movie.

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michael mann.png

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16382616