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🧵 Science now claims men give birth out of their penis holes

Anonymous No. 16379848

This is medical science in 2024. If you don’t fully endorse and believe you are complicit in something called white suprelemsy, a special scientific designation for an evil force that kills and rapes democracy.

Anonymous No. 16379854

I am not anti scientific. I fact check as true the scientific fact that babies now finally are free to come out of penis holes thanks to support from the party of science. In earlier times in human history transphobic bigotry kept the babies from coming out of penis holes.

Anonymous No. 16379894

You are expert. We hereby award you pulitzer prize for expert and Being Good. State department will shortly be in touch to coordinate the logistics of a $20 million grant to your NGO, Exprrt of Reproduction Future of America

Anonymous No. 16379898

Trust the soience goy.

Anonymous No. 16379901

You got a whole 60000 years to do. What? Yet again you don't believe me? You'll do 5000 hell. And then I'll take this also. You'll war with each other for 10,000, helling each other and being secretly switched and having your memories taken. Then you'll do 45,000 of stuff I'm not telling you about. Does this look truthful to you?

Anonymous No. 16379905

Go back to sleep grandpa you've fallen for facebook ragebait again.

Anonymous No. 16379908

Midwits like this is why the cancer can spread unimpeded until it has taken over everything. The midwit “they’re irrelevant tumblrinas and will grow up” bussy jive

Anonymous No. 16379915

dumb nigger go and watch infowars and leave actual people alone.
You're the homeless crackhead harassing people at the walmart parking lot.

Anonymous No. 16379927

You look into men’s penises looking for babies to serve the Party

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Anonymous No. 16381130

>the scientific fact that babies now finally are free to come out of penis holes

Anonymous No. 16381172

im honestly beginning to think that a majority of posters on this board are actually fucking retarded. What the fuck is this shit?

Anonymous No. 16381218

Wait... but a person transitioning from male to female can literally never give birth...
Am I missing something?

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Anonymous No. 16381222


Anonymous No. 16381223

People should call out delusion and stupidity whenever given the opportunity.
Gatekeeping should be brought back to super-max levels.

Anonymous No. 16381225

I'm serious, bro! Don't laugh! lol
What, exactly, are they doing here then? Pretending they're giving birth? I legitimately don't understand. Are they training midwives to LARP or something?

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Anonymous No. 16381284

Anonymous No. 16381297

Wow, deny science much, chud?

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Anonymous No. 16381299

>I legitimately don't understand.

Please point out all the pregnant men and explain how the baby will pass through the penis... diagrams would be especially desired
PLEASE diagram the birthing process of a human male... PLEASE!!

Anonymous No. 16381300

Science says it’s possible and that’s why they now train for it. That’s called the scientific method as laid out by Einstein. Go suck off putin treasonously if you don’t accept the science.

Anonymous No. 16381620

People asking for proof of science’s claim that babies can come out of penis hools are Russian assets

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Anonymous No. 16381632

I'm a male with male genitalia and I could need a midwife's assistance to get my offspring out of my dick if you know what I mean

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Anonymous No. 16381645

Sounds like we have cummed full circle

Anonymous No. 16381653

I hate the frankfurt school and all marxists

Anonymous No. 16382338

It s our human right to born baby out of penis hole if we chose to from consent. LGBTQ. And science is to
Make human right s possinle

Anonymous No. 16382657

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