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Anonymous at Sat, 14 Sep 2024 14:53:43 UTC No. 16380031
"Science" believers believe:
- Universe and time came from nothing through random chance
- Life came from inorganic matter (never replicated even in a lab)
- That first single-celled organism turned into all life on Earth through random genetic mutation and you are related to a potato
- Irreducibly complex biological mechanisms like sexual reproduction from asexual organisms can be formed through random genetic mutation
- Horseshoe crabs were practically the same 400 million years ago but you were a fish
- Lining up fossils of similar looking animals is proof that one evolved into the other
- Modern humans existed for 200,000 years but did practically nothing for ~195,000 years and then suddenly started building amazing civilizations and leaving documents/records
- The Earth got its water from getting hit by space ice
- Radiometric dating is proof of old ages despite giving extremely inflated dates for rocks of known age
If seawater originally contained no sodium (salt) and the sodium accumulated at today’s rates, then today’s ocean saltiness would be reached in only 42 million years, only about 1/70 the three billion years evolutionists propose. After 3 billion years, we would expect to see 70x more salt in the ocean than we see today.
faint sun paradox
There is large amounts of helium in zircon crystals that should have diffused millions of years ago
The earth’s magnetic field is wearing down so quickly that it could be no more than 20,000 years old.
Carbon-14 is found in diamonds supposedly billions of years old, but carbon-14 couldn't last longer than a few hundred thousand years at most.
Soft tissue is found in dinosaur fossils, this couldn't be preserved ~60 million years.
We observe 19 billion tons of sediment deposited into the oceans each year, the average thickness of sediment on the ocean floor being 1300 feet. At this rate, 1,300 feet of sediment would accumulate in less than 12 million years, not billions of years.
Anonymous at Sat, 14 Sep 2024 15:20:44 UTC No. 16380074
No, we don't.