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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16380061

How did this all begin?
How does something like this even have a beginning, because in order for it to begin, there must have been a space for it to exist to begin with.
I'm so confused how the existence of physical matter was created.

Anonymous No. 16380065

What's even crazier is that it JUST BEGUN. In the cosmic scale of things, 13 billion years is fucking nothing. There are stars that will last 100s of trillions of years and black holes that will lost a million times that. The universe is still in it's infancy.

Anonymous No. 16380067

It's been always like that anon, there was not beggining.

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Anonymous No. 16380073

so it's just goes back forever and ever?
How is that possible. It must start somewhere surely? It's crazy to think about.

Anonymous No. 16380079

Quantum fluctuation creates inflaton -> inflaton increases in total energy content -> local collapse and energy dump that becomes a dense particle soup (big bang type event)

Hereโ€™s a short read for laymen:

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Anonymous No. 16380084

What I don't get is there's a big bang that happened. Ok cool.
But that big bang happened in a plane of existence, so how did that begin? How did the material / energy that created the big bang begin?

Anonymous No. 16380090

The energy in the big bang came from the inflaton

Anonymous No. 16380095

>How did the material / energy that created the big bang begin?
God created it.

Anonymous No. 16380098

You may be not fully understanding things, ever.

Anonymous No. 16380099

"it just existed bro" is a lateral response. Another one being 'someone just turned on the simulation."

Anonymous No. 16380106

NTA but "God created it" is identical to "someone just turned on the simulation"

Anonymous No. 16380124

it didn't begin, it always was

Anonymous No. 16380127

I mean, that's why I called it a lateral solution. All of them are completely viable from our current understanding

Anonymous No. 16380145

Alternatively, the current universe is "mature" in the sense that it's nearing the end of its exciting growth and evolution and most of the rest of its lifespan will be decline and decay. 95% of the stars that will ever exist have already been born. It's better to be alive and able to experience the universe right now than in a trillion years when stars and galaxies have moved so far apart that you can't see anything else and space appears to be just an empty black void

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Anonymous No. 16380157

I offer Susan Sarandon as a counterargument.

Anonymous No. 16380175

Are you sure light propagates trough interstellar / intergalactic environment the way you think?

Anonymous No. 16380179

How about a Susan Sarandon that's blind and deaf and frozen to near absolute zero and chopped up into a billion pieces and the pieces scattered so far apart that they will never interact with each other again.
That's something that doesn't get better with age

Anonymous No. 16380188

>How did this all begin?
> in order for it to begin, there must have been a space for it to exist to begin with.
Yes. It is called Aether.

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Anonymous No. 16380197

>How about a Susan Sarandon that's blind and deaf
I cosign your shit up to here. The rest is poxy

Anonymous No. 16380813

That's what the prediction is, for the extremely distant future, yes. The expansion of the universe will eventually outrun the speed of light, to the point that you can't see any other galaxies, and a younger civilization may think their galaxy = the entire universe and they have no way of knowing that anything exists beyond it

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16380880

>dude omg I know everything about the entire universe!!!
>thread #9001

Anonymous No. 16381329

>God created it.
who created god? did god always exist in nothingness and get bored and create a universe ant farm?

Anonymous No. 16381341

This, desu baka senpai
>why does something exist instead of nothing?
>"god did it"

It doesn't in any way answer the question. It just shifts the goalposts to "why does god exist instead of nothing"

Anonymous No. 16381354

u say energy in big bang came from inflation of quantum fluctuation right.....but how exactly could there be inflation where no energy exists, isnt it litterally a void element space?

Anonymous No. 16381563

Which is why its all the more depressing that jews and niggers are the great filter.

Its actually insane to think about the fact that our species will probably go extinct, but there might be another chance on a planet out there, right this moment, founding their own version of Rome with their primitive technology as we speak

Anonymous No. 16381585

Maybe someone should ask the ayys

Anonymous No. 16381586

Only Brahman exists

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Anonymous No. 16381615

Sentient Minecraft characters might wonder how it all began
Was there a already a 30milx30mil block 'space' before the map they reside in was generated?
What if the computer hard drive was only plugged in a second before the map was made?
Are they even able to detect the stop in time when the Minecraft java runtime environment is exited, then later opened and their world loaded?
Many may wonder how the existence of all these physical minecraft blocks were created

Anonymous No. 16381631

Vacuum has non-zero energy and some properties. On very large timescales it assembles into interesting things by chance. Now if that thing is a seed sequence that keeps going (like the inflaton is), you spawn tons of big bangs and subsequent interesting things.

Anonymous No. 16381896

great explanation
i thought to my self at first that void vacumn space creates inflation in decrease of vaccum sapce creating inflation hence a bigbang occurs.
hey anon did i think something dumb?

Anonymous No. 16382188

Once you have random fluctuations, however small, it becomes an infinite monkeys on typewriters sort of situation that eventually gives rise to something other than pure noise.

A universe from noise like this also solves the fine tuning problem when coupled with the anthropic principle.

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Anonymous No. 16382272

Anonymous No. 16382337

Hell if I know, nothing knows. All the religions basically imply the creator doesn't know where it came from either.

Anonymous No. 16382352

the universe is a construct of your mind, it doesn't exist when you are unconscious. It "begins" every time you start thinking and "ends" every time you stop thinking.

Anonymous No. 16382508

John 1:1

Anonymous No. 16382526

That's terrifying to think of, I think the universe is real and we're blessed with a brain to conceive and emulate what the universe wants to show us. You're wrong and need more introspection

Anonymous No. 16382536

there may be something that is real, but whatever it is does not come into direct contact with your world of thought. words like "begin" and "end" do not apply to it. you can know that if you jump up you'll fall back down and you can know that if you look through a telescope you can predict what you'll see through some equation, but no one knows how these things relate to "reality." there is nothing "the universe" wants to show you, there is only the projection that your mind creates, perhaps you should introspect to realize the idiocy of anthropromorphizing the universe and believing that it "wants" anything at all.

Anonymous No. 16382690

Based knowledgeable anon.

Anonymous No. 16382843

Begone from here, vile creature

Anonymous No. 16383167

you're right and I apologize, I just want to learn more about the universe and why were here, if we are so insignificant and our minds are a mere trickery, what's the fucking point of all this? How can I tell what's real or not real? What do I do?

Anonymous No. 16383201


Trust me, you're meant to be confused. Consider this, we like to assume the concept of time in regards to the big bang "when" it was a singularity, or even ask questions like, "before the big bang ...". Using time, or words to relate time to describe events of things is so intuitive to everyone, however time WAS created by the big-bang, it literally came into existence. To ask, how there was a "beginning", is already a fallacious question, as it does not even relate to what was before the universe.

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Anonymous No. 16383280

Creation happened out of nothing.
It's clearly something that science can't explain and probably never will. You could argue, would we want to? Like discovering hostile life that could wipe this planet out and everything in our solar system, but we send out communication signals anyway.

Anonymous No. 16383584

maciej and eve

Anonymous No. 16383978

No you're idiotic and obtuse, it's not about anthropomorphization, it's about emergent behaviour, which in its concept not only explains the link between micro and macroscopical laws of physics being basically identical but also explaining convergent evolution and applying the laws on conservation on living beings (biophysics).
His question is still valid, "if I think and exist then how does the universe exist ?"
Nothing wrong there, it's existential not anthropomorphical, kys hylic drone

Anonymous No. 16384128

Imagine a static fractal that describes all of existence/reality and nonexistence/unreality across all of infinity, every energy state, all of time and space, in some hyperdimensional fashion.
Nonexistence cannot exist, therefore it doesn't, you are left with existence.
Following so far?
Why are we? Because this part of existence is habitable. Why aren't we somewhere else? Because >we< are the result of our environment.
How did it all start? It never started. It just is, all of it.
Entropy is simply tricking you into thinking that something must have started it. No.
It will happen and it has happened are the same statements.
The ultimate truth is that the universe is infinite.

>something can't come from nothing hurr durrr
>skyman made everything in 7 days
>subjective experiences of time
>reality isn't real
>reality is subjective
>how can nothing not exist
>explaining the universe in the themes of the current time as our ancestors have done; animal worship, celestial spheres, divine will, gears, steam machines, computers, AI, etc..
Either you grasp it or you don't, it's that simple.

Anonymous No. 16384165

It began with the thought (curse), "I am".
The rest is history.

Anonymous No. 16384216

>All of them are completely viable from our current understanding
No, since beings require sustenance, it is far less coherent to have some being exist before sustenance at some origin point than to just have some form of emptiness since nothing doesn't have to eat or even necessarily be like beings do.

Anonymous No. 16384218

>durr I read "I'm so confused" as "I know all"

Anonymous No. 16384220

>why does something exist instead of nothing?
Nothing is something, there is no instead of something in that scenario, there is just type of something, the smallest possible amount of anything.

Anonymous No. 16384222

Midwit forum posters might try to kick the can.

Anonymous No. 16384228

That is called unpause and pause, not "begin" and "end" and if you don't even understand something that simple and choose to use retarded words with quotes around them, I doubt you have anything useful to say or have ever had a productive though in your life.

Anonymous No. 16384230

Why that particular demon, why not one of the millions of other magical mythological demons who were credited with creating false realities?

Anonymous No. 16384231

Then why did the universe create so many nearly identical bodies with so many different minds and converging ideas about the universe if it isn't creating some kind of order out of chaos across many different minds?
Why is your midwit sophistry so ancient and unoriginal if its just a result of your mind and not you mining the external universe for preexisting ideas?

Anonymous No. 16384232

>It's clearly something that science can't explain and probably never will.
Math can though, 0!=.9...

Anonymous No. 16384236

>Imagine a static fractal that describes all of existence/reality and nonexistence/unreality across all of infinity, every energy state, all of time and space, in some hyperdimensional fashion.
Why don't you just draw/animate some imagery if you are such a master visualizer?

Anonymous No. 16384734

Pre-existing quantum-space with pre-existing properties.

Jews claim the same thing with God.

Anonymous No. 16384745

>random fluctuations causes the universe..
Why isn't the universe undergoing greater rapid expansion now?
Isn't there even more of those random fluctuations happening now than was previously?
why isn't every every single random fluctuation right now spewing forth another universe full of shit existing?

Anonymous No. 16384978

I was merely trying to bring the idea of infinitely repeating structures across.
Something that is described by a very simply mathematical construct, which exists as a consequence of inexistence having no causal laws, and contains every possible energy state in an organized manner.
Of course this is not an actual thing, it's unreal, a pseudo-object outside of our measurable reality, that is simply useful at explaining why nature has structure and consistency at a fundamental level - something beneath the universe.

Anonymous No. 16385747

So you can't actually imagine it yourself, its just a mere whatever that you think someone else can imagine for you?

Anonymous No. 16385795

>inexistence having no causal laws
so nothing happens because there is no actions/processes carried out.

so every idiot in this thread starting off with pre-existing laws acting on pre-existing material in pre-existing quantum-space is full of pre-existing bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16386009

I also believe this. I'm puzzled when people ask "why is there something instead of nothing", the nothing they are thinking about (absence of anything at all) doesn't exist physically, it's just them coming up with a fantasy and building a philosophical argument around it

Anonymous No. 16386025

meaningless wank

Anonymous No. 16386868

I can play with these concepts just fine.
Picturing them proper would make little sense as any image you can come up with is a falsity.
It's about abstract associations, and abstraction is just something some people are better at than others.
No offense intended.
You are trying to answer a question that is outside of spacetime from inside of spacetime. The question doesn't have to be asked.
Outside of spacetime, beyond our universe, causation is not a thing.
As mentioned before, inexistence isn't real. Take it away and you are left with existence.
Let's put it another way. Nothingness is the absence of any property or possibility; thus, it would be a logical contradiction for something to be created from the lack of possibility of creation.

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Anonymous No. 16386905


Nobody knows. Big bang is speculation. All we know for certain is that things farther away appear to be moving apart from us faster and if we gather enough beams we see lots of younger looking stars according to our own theory of stars, with less elements, meaning , since light has a speed limit, that if you go back in time things were likely more clumped together so naturally hotter and denser.
Also there is a "glow" everywhere, radiowaves, that comes and goes in all directions, although not completely uniform but lumpy.

Thats basically it. BigBang is speculation kn Hubble's Law + CMB

Anonymous No. 16386983

You're stringing pop scifi buzzwoords together and thinking what you dribbled makes you sound clever.

That's not science, its rambling shit.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16386992

Yes, why is there something instead of mothing is a legit question science is asking.

Your tripe reasoning we don't need to ask that cause inexistence isn't real isn't anything new, nor has it stopped science from asking the question.

And yeh, inexistence is a thing; shit happens according to specific a set of laws.. and magical shit not following that specific set of laws does not.

Go peddle your condescending psychoses to someone who gives a shit.

Anonymous No. 16386997

All different depictions of the same entity

Anonymous No. 16387001

Yes, why is there something instead of mothing is a legit question science is asking.

Your tripe reasoning we don't need to ask that cause inexistence isn't real isn't anything new, nor has it stopped science from asking the question.

And yeh, inexistence is a thing; shit happens according to a very specific set of defined laws.. and magical fantastical shit not following that specific set of laws does not.

Go peddle your condescending psychoses to someone who gives a shit.

Anonymous No. 16387015

why did I make you so angry?

Anonymous No. 16387035

Damn. I was not familiar with her game

Anonymous No. 16387168

So you actually worship Moloch since your preferred demon is really just one and the same as every other demon?

Anonymous No. 16387170

>Yes, why is there something instead of mothing is a legit question science is asking.
Its not a legit since nothing is something, so it is about as legit as asking why there are people instead of humans.

Anonymous No. 16387191

>Nah, it aint legit cause I said so...
not an argument.
give a citation or fuck off.

Anonymous No. 16387192

>since nothing is something
its non-existing, dumbass.

Anonymous No. 16387196

You look at an image like that and think you're going to get answers? Point to the galaxy in that image that you think holds the answers.

Anonymous No. 16387230

>I can't read, so I will just ignore parts of the post.
Not an argument

The citation is that you brought it up, you know what it means, you are clearly using it to mean something specific, so you know it refers to something in particular.
Nothing is so much something that it even has an exact value, a number and a set definition all to its own, 0 and {}.

Anonymous No. 16387235

>Nothing is so much something that it even has an exact value, a number and a set definition all to its own, 0 and {}.
Nothing is non-existing..

Anonymous No. 16387236

It it didn't exist you could have boundaries, you couldn't have individual things, you couldn't be an individual yourself or make individual posts, so you are literally just trying to argue yourself out of existence by claiming there isn't some nothing to separate you from yourself, so it must constantly be getting separated by everything else instead.

Anonymous No. 16387237

something can not come from nothing..
No such thing exists.

Stop talking shit.

Anonymous No. 16387238

>durr I can't read so I will just repeat the same lie
Nothing is so much something that it even has an exact value, a number and a set definition all to its own, 0 and {}.

Anonymous No. 16387241

Nothing is something. Things don't just come from themselves, they are themselves, you can't have nothing without it being something and without being in reference to something else since it is the smallest amount of thing possible. You can hold it in your hand and experience it with every physical sensation, you know for a fact you can see it right now with your own two ears.

Anonymous No. 16387242

nice horseshit.
big fuckn deal..
you've just stated we have the value zero, which means "does not exist"...
YOU have nothing, it doesn't exist.

Anonymous No. 16387244

zero means it does not exist..
If you hold out your hand with nothing in it..
That means you're holding nothing.

Anonymous No. 16387245

wtf is this trolling shit implying nothing gives birth to existing stuff?

total fucking autism.

Anonymous No. 16387249

Nice failure to come up with an argument.

>you've just stated we have the value zero
I accept your concession, nothing is something and it even has a specific numerical value which makes it more real than most other things.

>which means "does not exist".
No, indeterminate is the math jargon that means you can't know if it exists, but you can know nothing exists because you can hold it yourself and see it with your own two ears and it even has its own specific value.

Anonymous No. 16387251

the specific value it has states you have zero of it..
it does not exist.

Anonymous No. 16387253

>zero means it does not exist..
No it doesn't, zero exists, it is the smallest absolute number on the number line, there are axioms specifically necessary to define it in order for the rest of arithmetic to work, without x=x+0 or x*0=0, there is no stability and none of the other math will be sensible or consistent.

Anonymous No. 16387255

Zero definitely exists as the origin point just like nothing definitely exists as the origin of things.

Anonymous No. 16387256

meaning it does not exist...
if you had 0 of a given thing..
then.. you don't have it at all..
it doesn't exist.

Anonymous No. 16387257

>you start with zero...
and stay with zero.

Anonymous No. 16387258

>meaning it does not exist...
No meaning it is one of, if not the most important value in the arithmetic system, it definitely exists as a value, it does not mean nonexistent at all.

Anonymous No. 16387259

we have the number 0...
therefore 0 of a given thing means we have that thing...

Total fucking autism.

Anonymous No. 16387261

Sure, rulers are all just 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , 0, 0 instead of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Anonymous No. 16387262

>No meaning it is one of
NO, one of.. is 1..
Nothing is none of... 0.

Anonymous No. 16387264

if the measurement is zero..
then you don't have 1 of it, nor 2 of it..
you dont have it at all.

Anonymous No. 16387265

No, 0 is the first number in numerical order, 1 comes in second, if you want to talk about the first element of an array, you about element 0.

Anonymous No. 16387267

You still have a measurement because you can measure nothing, every meter and every ruler begins at zero for a reason because it is the only logical beginning.

Anonymous No. 16387271

you need to take your meds..
just because we have maths that can represent nothing as a value of zero.. Does not mean your dickhead larp stating something comes from nothing is valid.
OMG!! humans are really so smart we can count nothing as zero!!
You're conflating that with "therefore" nothing isn't a non-existing quantity of something..

zero = it does not exist..
there is none of it.

stop peddling you're worthless carry on wankfest.

Anonymous No. 16387292

>durr just we can logically prove it and physically measure it doesn't mean it exists

>non-existing quantity of something..
Its not non-existent, it is incredibly obviously when I have nothing in my hand or there is nothing in my apple basket, nothing definitely physically exists in those places.

>zero = it does not exist..
No zero means anything else has the potential to exist there, if not it wouldn't be zero, it would be indeterminate.

>stop peddling you're worthless carry on wankfest.
Stop coming to a math forum and pretending like you are this retarded with numbers.

Anonymous No. 16387339

>Its not non-existent, it is incredibly obviously when I have nothing in my hand or there is nothing in my apple basket, nothing definitely physically exists in those places.
Yeh, No shit sherlock.
>No zero means anything else has the potential to exist there, if not it wouldn't be zero, it would be indeterminate.
No, you've just already stated nothing definitely physically exists..
You have the "potential" to have a brain, but you don't..
You're brain regardless of potential, is still currently non-existing.
>Stop coming to a math forum and pretending like you are this retarded with numbers.
Go peddle your universe came from nothing autism on >>/x/

Anonymous No. 16387343

a group of human creator beings started it and made us in their image

Anonymous No. 16387349

>No, you've just already stated nothing definitely physically exists..
It does, it is what physically allows for potential otherwise other things would be there and the area would be completely over filled with energy.

Go cry about how you don't want to understand basic math and science and don't even know what an origin point is somewhere else.

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Anonymous No. 16387371


Anonymous No. 16387454

>It does, it is what physically allows for potential otherwise other things would be there and the area would be completely over filled with energy.
OMG!! you mean an empty space can be filled in with something?
OMG!! stop the presses..
>Go cry about how you don't want to understand basic math and science and don't even know what an origin point is somewhere else.
no something every sprang from nothing..
Go stick your long free lunch universe gayfest up your ass and dilate.

Anonymous No. 16387461

Everything sprang from a function of nothing, it is mathematically proven, 0!=100%.

You were given yourself for free, how much did you have to pay to have an ass?

Anonymous No. 16387469

>Everything sprang from a function of nothing, it is mathematically proven, 0!=100%.
no, thats pre-existing laws functioning over pre-existing quantum space with pre-existing properties..
>You were given yourself for free, how much did you have to pay to have an ass?
ass? well you came with the thread.

Anonymous No. 16387477

No, none of that has anything to do with anything as complex as quantum laws, it is only applying very basic arithmetic logic and combinatorics to observed values.

Anonymous No. 16387486

>quantum laws
pre-existing laws..
>arithmetic logic and combinatorics to observed values
pre-existing laws operating in pre-existing quantum space.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16387487

>well, we started off with nothing..
you mean nothing existing?
>yes, except quantum-space with properties and laws acting on it...
wow!! no clue what what nothing existing means.

Anonymous No. 16387489

How did the universe begin...
>well, we started off with nothing..
you mean nothing existing?
>yes, except quantum-space with properties and laws acting on it...
wow!! no clue what what nothing existing means.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16387494

>it is only applying very basic arithmetic logic and combinatorics to observed values.
yeh, thats called "order" as opposed to "chaos" where nothing follows given set rules and is repeatable.

Anonymous No. 16387495

Nope, none of that has to do with quantum space, what exactly do you think existed before nothing in that scenario?

Anonymous No. 16387496

>it is only applying very basic arithmetic logic and combinatorics to observed values.
yeh, thats called "order" as opposed to "chaos" where nothing follows given set of rules and is therefore not repeatable... .

Anonymous No. 16387498

>Nope, none of that has to do with quantum space, what exactly do you think existed before nothing in that scenario?
yet, here you are insisting something did happen somewhere..
Please explain what and where..

Anonymous No. 16387500

Ok but this universe is ordered, this numbered thread is proof, and nothing seems to repeatably observably follow the rules of logic defined by the arithmetic logic of 0.

Anonymous No. 16387503

No, I said nothing is the source and since nothing is both positive and negative that can happen in one of two ways, the positive case where there is an actual tangible nothingness and the negative case where there is no clear beginning and it seems to lead to an infinite past.

Anonymous No. 16387505

so everything you promote is "order"...
yeh, thats not nothing..
its "order" occurring in a location.
takes you right back to >>16387486.
also takes you right back to >>16387486.

Anonymous No. 16387509

>yeh, thats not nothing..
Correct, nothing is not the whole order, it is just the starting point.

>its "order" occurring in a location.
Now is here, yes,

>takes you right back to
No, that just means that now, the 100%, has pre-existing laws, not necessarily the universal origin point that those laws emerged from when nothing originally became functional.

Anonymous No. 16387515

not into magical fantasy tales, bruh.
You start with "chaos", not order..
There are no laws operating in "chaos".
Your special laws are not special, you are not anything interesting nor new.

Anonymous No. 16387518

Order is just processed chaos.

Anonymous No. 16387523

no, chaos is chaos..
nothing repeatable..
leads nowhere.

Anonymous No. 16387529

>no, chaos is chaos..
I never said it was.

>nothing repeatable..
You literally just had to repeat yourself to make the claim that chaos is chaos, so you can't even define chaos without repeating it and once you have defined it, you have created order anyway.

>leads nowhere.
You are literally trying to use it right now to lead the thread to the nonsensical predetermined conclusion you have concocted.

Anonymous No. 16387530

*never said it wasn't

Anonymous No. 16387534

>You literally just had to repeat yourself to make the claim that chaos is chaos, so you can't even define chaos without repeating it and once you have defined it, you have created order anyway.
no, either of us saying a thing has no effect..
thats not even an argument; its just fuckn idiocy.

Not interested in you liberally giving yourself pre-existing rules (order) operating anywhere (that must also pre-exist).

please go preach elsewhere.

Anonymous No. 16387542

>no, either of us saying a thing has no effect..
You are half right.

Not interested in you repeatedly claiming something pre-existed when you don't understand the concept of retroactive and you can't actually point out anything I am saying existed before nothing, other than muh quantum which has absolutely nothing to do with the logic I presented in the first place.

Anonymous No. 16387546

>ok.. well "this" happened..
>nah, fuck all to do with pre-existing laws carried out in a pre-existing location.
please fuck off.

Anonymous No. 16387552

What pre-existing laws and locations are you talking about? You still refuse to actually point them out or say how factorial was derived from pre-existing quantum laws instead of observation that occurred after the fact.

Anonymous No. 16387555

>shit happened...
>no laws were involved in order for that shit happening..
>it all happened without any laws causing it. and it happened no where.
again, please fuck off.

Anonymous No. 16387559

I like him. But he's describing a model which may or may NOT be correct. Don't market it as one definitive way

Anonymous No. 16387560

The laws came because the random shit that happened allowed for observation in retrospect.

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Anonymous No. 16387562

What if instead of 'god', the big bang kept happening till it became something that could exist? Even if statistically the universe is near impossible, if attempted endlessly eventually it would come into existence. As for the physics, we still do not fully understand everything out there.

Anonymous No. 16387563

not what chaos is, retardo.

Anonymous No. 16387565

I don't care what you think, you brought it up and are the nonsensical one trying to say there can't be pre-existing laws because the laws of chaos already exist.

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the spazz train.....jpg

Anonymous No. 16387566


Anonymous No. 16387571

NOTHING pre-existed, dumbass.

Anonymous No. 16387573

Except of course chaos which is why nothing can pre-exist.

Anonymous No. 16387577

I thought you said the whole reason nothing could not be the origin was because it requires something else to pre-exist? Obviously nothing existed, but what else are you saying pre-existed?

Anonymous No. 16387579

NOTHING existing is chaos.
still not fuckn getting it.
We've not discussed any of my beliefs..
Are we now finished with your shitshow and switching to something else?

Anonymous No. 16387583

Long has man pondered creation. Before the golden age of cosmology, creation myths often gave some peace of mind to the curios. However in a day and age when the natural sciences seem to have answer for everything fundamental questions about creation still lie in the domain of religion and philosophy.

Oh sure there was a big bang and we have some strong conceptions of how stars and planets are formed and how simple particles become more complex particles, however when you're talking about billions of years ago, science becomes more of a guessing game than an authoritative source of facts and information and models.

And even if that were not the case, and you fully subscribe to the Big Bang school of thought. What then came before the big bang? Unfortunately our observations of the universe sometimes lead us with more questions than answers.

Anonymous No. 16387586

>NOTHING existing is chaos.
If absolutely nothing existed, it would be the most perfect order you could possibly get, perfect balance is when nothing is moving you at all.

>We've not discussed any of my beliefs..
So you don't actually believe anything you have said and you don't belief the post you made >>16387571 that I replied to?

Anonymous No. 16387839

Nothing doesn't exist, it's just an abstract category religious people doing apologetics for Yahweh and Allah come up with, it doesn't exist in physics

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16387860

There is no Nothing within in this universe, so it doesn't exist in Physics cause thats all Physics is concerned with, whats going on in this universe.

Anonymous No. 16387869

Who said this "nothing" is supposed to exist somewhere within this universe? There is no "nothing" existing within this universe, there is something everywhere within it.. so this "nothing" doesn't exist in Physics cause thats all Physics is concerned with, whats going on in this universe.

Anonymous No. 16387879

Nothing means not existing..
No pre-existing cause to allow a free-lunch universe existing without need to explain where it came from..

Anonymous No. 16387882

You literally have denied God and will burn in hell if you don't correct this.

Anonymous No. 16387896

Please fuck off with your magical pre-existing laws governing magical random quantum-fluctuations occurring in magical pre-existing quantum-space fuelling rapid inflation free lunch universe.

Anonymous No. 16387914

The universe doesn't need to answer to people, the universe is God

Anonymous No. 16387919

>No, I said nothing is the source and since nothing is both positive and negative that BLAH BLAH BLAH...
nothing is non-existence..
quoting any laws of Physics is a waste of time, cause there is no physical space existing where your laws of Physics exist.
Non-Existence means both your free lunch laws and the space/universe where they work Do NOT Exist.

Anonymous No. 16387923

If there is *NOTHING*, then Nothing exists. Thus, the universe had to poop out a *SOMETHING* for that Nothing to be defined as a *NOTHING*.

It (the universe and your perception of the universe) is 100% contextual

Anonymous No. 16387926


Anonymous No. 16387931

NOTHING would be a thing external to the universe..
If the universe is "everything"...
then obviously "nothing" is not in the universe.. its everything outside it, which is nothing and is nowhere.

Anonymous No. 16387942

Literally incorrect. The universe contains everything, including Nothings.

For those Nothings to have value, a Something must exist.

For those Somethings to have value, Nothings need to exist.

A nothing is a something. A something can be a nothing.

Anonymous No. 16387954

Your definition of "nothing" is zero quantity of an item..

That's wrong..
Nothing means NON-Existent..
The universe is not NON-Existent..

You make up bullshit new definitions and peddle magic snakeoil horseshit...

Anonymous No. 16387960

If you are in the universe then you exist in existence..

"Nothing" isn't any of that.
Your "nothing" is a bunch magical free-lunch shit you peddle to sell your self-existing free lunch random fluctuation universe creation story.. that is how things work in an already existing existence..

Anonymous No. 16387965

Im telling you how the universe went from nothing, to something (the universe).

Our understanding of physics is only relative to the observer, humans.

If we assume the space that the universe occupies was once actually "Nothing", the universe is was provides context to that Once Nothing.

The universe is in a constant state of creation. Imagine you have a full white page, you would see this is blank. You can see it as blank, because you are an external observer.

If you were inside the page, you wouldnt even exist, because youd have nothing to observe.

Now take that "blank" page, and start adding "context" to the "nothing" of the whiteness, by adding black dots. This is creation. Keep adding black dots until the entire page is full of black.

Is this an entire universe full of Something? What happened to the nothings? What we first observed as partial Somethings has now evolved into an entire universe full of Something, no more Nothings left.

So now, the observer has no context for these Somethings, the universe is wiped clean. You now have a full Black page, with Nothing on it. This is the Big Bang.

Anonymous No. 16387990

That magic blank page you freely give yourself and say "see it all magically springs forth using its own rules"....
THAT has to be created from NOT originally existing..

you saying its own self always existed and it growing is just its own magically self-existing self doing its own thing... is free lunch nonsense..

ALL those free lunch rules only exist and work ONLY within that magical blank page...

You can not start off with NOTHING which means nothing exists THEN claim that rules only relevant to a not yet existing magic blank page has something to do with it.. BECAUSE THE MAGIC PAGE AND EVERY THING THAT HAPPENS IN IT DOES NOT EXIST YET...

Spontaneous self-existence is a Religious voodoo autism..

Anonymous No. 16387996

>There has always existed magical free lunch laws functioning in a magically fertile pre-existing place..
>We just had to wait a little while it wound itself up...
You really have no idea what NOT EXISTING means..

Anonymous No. 16388011

Paki-anon, Id continue, but you arent even using Free Lunch correctly.

Both nothing and something can exist at once depending on the observer and what is observed.

Consciousness is dependent entirely on the context of your perception. We only exist because perceive.

We are the observers of the universe anon, therefore we can perceive both the somethings and nothings (to a degree).

Its genuinely possible you have such a low IQ that you lack consciousness, and therefore accurate perception. Seems that way at least.

Look into the quantum observer effect, it explains this idea better than I can here.

Anonymous No. 16388026

I'm not interested in listening to your vacuum energy random fluctuation "borrowing" bullshit..

That is Physics Laws that exist and only work within a volume of space that must already fucking exist in order for it to happen...

Your magical space where "borrowing" something from nothing is allowed to happen... does NOT get to magically self-exist without explaining where it came from.

Anonymous No. 16388033

There no borrowing. 1:1 exchange of energy.

Shut the fuck up and learn to read. Our understanding of the universe is dependent on our observation of it. Physics already recognizes this. You are not smarter than an entire field of science.

Anonymous No. 16388038

There is no exchange of energy.. There isn't any energy.. there isn't fucking anything.
You're rambling a bunch of shit happening inside an existing space completely ignoring where that space came from..
>muh magical space just exists. just cause.. anything more n my brain shuts down..

Fuck off, religious faggot.

Anonymous No. 16388045

>Shut the fuck up and learn to read. Our understanding of the universe is dependent on our observation of it. Physics already recognizes this. You are not smarter than an entire field of science.
We are all aware of rapid expansion leading to blah blah blah blah..

You're missing/skipping the point and going on with what comes next..

No one gives a shit about what comes next..
We're discussing what caused it in the first place..
Stop carrying on shit about time > 0.0
Were only interested in what caused time > 0.0 to exist.

Anonymous No. 16388050

If there is *NOTHING*, then Nothing exists. Thus, the universe had to poop out a *SOMETHING* for that Nothing to be defined as a *NOTHING*.

It (the universe and your perception of the universe) is 100% contextual

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Anonymous No. 16388119

In the Beginning, it was only VOID without form...
it was OBLIVION..

Then.. the Prime-Mover Let order/laws take form..
Once order/laws took root; SERIOUS SHIT HAPPENED.

Anonymous No. 16388167

Ok then you agree with me that it's an abstract category that serves literally no purpose other than making religious people go ''Allah/Yahweh created the Universe from Nothing!1!1!''

I personally cannot even conceptualize absolute nothing, it seems completely unnatural, the Universe already looks like the closest thing to Nothing you can get (a vacuum where the interesting bits are separated by unimaginable distances of utter emptiness)

Anonymous No. 16388218

>In the Beginning, it was only VOID without form...
>Before order/laws took root;
>it was OBLIVION..
Finally an accurate explanation;
Before Physics existed.

Much Better definition of Nothing than all "the +0 -0 nothing is something" spasticity being vomited by all these fucked in the head spastics.

Anonymous No. 16388220

You're a retard who gets offended when someone uses a word that's longer than 3 syllables.
And it's only further proven by your Reddit spacing.
Please stop posting here.
Look up primum movens.

Anonymous No. 16388222

>inexistence is a thing
prove it

Anonymous No. 16388224

No, you're posting a bunch of rambling gay shit.

Anonymous No. 16388234

You have nothing to say but
>hurrr crank buzzword rambling schizo durrrr gay
You're an obtuse redditor who can't rotate apples in his mind.
At least *attempt* to add something to the conversation. Alternatively, fuck off.

Anonymous No. 16388240

Imagine a static fractal cock embedded onto your skull that describes all of existence/reality and nonexistence/unreality faggottry you post on 4chan.

you post rambling gay shit.

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hyperdimensional ....webm

Anonymous No. 16388250

>Imagine a static fractal that describes all of existence/reality and nonexistence/unreality across all of infinity, every energy state, all of time and space, in some hyperdimensional fashion.
>Nonexistence cannot exist, therefore it doesn't, you are left with existence.
>Following so far?
>Why are we? Because this part of existence is habitable. Why aren't we somewhere else? Because >we< are the result of our environment.
>How did it all start? It never started. It just is, all of it.
>Entropy is simply tricking you into thinking that something must have started it. No.
>It will happen and it has happened are the same statements.
>The ultimate truth is that the universe is infinite.

Anonymous No. 16388257

You have nothing to say but
>hurrr crank buzzword rambling schizo durrrr gay
Redditors are a plague.

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Anonymous No. 16388262


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the tranny indust....gif

Anonymous No. 16388266

project more you fat squabbling redditor
seize contaminating this thread with your vile stink when you have nothing to add
g o
a w a y

Anonymous No. 16388270

You posted absolute fucking shit..
Now fuck off and take your static fractal dick shit with you.

Anonymous No. 16388275

Kill yourself you fucking retard

Anonymous No. 16388286

>How did this all begin?
it didnt because universe is all there is so if it came from something it would have had to come from something other than the universe

Anonymous No. 16388291

Laws of physics are limiters that limit interactions to a certain few and defined actions. Before them, no limiters were in place and stuff just chaotically popped in and out.

This chaotic soup went on until the limiters were the objects appeared and from that point you have the timeline of the natural universe we observe.

Anonymous No. 16388292

Semantics wank that just stifles discussion

Anonymous No. 16388297

Inflation theory has the best current evidence and solves the fine tuning problem. It also explains the origin of energy positing that there is an energy creation mechanism of sorts (how else do you go from 0 energy to the total energy content of the universe?)

Anonymous No. 16388305

I dont think so, universe is all there is which means it cannot come because the place from which it would come from would not be part of all there is

Anonymous No. 16388320

Right so you then believe in an eternal past of the universe.

You canโ€™t have an eternal past because that means you ticked past an eternity to get to this point. Nonsense.

Anonymous No. 16388372

No but time is just a concept that doesn't mean anything for the universe, like locations of some planets at different times is meaningless when the all there is is just experiencing some type of equilibrium like everything adding up to 0

Anonymous No. 16388379

Time is just a ratio between some events. And the universe is non-static with constant events. So an eternal universe would have an infinite number of events going into the past?

How did we get past them if they are infinite?

Anonymous No. 16388392

The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named is not the eternal name
The nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth
The named is the mother of myriad things
Thus, constantly without desire, one observes its essence
Constantly with desire, one observes its manifestations
These two emerge together but differ in name
The unity is said to be the mystery
Mystery of mysteries, the door to all wonders

Anonymous No. 16388402

>And the universe is non-static with constant events. So an eternal universe would have an infinite number of events going into the past?
Yes and going back eternally would also get you back to this moment after it has gone through all the other moments in one eternity and all the particles are in the same place once again, so it loops

Anonymous No. 16388419

A time particle transmits events between timelines.

Anonymous No. 16388886

The ones you can't even identify because nobody has mentioned them except you?

Anonymous No. 16388890

>nothing is non-existence..
No, nothing is the existence of an absence, if there wasn't nothing, you couldn't be because there would be something else separating you from yourself instead of nothing being the balancing value that ensures there is no difference between you and yourself.

Anonymous No. 16388895

No, non-existence means non-existence, you can't find a single dictionary that defines nothing the way you do, while mathematics axioms specifically defines it as zero quantity, so even if you did, your nonmath definition would belong in >>>/lit/.

Anonymous No. 16388896

>"Nothing" isn't any of that.
Wrong, nothing is the smallest amount of universe possible.

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Quantum Cock.png

Anonymous No. 16388898

In the Beginning, it was only VOID without form...
it was OBLIVION..

Then.. the Prime-Mover Let order/laws take form..
Once order/laws took root; SERIOUS SHIT HAPPENED.

>In the Beginning, it was only VOID without form...
>Before order/laws took root;
>it was OBLIVION..
Finally an accurate explanation;
Before Physics existed.

Much Better definition of Nothing than all "the +0 -0 nothing is something" spasticity being vomited by all you fucked in the head spastics.

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Anonymous No. 16388910

>No, nothing is the existence of an absence, if there wasn't nothing, you couldn't be because there would be something else separating you
In what fuckn pre-existing space was there room for shit exist in?
No.. EMPTY SPACE DID NOT EXIST to be empty (nothing) to therefore OCCUPY IT WITH SOMETHING.

Your +0 -0 didn't have space to exist NOR laws to freely fill it with something.

Anonymous No. 16388919

>Nothing has to be created.
No, nothing is the default, something else has to be created from it.

Anonymous No. 16388924

see >>16388898 >>16388910

Anonymous No. 16388926

Nothing IS the prime-mover in that case since it was the first thing to exist and all else came from it.

Anonymous No. 16388931

>Durr nothing isn't something, a void is something instead because I don't understand how synonyms work.

Anonymous No. 16388932

I have no problems with that.
Fits in with Cosmic-Egg theory.

Anonymous No. 16388933

Time didn't exist so fuck all happened.
>I need my magic space to pre-exist else I got squat.

Anonymous No. 16388937

The replies to your post prove it just like /sci/ post No. FCDTRBVN and all of its replies prove it.

Anonymous No. 16388940

The preverse ie singularity.

Anonymous No. 16388942

No it just means time speeds up as it goes on, so going backwards infinitely requires time to slow down infinitely too.

Anonymous No. 16388946

>In what fuckn pre-existing space was there room for shit exist in?
You are the one saying that there had to be room for a bunch of other stuff instead of there just being nothing, dumbass.

Anonymous No. 16388947

>You are the one saying that there had to be room for a bunch of other stuff instead of there just being nothing, dumbass.
No, thats what you say.
There was NO room (nor Time) at all.

Anonymous No. 16388948

The first one agrees with me, you just don't know void means nothing, The second one tries to add space to the equation instead of acknowledging the claim that nothing exists and it was the only logical thing that could have existed at some absolute beginning origin point.

Anonymous No. 16388949

There was NO room (nor Time) at all.

Anonymous No. 16388951

No, everyone else is saying nothing, you are the only one who keeps bringing up magical space and thinks that 0!=100% is part of some quantum law instead of basic logic.

Anonymous No. 16388957

Thanks for the concession and finally confirming that there was nothing and you are the only one talking about magical space existing at the absolute origin point of the universe instead of it being nothing, the original thing from which everything else sprang because it is the smallest possible state of anything and everything.

Anonymous No. 16388959

>muh!! magical pre-existing law had magical pre-existing room to make shit happen.
No, you have none of that.
No rules No space No Time.

Anonymous No. 16388961

Nope, no time existed; so fuck all happened.

Anonymous No. 16388977

I know nobody is saying any of that but you, other people are saying nothing.

Anonymous No. 16388981

>All us scientists need pre-existing shit, else we got fuck all.
>Please, let us be the ones to define nothing as fertile pre-existing stuff we can do shit with!!

Anonymous No. 16388984

Correct time is the result of a schism between -0 and +0, it didn't take a certain amount of time to do it, but over time the difference propagates across all possible dimensions because everything and every single thing has at least zero properties whether in reference to itself or to something else that already existed.

Anonymous No. 16388985

You are the one doing that though, everyone else is saying nothing is the origin and you are coping by saying nothing is actually one of the other things that came from it instead of actually nothing.

Anonymous No. 16388993

>but over time the difference propagates across
No.. Time didn't exist.
None of that shit happened.
You define nothing as empty space endowed with time capable of shit happening in it..
NO, time didn't exist.
None of that shit happened.

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heed .gif

Anonymous No. 16388997

>time is the result of a schism between -0 and +0
Pure horseshit

Anonymous No. 16389002

You define nothing as empty space endowed with time capable of shit happening in it..
NO, time didn't exist.
None of that shit happened.

Anonymous No. 16389011

>No.. Time didn't exist.
It does now and it did once + and - started to stray.

>You define nothing as empty space
No, you do which is why you are so confused, I define nothing as the absolute smallest possible amount of anything and everything.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16389017

>once + and - started to stray.
no time existed to do any straying...
>No, you do which is why you are so confused, I define nothing as the absolute smallest possible amount of anything and everything.
yes, a measurement of magical pre-existing space..
Sorry, no such place existed.

Anonymous No. 16389027

>once + and - started to stray.
no time existed to do any straying...
>No, you do which is why you are so confused, I define nothing as the absolute smallest possible amount of anything and everything.
yes, a measurement of magical pre-existing space..
Sorry, no such place existed to be measured.

Anonymous No. 16391692
