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Study shows women....png

🧵 how did humans become intelligent when intelligence is not sexually attractive?

Anonymous No. 16380075

Anonymous No. 16380103

It was before permachemo type of living humans. It was not always this easy for stupid people to reproduce.

Anonymous No. 16380105

Is this bait? Sexual selection is only a small part of the natural selection whole, and intelligence obviously offers survival benefits.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16380130

But nowadays, with all muscle niggers out there... Are you sure? They'll bang woman and leave. That's survival of niggest, Not strongest or more intelligent...

Anonymous No. 16380133

>Environments and selection pressures change

Anonymous No. 16380169

Not quite... They're the same. Just woman don't see it. That's it.

Anonymous No. 16380181

We live in a bubble wrapped culture where being a moron is not deadly anywhere nearly as much as it would have been in most of the past. Some still manage to Darwin themselves but when that happens, it often results in some societal standard being change to protect others from Darwining in a similar manner.

Anonymous No. 16380191

humans are not intelligent

Anonymous No. 16380198

>The environment didn’t change
… You are dumb

Anonymous No. 16380237

You're right, it's no longer about proliferation. But despite that, it's all the same.

Anonymous No. 16381129

Survival pressure.
Without Intelligence, humans don't have a lot going on that will allow them to thrive in the wild.
With intelligence however, they get tool use, stronger pattern recognition, sophisticated problem-solving, advanced environment modification, advanced eusociality, the capacity for further technological innovation, and probably several other useful things I've overlooked.

Anonymous No. 16381147

>intelligence is not sexually attractive
You ever hear of "comedy"? Dumb fuck.

Anonymous No. 16381150

Because intelligence and strength are not mutually exclusive, as consumer culture would have you believe.
For fucks sake, Plato was a professional wrestler.

Anonymous No. 16381157

people who are legitimately intelligent are smart enough to figure out how to get what they want and that includes being able to raise children.

people who are total losers who decide to pose as intellectuals as a means of coping with the fact that they're physically repulsive and too lazy and stuck up to do anything to correct their appearance are not genuinely smart. they're not unique either, its a common lazy copout.
>its ok that I'm a disgusting wimp with poor hygienic habits as long as I pretend to be a soience nerd

Anonymous No. 16381166

what about it?

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Anonymous No. 16381185

>ignores intelligence by proxy of social/ communication skills
>ignores intelligence by proxy of hunting/ meal prep/cooking skills
>ignores intelligence by proxy of navigation/ risk assessment

There's more to intelligence than being a +140IQ turbo math autists that gets perfect marks on self serving paper exams. Ask yourself why the average intelligence falls between 70-100 IQ and not higher. Here's a hint, it's because the average animal can be taken out by a basic bitch wooden spear and the average woman can be swayed by a pleasing form that looms over her and ego stroking compliments.

Only men are foolish enough to think you need a high powered assualt rifle with a laser scope to hunt bambi and his woodland friends or 12yrs of grade school + 8yrs of higher instutitional learning with a doctors in medicine/engineering making $300k a year + a $400k house in a over priced property taxed neighborhood + 300hp sports car in order to catch some 24 year old girl caked in five layers of makeup because she's too low of self-esteem to leave her home without it due to her friends making fun of her random acne outbreak is necessary.

Survival was never about being strong or intelligent. It's about being the "fittest" and being fit is simply using any means of staying alive for another day which can easily be done by sheer luck.

Anonymous No. 16381208

don’t blame your failures with women on intellect, nobody wants to hear you nerd out on some stupid topic in your gollum voice

Anonymous No. 16381219

but are highly emotional. You lose something, you gain something and in the end it all works out.

Anonymous No. 16381227

It's the way humanity selects for intelligence for breeding

Anonymous No. 16381333

Intelligent survived. Sexy survived. Evolution isn't a single path, its multiple path all at once. Given the size of humanity.

Anonymous No. 16381336

>ignores intelligence by proxy of cooking skills
mfw to smart to heat hotpockets

Anonymous No. 16381339


Anonymous No. 16381461

well see previously to the modern day rape was extremely prevalent. Take that as you will.

Anonymous No. 16381524

Criminals are fittest in jail so women choose them

Anonymous No. 16381530

intelligence only wins on a short term societal scale, but it comes in waves as it self destructs on itself as we see happening now

Anonymous No. 16381545

For most of human existence, what women desired wasn't important.
Smart men could provide better security, manipulate and outwit dumb men, and force themselves on whichever women they wanted.
Rape and coercive marital relations were the norm for the majority of human existence.
>grug killed my family and mounts me every night, but he feeds me and keeps the sabre tooth cats away, so it's not all bad

Anonymous No. 16381561

raw intelligence isn't sexy but correctly harnessed intelligence is

Anonymous No. 16381596

Women are attracted to status and power.
Whether intelligence is selected depends on how much it contributes to those.

Anonymous No. 16381600

intelligence is attractive only when its a vector for surviving or getting ahead. Being smart enough to get ahead of your competitors and to be able to provide more for your family is what women desire. Being an autistic shut in with a high iq means nothing. What use does a high iq have to a woman if you have no money(aka no power), no social skills and you get bullied by any other man? It's not intelligence that matters, it's intelligence AND the drive and cunning to use it to succeed in life that women are attracted to
On top of that, there is a lot of Dunning–Kruger syndrome going on with a lot of the people who think of themselves as smart. Ask anyone and they all believe they are smarter that most people

Anonymous No. 16381601

This is because intelligence is no longer as needed to survive in our society, and social selection factors are taking precedence over natural ones.
If the status quo became much more challenging to survive through, intelligence would become more of an essential trait to navigate it, and women would select for it again.

Anonymous No. 16381606

I was about to contribute but you've said it better.

Anonymous No. 16381609


Anonymous No. 16381860

Women don't give a shit about those things unless you're tall and handsome though, otherwise they just feign interest while absorbing the pool boy's sperm

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Anonymous No. 16381885

Lots and lots of historical revisionism, that's how.
Even since prehistory, most men didn't reproduce. Because they fucking DIED, not because of sexual selection. Women were forced to pair up with whoever could protect and provide for them. Now today the government provides for them, the government is their husband.

Anonymous No. 16382264

Women want access to resources. An intelligent man is more likely to be able to provide resources, simple as.
And the picture in OP is right. Men will stick their dick in 75 IQ women if they know they won’t have to invest in the possible offspring. For marriage, men do take intelligence into account since they want smart offspring that will be able to accrue resources using said intelligence.

Anonymous No. 16382271

the intelligent human survives statistically speaking more often

Anonymous No. 16382275

Intelligence in general helps for long term success. It helps for short term too, but only in more specific areas.

It takes some thinking to be funny, esp on the fly, for example

Anonymous No. 16382448

I've read that sexy people are funnier but not the other way around

Anonymous No. 16382449

>Women are attracted to status and power
"This study reexamines attractiveness (measured by facial attractiveness) and economic status (as indicated by educational attainment) in marriage choices. (...) After controlling for people's tendency to marry others with attributes similar to their own (...) more attractive women are no more likely than less attractive women to have highly educated husbands. We suggest that the differences between our results and those of earlier research can be traced in part to the lack of attention paid to men's attractiveness in marriage choices."
"I use data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health Romantic Pair Sample, a large (N = 1,507), nationally representative probability sample of dating, cohabiting, and married couples, to investigate how often romantic partners exchange physical attractiveness and socioeconomic status, net of matching on these traits. I find that controlling for matching eliminates nearly all evidence of beauty-status exchange"
"we collect and analyze the data from the five waves of the China Family Panel Studies (2010–2018) on beauty–status exchanges and other forms of marriage exchanges in China. We found little evidence of beauty–status exchanges in Chinese marriages and even the well-assumed exchange of “woman's beauty for man's talent” lacks sound empirical support. "

Anonymous No. 16382462


Anonymous No. 16382463

The classic mistake is to bundle many aspects of human cognition, all overclocked to hell in our species, as "intelligence." Its one thing to be very intelligent, another to be the same but with low self-awareness, or not being a "high self-monitor." Our gift is useful in one instance and detrimental in the other. Trouble is, there is no saying on which mode one is destined to operate.

When people use to cop-out of "I'm just too smart to reproduce," what they're really saying is that they are subsumed in self-awareness and unable to access the flow states necessary to satiate instinctual desires. This is a disastrous avenue for a human.

>Whatever happened? A breach in the very unity of life, a biological paradox, an abomination, an absurdity, an exaggeration of disastrous nature. Life had overshot its target, blowing itself apart. A species had been armed too heavily – by spirit made almighty without, but equally a menace to its own well-being. Its weapon was like a sword without hilt or plate, a two-edged blade cleaving everything; but he who is to wield it must grasp the blade and turn the one edge toward himself.

Anonymous No. 16382468

Being funny makes it easier to get laid, this is evident throughout most every society, just look around you

Anonymous No. 16382473

Humor signals a sort of resilience; A better avenue channeled than to pour the despair encountered into morose depression. Resilience means strength, and the genes likey strength.

Anonymous No. 16382488

>anecdotal evidence
never change /sci/

Anonymous No. 16382505

Midwits can't into evolutionary strategem

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Anonymous No. 16382809

Women did not select their mates throughout most of human history. What women found attractive was irrelevant. Female sexual attraction was a vestigial feature, a spandrel, much like male nipples in mammals.

This is still mostly true today at large; human populations where females have a say in mate selection are in decline

Anonymous No. 16382820

people mostly select people who are like them who are sexually attractive, hardly anyone wants to be with someone vastly smarter or dumber than themselves.

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Anonymous No. 16382833

oh finally! some bait!

raphael No. 16383151


Anonymous No. 16385233

There was a similar post here where an anon responded "women like intelligence (how to get ahead in life), not incelligence (knowing all WW2 battles by heart)