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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16380094

What's sci opinion on cymatics?

Anonymous No. 16380107

That's barely interesting except for maybe Teslafags who think waves hold secret to universe or some dumb shit. For others it's just highschool physics, can be simulated with wave equation and boundary conditions. The solution will be BesselJ(x, n)

Anonymous No. 16380109

but why it forms geometrical patterns at the sacred frequencies of ancient temples?

Anonymous No. 16380118

>Schizospam #7374858271
Fuck off to /x/

Anonymous No. 16380121

it's cool if you're into hippy stuff like tie-dying tshirts and kaleidoscopes. smoke some weed and look at the neato patterns.

that's about it.

Anonymous No. 16380122

>science can't study the paranormal

Anonymous No. 16380126

Then it wouldn’t be ”paranormal” then would it? It’d just be normal physics. Fuck off, retard. /x/ is the paranormal board.

Anonymous No. 16380128

most of our current knowledge was considered philosophy and occult knowledge.

read a fucking history book.

Anonymous No. 16380131

Go to /x/ to discuss the paranormal and sacred temples or whatever you fucking subhuman animal.

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Anonymous No. 16380141

science has already proven such geometry has a meaning.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16380204

Go to /x/ to discuss your sacred temples and magic numbers you subhuman nigger animal, nobody wants you around here.

Anonymous No. 16380330

Your the nigger here for not accepting what you see with your own eyes! patterns are everywhere

Anonymous No. 16380334

Define frequency and how a temple can have one.

Anonymous No. 16380339

dimensions of the temple showcases a geomtric pattern with sacred numbers.

the geometry it draws seems to have a similar effects to cymatics experiments.

Anonymous No. 16380342

You didn't define frequency, you changed the subject, I'll talk about this later.
Define frequency and how a temple can have one

Anonymous No. 16380349

whatever the thing the cymatics experiments show to influence the powder.

Anonymous No. 16380350

So you have no idea, is what you're saying?
It's OK to say I don't know, but I'd like to hear you admit it. Then we can talk about dimensionality of the temples or whatever

Anonymous No. 16380353

Sure, I don't know.

I'm just asking why it showcases coherent geometry at the numbers that are considered sacred by the ancients?

Anonymous No. 16380358

OK, let's talk about that then.
What do you mean by "coherent geometry at the numbers..."? What number does the pic in op have for example and how did you measure that number

Anonymous No. 16380363

the patterns are coherent and not random noise.

look at this video.

The powder displays coherent structures at certain numbers.

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Anonymous No. 16380366


Anonymous No. 16380368

That's not what I'm asking
I'm asking what numbers? For example look at the image in op. What "number" is it? Can you tell by sight?

Anonymous No. 16380369

Fuck off you ignorant piece of shit, and don't come back.

Anonymous No. 16380371

there's a number displaying the Hz at the corner of the video.

Anonymous No. 16380373

Don't mind them, you should be interested in chackras, bioenergy fields... I don't know where to point you, but it's fucking obvious, that we're water, and water remember shapes.

Anonymous No. 16380378

OK, and why do you think this number, the frequency of the vibration, would cause a pattern?

Anonymous No. 16380380

Fuck off you imbecile moron, we don't need trash like you.

Anonymous No. 16380382

because other number sequences like fibonacci also causes patterns.

Anonymous No. 16380389

So if one sequence causes a pattern, a single number like 5238 will as well? That doesn't make sense really.
Is there a particular reason you could think of why a wave, a vibration, would cause a pattern?

Think about, for example, the structure of a wave, it has peaks an valleys. Valleys remain relatively still, peaks are relatively active.
If there were waves in the metal, interacting with itself and combining into peeks ave valleys, wouldn't you expect sand or rice to be bounced off the peeks and huddle in the valleys?

Anonymous No. 16380411

because the surface oscillations gets reflected at the boundary and form a standing wave?

Anonymous No. 16380415

That is incredibly coherent, which surprised me a bit, but yes exactly right.
It's also non-mystical, so I don't see how this helps the point about sacred geometry.

Anonymous No. 16380420

Sorry anon, I wasn't really paying attention to the nonsense in this thread, I just answered the question

Anonymous No. 16380427

Oh, sorry, I thought you were the other anon I've been replying to.
Yes, you are right, but I'm trying to build up his understanding and intuition about them

Anonymous No. 16380441

Arfken and Weber has examples on BesselJ on rectangular boundary conditions and you get the same shit on that video

Anonymous No. 16380444

>My schizophrenia becomes more legit if I post it on the science board

Anonymous No. 16380449

nigger, I literally have a frozen bottle of water with patterns of bubbles after I did this sacred geometry shit.

kys nigger.

Anonymous No. 16380452

OK, I've had bottles of water freeze with bubbles before. How does this demonstrate anything other than bubbles can be frozen in water?

Anonymous No. 16380454

I'm gonna take some photos.

The patterns follow vertical lines on a horizontal bottle.

Anonymous No. 16380457

Hmm, could've sworn Bessel function is only a solution for a cylindrical boundary.
Thanks for the info.

Anonymous No. 16380469

What is the frequency for a healthy human body?
Can I just plug that frequency into my frequency wave form generator and heal myself with it?
I bet that's how the ancient Egyptians did it

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Anonymous No. 16380473


I got a bottle of water having patterns with a simple printed sheet of paper and sacred geometry.

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Anonymous No. 16380475


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Anonymous No. 16380478


Anonymous No. 16380488

And what is this supposed to show? Ice? Meaningless.

Anonymous No. 16380502

It show similar patterns to cymatics experiments.

Ice shouldn't react to a piece of printed paper.


Anonymous No. 16380507

It doesn't.
Cut off the plastic, take a photo of the ice on a solid color background, and then point out the pattern you see.
You can't because you're just making it up.

Anonymous No. 16380519

I'm not a scientist.

Do the experiment yourself, and you'll see is not placebo.

Anonymous No. 16380534

So you refuse to check? You're admittedly just accepting wishful thinking?
Perhaps you're just ill, and see patterns in the nothing.

Anonymous No. 16380537

I did not invent this shit.

Some jap guy got similar results with positive emotions on the water.

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Anonymous No. 16380540

>with positive emotions on the water.

Anonymous No. 16380542

You didn't invent being insane but you bought into it with no evidence.
You're whats known as a moron, perhaps a fool, but most definitely a retard.

Anonymous No. 16380547

how do you explain this.


Anonymous No. 16380549

there's nothing to explain
It's ice
there's not even a pattern there
I've had more interesting ice cubes in bars

Anonymous No. 16380551

there's horizontal bars.

Anonymous No. 16380556

>how do you explain this.
definitely not with positive emotions on the water
you fucking idiot

Anonymous No. 16380558

And when the water is pure and frozen well, it's perfectly clear.
So you have impure ice, it's full of random bits of shit, which makes it cloudy.
What's there to explain? Use distilled water and fast freezing next time.

Anonymous No. 16380561

how do you explain a printer piece of symbols have a physical effect on water in a bottle?

Anonymous No. 16380563

This sentence makes no sense.
I assume you're trying to ask
>why does a label affect the freezing
it doesn't, and you're retarded.

Anonymous No. 16380564

I wouldn't

Anonymous No. 16380570

I saw soomeone describe how looking at some ancient well in india it was designed to mimic a certtain standing wave that induced a natural [assive disinfection process of the water

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Anonymous No. 16380571

the water taste also changes, and becomes a bit more metallic.

This is not placebo shit.

Anonymous No. 16380579

>This is not placebo shit.
Sure sounds like placebo shit

Anonymous No. 16380580

not placebo because the ice forming vertical bubble lines is not subjective.

Anonymous No. 16380581

It is.
If it's not, do one of these:
1. buy a new bottle from the store
2. freeze it, take photos
3. let it melt
4. write new numbers on the side
5. freeze, photos


1. buy a new bottle from the store
2. freeze it, take photos
3. let it melt
4. dump out that water, fill it up with distilled water
5. freeze, photos

Anonymous No. 16380584

need help from /sci/ to see if anons can replicate the effect.

my dermatitis is almost gonne since a day ago.

That's not placebo BS.

Anonymous No. 16380589

You can't replicate it on your own
Because you're wrong and don't want to know it.
Wilfully ignorant, you ignore the test.
You suffer the placebo affect, and cry that it's not your own mind making shit up.
You are beneath me, and you will remain so until you try to demonstrate it.
It will take 15 minutes to go to the store and back with new water bottles and distillied water.
It will take at most 1 hour to perform the experiments, and you can do them in parallel
But you won't, because you're wrong.

Anonymous No. 16380604

Will do more stuff.

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Anonymous No. 16380661

It's a cool visualization technique: viewing slices of the wavespace.
But you can go the other way too. Model your observational data and derive the Bessel function.
Based. We see these types if patterns all the time.

Anonymous No. 16380667

What happens if you increase the size of the sheet? does the wavelength change?

Anonymous No. 16380672


What I want is to see if other anons can replicate similar effects.

Anonymous No. 16380762

>"Research flat earth, globetard!"
Oh dear, here we go.

Anonymous No. 16380775

>That's barely interesting except for maybe Teslafags who think waves hold secret to universe or some dumb shit
>t. believes that the universe is composed of 95% undetectable, invisible particles that somehow still interact with normal matter.

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Anonymous No. 16381440

Is cymatics useful for manufacturing/refining electronic components?

Anonymous No. 16381464

>pure midwit logic
Many such cases.

Anonymous No. 16381473

I want more people like him and others around.
Way more than some shortsighted retarded driven by dogma and shortsighted stupidity like yourself.
You can't even form an individual thought. What good are you to anyone? You just wait to hear what you're supposed to think and than squawk like a parrot. But you call others subhuman animals?

Anonymous No. 16381513

I feel like even if your points were legitimate the mineral content of the water would need to noted before being proof of anything you're trying prove.
Come back with one done with distilled water so we can compare.

Anonymous No. 16381534

>I want more people like him and others around.
Then you should join him on /x/

Anonymous No. 16381555

distilled water has no minerals, or it's not distilled.

Anonymous No. 16381558

>distilled water has no minerals, or it's not distilled.
You don't say? So come back after running the experiment with distilled water so we can compare the results.

Anonymous No. 16381618

What's the easiest way to test it oneself?
some grainy material like sand or poppyseed, a surface to hold it perhaps paper, and a signal generator maybe a small speaker or phone?

Anonymous No. 16381842

would be cool if this retard OP actually replicated these sand plates, but we all know that's expecting too much

Anonymous No. 16381847

I'm using a printed paper of sacred geometry.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16381868

Holy shit a scared pattern just flew over my house!

Anonymous No. 16381872

Holy shit a sacred pattern just flew over my house!

Anonymous No. 16382072

You are blessed, my fren. And so is your house.
Your pets are safe from the voodoo too.

Anonymous No. 16382074

Who do voodoo? Do you?

Anonymous No. 16382707

>That's barely interesting except for maybe Teslafags who think waves hold secret to universe or some dumb shit
>that waves hold the secret to the universe
>or some dumb shit
laughing. my. ass. off.

Anonymous No. 16382714

You're like the ambassador of numbness. This is your brain on Christ, total apathy towards life and a contempt for curiosity.

Anonymous No. 16382717

>you don't believe my bullshit?!
>you have no curiosity and you believe in dead jews
Perhaps you're just retarded.

Anonymous No. 16382723

If I see something neat, someone puts some sand on a table and shakes a pattern out of it, I make the onions face. I go "wow! neat!"

Because the alternative is to be a NUMBSKULL. If everything is so fucking dull to you then go die.

Anonymous No. 16382727

If I see something neat, someone puts some sand on a table and shakes a pattern out of it, I don't make the onions face. I go "yeah I already knew that"

Anonymous No. 16382729


Anonymous No. 16382734

I'm sure cymatics are liked by new agers, but you are literally made of cymatics. Yes everything is a wave.
I'ts funny because a lot of the things new agers say are literally true, even if they dont understand them.
The universe is made of waves, or atleast whats in it. In oversimplified terms, the Schrödinger equation is basically Bessel with an added dimension

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16382736

should say those, these pretty patterns are not what you are made. for starters its a square plate with a defined edge and all, but also way to many nodes. radioactive decay is a real killjoy

Anonymous No. 16382738


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Anonymous No. 16382760

I wish they would let me use resonant frequencies to fix incoherence in quantum computers already but nobody will hire me.

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square plate.jpg

Anonymous No. 16382773

Should say though, these pretty patterns are not what you are made of. For starters it's a square plate with a defined edge and all, but also way to many nodes. Radioactive decay is a real killjoy

>delete post because of typos and forgot image
>cant delete
>come back later
>post is gone
for realsies 4chan

Anonymous No. 16382781

Just put these on a soundproof board so that the damping material concentrates there, align the ambient room to that frequency, surround processors with damping material.

Complete silence within.

Anonymous No. 16383212

Frequency is the “answer” for probably everything material related.

For example, we know that a RTSC is feasible, needing to know the molecular/atomic structure for energy to pass through.

If frequency interacts with matter at such scale, a forge that ressonate at certain Hz may force the molecular structure to be bound at such way.

Anonymous No. 16384120

Don't bother op, there are no objective scientists in here. Just a cesspool of basement dwellers with limitation as their only mode of thought

Anonymous No. 16384170

By all means, recommend a path that does not lead to another glass ceiling.

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Anonymous No. 16385270

Here's your cymatics bro

Anonymous No. 16385494

Why it is always square plates?

Anonymous No. 16385642

polygons give more complex patterns but i think they should also show the students round plates in a frame because the patterns resemble atomic orbitals

Anonymous No. 16385685

cymatics show how the universe was created.

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Psychic Rottweiler.jpg

Anonymous No. 16385725

I was always safe

Anonymous No. 16385732

Idk why they used this stuff the the Rings of Power intro. I watched the Wheel of Time recently and noticed the animation people were prob the same, but for the latter they used pictures of weaving thread, which makes sense. But these patterns have nothing to do with the Lotr.

Anonymous No. 16386174

Why are you so mean mr science man ? Have you forgotten how to smile the beauty of a sunset?