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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16380461

Blue Origin will never be taken seriously until it drops this stupid logo.

First of all, a single feather is associated with writing, not flight. This would be an appropriate logo for a blog or publishing company or something. Secondly, space flight has little to do with floating on air like a bird?

Anonymous No. 16380557

>Blue Origin will never be taken seriously until it drops this stupid logo.
That's not their problem. They will never be taken seriously until they ACTUALLY START PUTTING SHIT INTO SPACE.

Anonymous No. 16380573

Isn't a white feather what women gave to men who didn't enlist in the military as a way of calling them cowards?

Anonymous No. 16380577

imagine caring what women think

Anonymous No. 16380583

>google blue origin
>jeff bezos company
Why do you grift grind dick for a billionnare when you're obviously not being paid?

Anonymous No. 16380593


Anonymous No. 16380602

Why would Jeff put it on his rockets?

Anonymous No. 16380607

Who cares, he's a fruit and doesn't put anything into space.

Anonymous No. 16380615

Bezos is a homosexual with a lot of money.

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Anonymous No. 16380616

He should put a seggsy pinup version of his beloved boggedlina goblina on it

Anonymous No. 16380622

He's never put anything into space. He's operating a law firm disguised as a rocket company.

Anonymous No. 16380628

He put MacKenzie into space.

Anonymous No. 16380633

No he didn't. Blue Origin has literally never put anything into space.
>inb4 OP is the sort of normalfag know-nothing who is impressed by suborbital trajectories
I aimed my dick at the ceiling, that makes my piss suborbital.

Anonymous No. 16380637

It's an Icarus reference. Bezos is a narcissist who feels he's been victimized by the world for having "flown too close to the sun".
Literally this. Blue Origin probably employs more lawyers than engineers.

Anonymous No. 16380647

He literally put MacKenzie into space by the terms of their divorce. He himself was also put into space by the indexification of his stock.

Anonymous No. 16380655

We are never leaving the LEO ever again.

Anonymous No. 16380663

Yes please let me suck your Law Enforcement Officer dick some more sir

Anonymous No. 16380683

He has never put anything into space, go be retarded someplace else.

Anonymous No. 16380685

Earth orbit is the only place in space with any commercial or military value. ALL satellites that make money or have military worth are pointed at Earth.

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Anonymous No. 16380691

You know all we're doing here is creating a new billionaire club tourist industry. Never was going to be anything more than that.
The next big scam will be the orbital habitat for trillionaires hoping to escape the riff-raff of earth.

Anonymous No. 16380692

>On July 20, 2021, Bezos sent your mom into to sub-orbital space. The flight lasted approximately 10 minutes and crossed the Kármán line.
Source: wikipedia

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Anonymous No. 16380699

>your mom
Weightless, but still massive.

Anonymous No. 16380874

Literally doesn't count for shit

Anonymous No. 16381081

A good friend works material science for them. He has this logo on everything and the "fall gracefully" slogan. He has fully imbibed of the good old Kool-Aid.

Anonymous No. 16381101

The feather is a reference to Dumbo flying

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Anonymous No. 16381123

Been saying this about Starship for years now.