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๐Ÿงต cymatics effects on water

Anonymous No. 16380649

How do I get some experiment results published in a journal if I am not a college fag with a degree in STEM?

I've found evidence of cymatics effects in water being caused by geometry drawings.

I need to do more testing, but I've been able to replicate it.

I'm a drawfag, not a STEMfag.

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Anonymous No. 16380658

This is spam, and you have schizphrenia

Anonymous No. 16381722

Get quartz and amethyst, freeze water over that.

It's not allowed here, but it is real. It's just electrophoto scattering.

As I said water remember shapes.

Maybe it's on the same side on things, that synthetic THC was ineffective and plant one ware.

Anonymous No. 16381743

Why do you want to publish, why not just be content knowing something?

Anonymous No. 16382257

Create a youtube video.

Anonymous No. 16383301

Fuck your neurotypical brain and your videos. Videos are waste of time.

Anonymous No. 16383335

A video is a publication

Garrote No. 16383396

Keep the secret to yourself and try to profit from it.