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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16381206

What are some of the most interesting /sci/entific findings?

Anonymous No. 16381230

Why would a soul have weight? This is on par with weighing someone and getting them to clear their mind to see if thoughts have weight as well.

Anonymous No. 16381236

Good idea for an experiment tbhonest

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Anonymous No. 16381240

Anonymous No. 16381245

I would also like to know since thoughts could be conveyed by electrical activity

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Anonymous No. 16381258

Today, I wanted to get rid of the beginning of a wasp nest, so I used my bare hands. Thank God I used my left hand, because it seems to me that this particular Australian wasp produces the stickiest naturally-occurring substance that I can think of, and it turns out water makes it stickier!
Why don’t we farm these wasps like we farm bees but to make natural glue which isn’t damaging to the environment?

Anonymous No. 16381261

>delete computer file
>weigh computer

Anonymous No. 16381263

I am stupid for not realising this wasn’t the new thread button. Now 4chan must punish me by not allowing post to be deleted until after 5 minutes so jannies can sniff out if I posted anything bannable.

Anonymous No. 16381269

only one of the six patients lost weight, actually.
stupid fuck

Anonymous No. 16381270

It literally WOULD weigh less you Troglodyte

Anonymous No. 16381271

>all of them had the same average
>the same average
>all of them
dear lord.

Anonymous No. 16381272

Do the experiment and prove it.
>muh theory, muh math...
No, get a scale like Duncan McDougall did, and prove it.

Anonymous No. 16381273

you should keep the post, I like it

Anonymous No. 16381275

Seems unlikely to be a coincidence

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Anonymous No. 16381277

Honestly, OP. Avogadro's number rocks.

Anonymous No. 16381279

I guarantee you the souls of sinners are heavier yet than those of saints.

Anonymous No. 16381286

on what storage medium?

Anonymous No. 16381291

Any storage medium. Data is made out of matter just like everything else, it isn't magic.

Anonymous No. 16381303

a platter is not going to be heaver based on how many 1s or 0s it has written to it.

Anonymous No. 16381307

Sure, whatever. I made a new thread.

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Anonymous No. 16381656

>put bead to the other side
>abacus is now heavier/ lighter

Anonymous No. 16381664

Well it would be true if for all of them, they had the same exact weight difference. I.e for 3 measurements a,b, and c. a = b = c. In that case they all lost the same weight, and that weight was the average weight.

Anonymous No. 16381667

Worded that poorly. Obviously they'd all have the same average weight. But they would also have all lost the average weight.

"They all lost the average weight" where average weight = weight lost by each person = x

So "they all lost c pounds" where c = a = b = average weight

Anonymous No. 16381704

The weight-loss-at-death thing has been repeatedly tested since and has proven to be non-reproducible. If the soul exists, it doesn't have weight.

Anonymous No. 16381707

If anything it would be the weight of the final breath plus moisture loss
And his measurements were far from exact

Anonymous No. 16382211

Is soul is energy then losing 21 gm of energy means ~10^15 Joules.
That's like 500 kiloton TNT hmmm.

Anonymous No. 16382222

Imagine if people were at risk of fucking detonation upon death, that would be sick, hospitals/hospice facilities would look much different.

Anonymous No. 16382474

I could swear there was a peace of fiction where something along those lines actually append.
Could be Death Stranding actually, I'm not sure

Anonymous No. 16382524

Because NPCs don't have souls, so not everyone will experience weight loss.

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Anonymous No. 16382558

Most NPCs are very capable of achieving sentience

Anonymous No. 16383744

Stanisław Lem wrote a markedly pol-incorrect story about exactly this proposal (Professor Donda - the memoirs of Ijon Tichy).

Anonymous No. 16383750

also, compressed gas in one's intestines weighs more and distends the abdomen more (causing increased buoyancy) than after farting one's last. could amount to a 21 g difference, just saying.

Anonymous No. 16384240

Then how did OP cherrypick and defy the odds was he just finding nonNPCs to murder?

Anonymous No. 16384469

That was just their last farts leaving them

Anonymous No. 16384474

Unironically kino.

Anonymous No. 16384485

So do "real humans" think in vivid pictures or language? Which is it?

Anonymous No. 16384521

Bots definitely have to reduce everything to a binary.

Anonymous No. 16384540

>Be listening to radio
>Turn radio off, it weighs less
Same logic

Anonymous No. 16384620

Human digestive system is about 4L of internal volume. That'd equate to about 3 grams of methane gas.

Not enough to account for all of it, but enough to show that it's probably within the error bars of how other biological processes following death could change the apparent mass of the body.

Anonymous No. 16384626

>same average
Why does the historical record show scientists have always been retarded?

Anonymous No. 16384823

Checked sick idea

Anonymous No. 16386785

NPCs are a recent phenomenon after population explosion, not enough souls to go around anymore