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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Meta thread

Anonymous No. 16381657

Before this thread gets removed please recall that one meta thread is allowed per board as per HiroshimaMoot himself.

With that out of the way, I want to discuss only one thing in particular: this board desperately needs moderation.

For the last several years now, at any point, this board is absolutely flooded with spam. Literally a solid 75% of threads get completely and utterly ruined by spam. Furthermore, the majority of it is from a single source, just one schizophrenic namefag who sits on this board all day every day just posting endlessly with gibberish and random schzio images.

The fact is that /sci/ is a slower board. By nature, quality discussion takes longer amount of time, especially on science and mathematics topics. Additionally, the most insightful posters are likely busy with other affairs and aren't able to constantly contribute.

The result is that this one spammer, who does nothing else in life besides flood threads, easily outcompetes other anons and drowns out any and all discussion in a deluge of schizophrenic rambling.

He has been treating this board as a wall in his psyche ward and scribbling nonsense all over the place and babbling on and on with innane madness.

Why do the mods not ban him? Why don't they delete his posts? Pick any random thread and there's a strong chance that after the first 10 or so post, there are 100+ from the same namefag. All of them are offtopic, and he also relies both to himself and other anons, making it impossible to even engage with the thread anymore.

If something isn't done about him within 7 days, I will personally see to it that I ruin what's left of this board for everyone else.

Janny do your job. Or else.

Anonymous No. 16381701

>Wait, what if I just ignored or filtered that person instead of trying to strip him of his free-speech rights?

Anonymous No. 16381703

What timmy OP gon do? Post more whiny "meta" threads?

Anonymous No. 16381738

>Or else.
Or else what?
You pay them?

Anonymous No. 16381740

Oh no, OP is threatening to pee in an ocean of piss.

Anonymous No. 16381749

Well theres some theories around that mods and janitors in all boards basically have agendas and that the lack of moderation in some topics and excessive moderation in others, is done on purpose and basically cant be changed.

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Lawyl(Yo) No. 16381753

What's going on? What exactly do you need me(God IQ) to do? How do I start doing it?

OP No. 16381878

I will actually SHIT a TSUNAMI into the ocean of piss.
Fuck you, were in charge I'd range ban your entire continent for this insolent comment
Negro american detected. Colored folx OUT! Back to >>>/n/egro
I'll pay them their standard wages

Anonymous No. 16381937

>If something isn't done about him within 7 days, I will personally see to it that I ruin what's left of this board for everyone else.

Anonymous No. 16382104

>complaining about namefags
use the filter retard. the namefag schizo is making it easy for you to ignore him

Anonymous No. 16382428

Seconded. If not outright banned he should be filtered by default.

Anonymous No. 16382451

why do this when there's a perfectly fine and willing janny cleaning shitstains for free? what is holding them back from doing their demonetized work?

Anonymous No. 16382453

meant to quote >>16382104

Anonymous No. 16382569

Tik tok jannigger. Day 1 is almost over.