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๐Ÿงต How do you retain knowledge?

Anonymous No. 16381807

I'm in Bio 2 and realized that I've forgotten almost everything from Bio 1. What tools or techniques do you use to keep yourself from forgetting what you have learned?

Anonymous No. 16381810

Have a high IQ. There is no secret, it's just down to "how functional is your brain"

Anonymous No. 16381819

I don't.
At this point I'm convinced I have early onset dementia

Anonymous No. 16381834

The memory palace technique works perfectly fine for this.

Anonymous No. 16381850

look into Ray Peat's health stuff, reconfigure your learning mechanisms in alignment with your subjective cognitive-perceptual syntax, get off tiktok & insta, cultivate intrinsic interest for your subjects of study, train conceptual omniperspectivity, dont be a fag, use your fucking brain

Anonymous No. 16381864

Bioshock 1 is such a fun game, how did you forget the lore while playing Bioshock 2?

raphael No. 16383311

have a high digit span retard

Anonymous No. 16383336

Nothing you can do. Accept you're dumb and that's that.

raphael No. 16383357

take adderall and modafinil

Anonymous No. 16384062

mind palace technique

Anonymous No. 16384122

The brain throws out information that isn't used. Review your old notes occasionally and you'll be fine.

Anonymous No. 16384930

Just skim through a textbook on a similar level to your bio 1 class, maybe watch a couple lectures on youtube. You'll probably find it comes back to you quite quickly.

Anonymous No. 16384943

You take notes like they taught you in middle school