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Anonymous No. 16381994

Do you think that somewhere out there exist a fix point in space and time that has always existed and always will, à point that has has everything revolving around it

Anonymous No. 16381999


Anonymous No. 16382041

Why not

Anonymous No. 16382097

Because that contradicts our current theory of cosmic expansion.

Anonymous No. 16382273

Wouldn’t the cosmic expansion expend from somewhere ?

Anonymous No. 16382281

Yes but that doesn't mean the universe necessarily has a fixed center.
For example if you can imagine a two-dimensional universe that was expanding, it would exist in the shape of a sphere, such that nowhere on the surface constitutes the "center."

Anonymous No. 16382429

probably more as one

Anonymous No. 16385302

No. The universe expanded from one point. Everywhere is the center of they universe therefore there is no center of the universe

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Anonymous No. 16385320

Yes, me.

Anonymous No. 16385359

The universe is a simulation created for just one guy to live in it. We are all just programs as background players for him.

That man is Jesus Christ.