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Anonymous No. 16382356

>Casually scientifically proves rebirth

Anonymous No. 16382360

you implying that religious freaks can't get medical degrees and dress their personal beliefs in scientific jargon?

Anonymous No. 16382369

you implying that religious freaks can't get medical degrees and dress their personal beliefs in scientific jargon?

Anonymous No. 16382371


Eat the cat

Eat eat the cat

Anonymous No. 16382422

Lot of the cells in my body have already died and went back into the environment, so I would say I'm already technically dust in the wind.

Anonymous No. 16382425

>In the course of his forty years doing international fieldwork, he researched three thousand cases of children who claimed to remember past lives.
he researched three thousand cases and only 20 were "suggestive" of reincarnation?

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Anonymous No. 16382431

>17 of those cases are from cultures with religions that teach their children reincarnation is real
oof, not looking good for you OP

Anonymous No. 16382521

I don't know any context about these two cases but here in Brazil there's a big kardecist community. They are all over the country

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Anonymous No. 16382549

sure enough kek, the author doesn't even sound like he believes in it

Anonymous No. 16382653

All things exist here and now. What is interpreted as "reincarnation" is a parallel/alternative perspective of one oversoul consciousness. Movement through time is movement of perception through alternate realities.

Prove me wrong nerds.

Anonymous No. 16382669

Dude I'd never eat cat, but once you eat dog beef tastes flavorless

Anonymous No. 16382682

Because their isn't a prejudice against reincarnation in those places. Some mutt could being telling their parents of odd memories of another life and the parents would just dismiss it as their imagination or the work of the devil.

Anonymous No. 16382683


Anonymous No. 16382693

if a western child starting giving details about a previous life out of nowhere, many of these people would at least take them to a therapist or something, not to mention that there was an entire hippie era in America and there are over a billion people in Europe and America, some of these people have to be open minded. you'd think a guy who traveled the world and analyzed 3,000 cases and is active in psychiatric circles would find at least ONE case from Europe or North America.

Anonymous No. 16382697

The Roman Empire outlawed the teaching of reincarnation for economic purposes and that's why it's so hard for the greedy western pig mind to comprehend it as a concept.

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Anonymous No. 16382708

>at least ONE case from Europe or North America.
He has this book. Haven't read this one however.

Anonymous No. 16382783

Why you haitin?

Anonymous No. 16382798

Those are the ones he considers most credible and most clear cut. I have read the op book, in some of these cases kids as small as 5 knew exact details of another peoples lives, including how to get to their house and how the house looked decades ago before being reconstructed, their wives habits, business details of the deceased, pet names, etc.

Anonymous No. 16382803

Is there any science commandment that says everything that comes through religion must be wrong? I don't know why you people have this flippant attitude. A lot of the stuff from Buddhism, for example, have been proven experimentally(mind states, mind influence over autonomic nervous system), a lot of the folk herbal cures have been known and rediscovered to affect health positively, why do you people drive the lines at exactly these beliefs?

Anonymous No. 16382804

>if a western child starting giving details about a previous life out of nowhere, many of these people would at least take them to a therapist or something
or they would believe their kid is talking nonsense and ignoring it. Most parents are barely around their kids and this type of knowledge of previous life seems to disappear at around 9 yo. Unless there is a cultural background that would make the parents believe the kid might actually tell the truth, it would be ignored by most parents. In religious communities would probably get taken to church to get the demons out of him

Anonymous No. 16383032


If science is so bad as to have commandments, why do religious people seek scientific validation through labeling of religious precepts as science?

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Anonymous No. 16383119


Anonymous No. 16383141

You are correct, based Great Fractal poster