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Anonynous at Mon, 16 Sep 2024 16:38:58 UTC No. 16383435
I was rear-ended back in April.
I felt mostly fine, but I was concerned my spine might be slightly off.
Chiropractor was certain I had whiplash.
I got an MRI.
3 months after Doctor (not Chiropractor, a real doctor) suggested I either get steroids injections in my back or Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections into my back.
Doctor said PRP would be better, but it's newer so people are uneasy about it.
I wasn't sure whether to trust him that this cutting edge PRP was really good, or overrated, so I told him I would research both myself.
He says he'll schedule the steroid injections as a placeholder.
He schedules an appointment for steroid injection 2 weeks later.
1 week passes. I get a phone call reminding me of the appointment. Since I looked into it and /sci/ thinks PRP is the way to go, I ask them if we can change the appointment to PRP instead. They tell me they'll have to have a "consultation meeting" since the original doctor "didn't notate PRP as an option."
1 more weeks passes. I show up for this "consultation meeting," talking with an older lady doctor who has not the male doctor I originally spoke with. She doesn't seem to understand what our meeting is about until I explain we need to "notate PRP", and she says "bless your heart" and as far as I remember she says she'll take care of it.
2 weeks pass. I show up, and they tell me that since they're going to sedate me they need a signature from my designated driver before they can begin.
My mom doesn't get off work until 4pm, and the doctor leaves the office at 3 or 3:45 or so, so I can either delay by two more weeks, and talk my mom into calling in for a day off 2 weeks from now, which sounds like a big ask. Front desk lady says I can just get it unsedated.
I'm on an operating table with shitty pop music, while they inject the base of my spine, while looking at me under an x-ray device. They put a numbing agent on before the injection. I would later hear that it only goes into sponge tissue and not bone
Anonynous at Mon, 16 Sep 2024 16:43:04 UTC No. 16383441
I felt weird feelings in the area where I assume some organ belown the lungs above the beltline is.
It's not until the operation is all over, that I'm informed it wasn't PRP but painkiller injections.
Immediately after the operation, I felt worse than I felt at any point after I was rear-ended, but I assumed that would go away after a few days, like they said. I walked in, saying my back pain was a 7.3, (as the lawyers advised, and for this reason alone I may deserve all that I'm dealing with) and after this miserable operation, I said it was at a 7.8.
I had a plan to meet my mom at a restaurant. I spent the entire drive pushing my body against the seat, with my hands pushing against the steering wheel as much as I judged safely possible.
Since I arrived earlier than my mom, I got out of the car, and walked up to some mulch, and laid flat on the ground, like a homeless person.
After 30 minutes she arrived. We ate, and then saw a shitty movie. Quiet Place Day 1. My ability to sit in the seat was so bad, I laid on the ground there as well. Empty theater, so who cares.
Within a week, I DID feel fine, and even felt comfortable lifting as much as 75 pounds above my head. At some point, the pain came back, and of all the weird things I felt pain in my chest.
A few weeks ago, I had blood in my shit, which made me think the needle pierced my intestines or some shit.
I THINK I feel fine NOW. No weird shits, and OHP and Squats are mostly fine, but with deadlifts as puny as 75 pounds causing the base of my spine to feel bad the entire night and next morning. Atleast last Sunday night, Monday morning it did. I tried again Monday night, Tuesday morning. (I work until close at about midnight), and I feel mostly fine.
Anyway, I've told the lawyer this, and he says that the PRP may help any issues caused by the painkiller injection.
I'm about to have another consultation meeting tomorrow. Should I go with PRP injections or just say hell no?
Pic unrelated.
Anonynous at Mon, 16 Sep 2024 16:44:06 UTC No. 16383443
I just compressed a couple of months in a relatively short post. I've spent most of the last month and a half feeling if not horribly bad, atleast slightly worse than before the injections. That may have been unclear.
Trying to get ahold of the [capital] city legal bar.
I called the first malpractice lawfirm on Google and said my case wasn't catastrophic enough.
Anonymous at Mon, 16 Sep 2024 16:50:09 UTC No. 16383455
>I was rear-ended back in April
Did you get the monkey pox?
Anonynous at Mon, 16 Sep 2024 18:17:51 UTC No. 16383588