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Anonymous No. 16383650

Is it unhealthy to go under the knife of a surgeon who's religious beliefs include genocidal elimination of all non-muslims if you're not a muslim?
What about with jewish doctors? Their religion also calls for the mass killing of all nonbelievers.
Atheism also calls for the elimination of all non-atheists
Has science ever studied this topic before? Seems like it might be an interesting statistical study for someone in the medical field.

Anonymous No. 16383654

the fuck are you smoking?
jews don't call for the extermination of all nonjews.
it also calls for their enslavement, whichever is more convenient at the time.

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Anonymous No. 16383682

>jews don't call for the extermination of all nonjews.
extermination or enslavement

the talmud says:
>Only the Jew is human. Non-Jews are not called humans, they are seen as animals', and because we Jews consider non-Jews to be animals, we refer to them only as Goy.

Anonymous No. 16383722

>surgeon who is religious beliefs

Anonymous No. 16383846

Are you fucking done worshipping the god damn jews?