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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Lazy Fuck

Anonymous No. 16384147

How the fuck do I motivate myself to study and learn again? I'm 22 and I'm trying to do a transfer in the spring and I wanna learn what I can or need to learn for Math and Computer Science in under 4 months.

Garrote No. 16384149

Pick up a book, read it, do the exercises.

Anonymous No. 16384153

Picture yourself as the lonely, failed 40 year old loser that you will be, if you don't study.
Realize that you will slave away in even worse ways, if you don't succeed.

Then trick your monkey brain by gamifying every single thing you learn about, as to release lots of dopamine during your studies.

Anonymous No. 16384159

Ask the ai a bunch of questions and don't stop until it can't answer you.

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Anonymous No. 16384922


Anonymous No. 16384947

Request: you give me complete freedom soon.

Anonymous No. 16385029

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16385401

What does that have anything to do with this thread? I don't even use social media.