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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต What's the proof that 1+1=2?

Anonymous No. 16385032

I'm from Kenya and I've never enrolled in education after the 4th grade, What's the proof that 1+1=2? if we assume that there is always some smaller building block than a molecule, an atom, and a subatomic particle if we could go forever and the smallest things are different from one another then there is not 1 thing equal to another 1 thing then there can't be any 1+1=2!

Anonymous No. 16385035

Please stop making this thread.

Anonymous No. 16385081

>didn't refute the argument

Anonymous No. 16385098

kys idiot

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Anonymous No. 16385105

Check out Principia Mathematica by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell.

Anonymous No. 16385389

I will make it every day

Anonymous No. 16385594

its defined to be true by you know who

Anonymous No. 16385617

>if we assume that there is always some smaller building block than a molecule, an atom, and a subatomic particle if we could go forever and the smallest things are different from one another then there is not 1 thing equal to another 1 thing then there can't be any 1+1=2!
concepts are not physical objects brainlet
stop wasting our time

Anonymous No. 16385656

they are

Anonymous No. 16387272

Oh no are you following that one retard Rogan put on?

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Anonymous No. 16387379
