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microplastics in ....png

🧵 Realistically, How Can We Stop This?

Anonymous No. 16385387

And what are the implications of microplastics going into our brains?

Anonymous No. 16385410

Masking while handling plastic materials that involves your field of work. Aside from that, you're royally fucked. Unless you want to be an everyday, masking nut.

Anonymous No. 16385497

Have there been any proven serious negative effects of having microplastics in the body?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16385578

Nope. It's a conspiracy theory to scare people into wearing masks again.

Anonymous No. 16385592


🗑️ Anonymous No. 16385609

Masks are by far the largest source of microplastics that get inside people's lungs.

Anonymous No. 16385661

Correct me of I'm wrong but isn't it basically imposible to definitively prove or disprove any negative effects of microplastics, since you can't find anyone without them. And even if you could, they'd be like pre-industrial tribal peoples so there'd be too many confounding variables.
Even though I have no proof of this, I'm going to follow my intuition and say they're definitely bad. No fucking way having plastic in your brain is going to do nothing.

Anonymous No. 16385737

Eat more microplastics so your body adapts faster

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16385898

>we will see chuds deliberately eating microplastic particles just to own da joos

Anonymous No. 16385944

You can compare versus historical data of cancer rates and prevalence of other diseases to see if there are increases.
Other than that it's hard to do causal studies like in a clinical trial. It would be much harder to convince industry leaders of potential harm even as they themselves (and their children, and their grandchildren, and so on) are ingesting plastics like everyone else.

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Anonymous No. 16385981

Donate blood (or practice phlebotomy) when you can. It reduces microplastics and PFAS.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16385989

> scare people into wearing masks again
the end goal of which is...?

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16385991

To get you to take your meds

Anonymous No. 16385999

>losing 1.5 L of blood a month
there’s no way he’s serious

Anonymous No. 16386113

There was news recently that a bacteria was found in the oceans that has evolved to eat plastic damaged by UV.

Anonymous No. 16386153

nigga that "news" is 20 years old and somehow that plastic eating bacteria is still nowhere

Anonymous No. 16386560

>Realistically, How Can We Stop This?
we simply cant.
if we would stop with the plastic madness tomorrow, we still will suffer for another 1000 years.

>And what are the implications of microplastics going into our brains?
hardly foreseeable but the list of effects we know is more than just worrying.

Anonymous No. 16386604

Equally as important, microplastics are stored in the balls now.
I don't know about proven, but I'd assume that having an abundance of microplastics in your body gives you bitch tits, and makes you more inclined to act a little zesty.

Anonymous No. 16386900

>Worries about chemicals from "microplastics."
>Smokes pot.

Anonymous No. 16386904

It's too late
We won't make it through the filter

Anonymous No. 16386906

Meh I had to do a couple pints a month for hemochromatosis
I think 4 pints a month was the max they would do

Anonymous No. 16387764

The solution is trivial. Stop buying plastic.

Anonymous No. 16387812

I dont want to fight individual responsibility but I hate that while this is posted (at least sometime), nobody ever posts who is actually responsible for such changes.
lets be honest:
the legislator actually has this job, but is incapable due to lobbying. its literally the definition, since its the legislators responsibility that we have a sustainably and stable society.

of course it is a difficult act if you want to solve the problems of our time and it is even clearer that the resulting restrictions are unpleasant.
but that doesnt change the fact of who has to act here, and just because weve been shitting on it for almost 50 years doesnt mean we can leave it alone.

instead, we are told by the profiteers that citizens are responsible, which is a deliberate lie used to justify it.
this is by far the ugliest scam there is.

Anonymous No. 16388068

Yes (in animals at least)

Anonymous No. 16388296

Here's just a few

Anonymous No. 16388308

thx for sharing.

Anonymous No. 16388364

We’re only just beginning to understand the implications and even the early findings are pretty worrying

Anonymous No. 16388423

>stop buying plastic
how am I supposed to eat for 10$ a week then?

Anonymous No. 16388472

Buy meat and vegetables that don't come wrapped in plastic.

Anonymous No. 16388474

>eating on $10 a week
no, 90% of your diet has to be grains.

Anonymous No. 16388750

Dont we have the blood-brain barrier to protect us from this?

Anonymous No. 16390087

>10$ a week
you can't survive off of that
maybe temporarily
but you will get cancer, metabolic syndrome and heart disease
honestly though, how fucking poor are you that you can only afford 1.4 USD for food for a full fucking day?

Anonymous No. 16390089

replace all publicly available plastics with bioplastics by way of hemp and hemp resins.

Anonymous No. 16390801

>Have there been any proven serious negative effects of having microplastics in the body?
yes. since it has increased over time you see it in zoomers and especially alphies.

Anonymous No. 16390964

Then buy grains sold in paper bags.

Anonymous No. 16391013

Ongoing campaigns of systematic suppression regarding this field of study.

Anonymous No. 16391023

They weren't fed so much goyslop back then.

Anonymous No. 16391024

>jab needle into my forehead
Ok I'm following....
>2-3 cups of blood
No way bro!


Anonymous No. 16392559


Anonymous No. 16392883

can you share your grocery spreadsheet with me?

Anonymous No. 16393169

That's some kino cognitive dissonance.

Anonymous No. 16393193

milk 2 gallons: $6
giant bag of cereal: $6
1 sliced bread: $2.75
large peanut butter: $6
dozen eggs: $3
four things of pasta: $4
box of ramen: $3.5
pound of rice: $1
total: $30.25
total calories: 28,892
days lasted: 2 weeks
price per week: $15.125

of these only the pasta doesn't come in cardboard

Anonymous No. 16393200

and yeah it costs more than I thought because I never actually calculated it before (or maybe I eat less calories than I think)... I guess I have to eat more rice and add beans or something

Anonymous No. 16393204

i'm telling you right now i will be auditing your post and cross referencing it with the local kroger.

Anonymous No. 16393210

ok but I shop at walmart

Anonymous No. 16393213

and you don't live in my neighborhood either.
i doubt it will make much of a difference.
truth be told, your total calories is already way too low for my lifestyle.

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Anonymous No. 16393255

fact check: True
not good enough for me tho.
thanks for sharing.

Anonymous No. 16393904


Anonymous No. 16394050

Proof? I see articles about microplastics and PFAS constantly.

Anonymous No. 16395169

How do I stop airborne microplastics?

Anonymous No. 16395832

Stop buying plastics.

Anonymous No. 16395854

Male fertility crisis

Anonymous No. 16395855

the reason why it's news is that it appears that microplastics can cross this barrier

Anonymous No. 16395862

65g prot / day for a man is not optimal. considering protein quality as well it's probably not ideal. "protein" being of course amino acids. and it's possible to meet protein needs but be deficient in specific amino acids.

this is a poverty diet but any strenuous activity will demand more.

accepted literature is 0.8 g/kg /day for maximum protein synthesis rates. we round up and say 1 g/kg /day.

considering the average american height and weight it should be something like 80 - 100 g prot per day.

this diet is horrendously lacking in micronutrients as well. you will need at minimum several doses of multivitamin per day. and to improve protein quality, i say add 1 whey shake per day.

with 99% certainty the world population is deficient in 1 or all 3:
vitamin D

this diet lacking in nuts, legumes, and leafy greens most certainly is not meeting the latter 2.

Anonymous No. 16395867

A ubiquitous neurological toxin has a profound impact at both a personal and societal scale.
Look at lead poisoning in the late Roman empire, alcoholism in Soviet-era states, or opium addiction in 19th century China.
Understanding the pathological mechanism of micro-plastic and endocrine disruptors on human psychology and behavior is paramount to navigating our 21st century Western impasse.

Anonymous No. 16396000

>hey bro the micro plastics are trying to infest your brain
>just trust me

Anonymous No. 16397910

At least the leached molecules aren't co-incidentally close enough estrogen that it fits receptors and triggers female purity in 5yr old girls and de-masculinization of swamp gaters..
like that last time it happened.

Anonymous No. 16397916

mandate pyrolisys for all plastic waste
make plastic packaging illegal
nuke any country where they package single fruits in plastic

Anonymous No. 16397994


Anonymous No. 16398020

Nothing will be done because republicans exist and the U.S. is the most influential economy in the world. It’s making headlines that the Biden admin is trying to enforce anti trust laws that were ALREADY ON THE BOOKS. For decades the government hasn’t been enforcing hundred year old teddy roosevelt era laws because rich people didn’t want them too. Republicans will kill any attempt to solve this issue and the U.S. is the biggest polluter. Thank your boomer grandparents for your credit card shrapnel filled balls

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Anonymous No. 16398029

You can't.

Anonymous No. 16398135

>blames the wrong country
>blames the wrong political party in the wrong country

Anonymous No. 16398144

>jerk off to tranny porn 3 times a day
>muh male fertility crisis is due to microplastic.

Anonymous No. 16398238

It's in the water. If you haven't filtered your water all throughout the last decades, it's already in your brain.

Anonymous No. 16398298

reverse osmosis or distilled water is the only way if you want to be anal about it.

even then, consider the water supply to crops and livestock is not filtered and we are talking about unstoppable biological magnification.

at this point, we are at the recognition stage. harm reduction is through mitigation measures. we don't have global reduction strategies. humans seem to be doing a really good job of killing ourselves. who knows, it may create a species of plastic resistant homo ______ in the future.

Anonymous No. 16398341

>consider the water supply to crops and livestock
Most people get microplastics from fish because they bioaccumulate like other shit.

Just don't eat fish and you basically don't have to worry about this shit as long as the fish eaters are still breathing.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16398389

so worth it

Anonymous No. 16398414


avoiding fish won't do anything. this shit is literally everywhere. even if you started a homestead in a deeply rural area, microplastics are part of the water cycle. so unless we plan on either phasing out plastics almost entirely, this a legacy that going to last hundreds if not thousands of years.

Anonymous No. 16398418

i just realized this link is email blocked

similar article

Anonymous No. 16398426

>avoiding fish won't do anything
Learn what bioaccumulation is, you fucking idiot. Mercury is everywhere too.

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Anonymous No. 16398440

Picrel are the microplastics found on everest. They're not falling from the clouds "as part of the water cycle" you mouthbreathing retard, they are fibres being she's from the gear and clothing of the tens of thousands of everest tourists that "climb" the mountain every year.

Anonymous No. 16398442

shut the fuck up retard. imagine thinking you're smart by bringing up biomag which everybody learns by grade 7. your knowledge is deprecated and you should humble yourself.

>don't eat fish
>still get microplastics
>i wonder why
because the water cycle retard

and since fish are so bad neurologically, why japs have some of the highest IQs considering their prot intake is 90% fish. learn some new research before giving your retard opinion.

Anonymous No. 16398446


guess you just don't bother reading 1 post down. love sci. attention span of amoebas.

Anonymous No. 16398456

>To collect airborne microplastics from the cloud water, a 1.0-μm pore size polytetrafluoroethylene hydrophilic membrane filter (H100A047A; Advantec, Co.) was installed in the filter holder of each collector for sampling.
>The polytetrafluoroethylene hydrophilic membrane filter from which airborne microplastics were extracted was placed in a 50-mL glass centrifuge tube using stainless-steel tweezers, sealed with a screw cap, wrapped in aluminum foil, placed in a zipper bag, and transported to the laboratory in a cooler box. After measuring the liquid volume, the collected cloud water was transported to the laboratory in a 100-mL polyethylene bottle.
They didn't do a control sample, ie run ultra pure distilled water through their collection apparatus, so how can we be sure that much of the "airborne microplastics" they detected were not contaminants from their own plastic equipment?

Anonymous No. 16398475


that's a good point. however this finding of microplastic accumulation in extremely remote areas has been replicated numerous times.

> Observed microplastic particle sizes were between 4 and 188 μm and fiber sizes were between 20 μm and ~3 mm, with average widths and depths of 18 and 6 μm, respectively (fig. S2). Approximately 70% of the particles were within the size range for long-range and even global transport of dust (<25 μm)
>Because plastic density (0.65 to 1.8 g cm−3) is lower than that of soil particles (~2.65 g cm−3) (9), microplastics are more transportable. Fibers, in particular, have greater surface area–to–volume ratios, which increase drag forces and reduce settling velocity. This process may be similar to ballooning in spiders, where a combination of electrostatic forces and drag allows spiders attached to silk fibers to travel thousands of kilometers (10).

so we've got plastics being lifted in the the air. clouds nucleate around dust particles. but surely they won't nucleate around microplastics of similar size. yes. this makes sense. a to b. but a=z. but z cannot to b.

i don't even know why this is controversial to state. microplastic go even smaller. to the point where interactions with electrical charges determine dispersal. you look at the dates of the published studies. this all old news. this thread proving once again this board should be merged with /x/ given the average level of intelligence.

Anonymous No. 16398524

This study doesn't even state what methods or equipment were used to gather samples, and again no mention of any control procedure to try and rule out contamination.
Since when did skepticism and verification-seeking become /x/? I'm not denying microplastics are a problem, but if they are truly as ubiquitous in our society as much research claims, then it means it's going to be extremely difficult to prevent contamination in studies like this.

Anonymous No. 16398544

>don't eat fish
>still get mercury
>i wonder why
Shut up, bitch. I reiterate. Learn what bioaccumulation is.

>and since fish are so bad neurologically, why japs have some of the highest IQs considering their prot intake is 90% fish
Ah yes, Japan, a famously microplastic-free country.

Anonymous No. 16398548


there's not much more to say. you have real accumulation data, and then a model using the data to predict origination points. there's no "contamination" to worry about seeing as it truly is everywhere. the truly sub 10 micron plastic is the stuff we should worry about. that's why it's a problem that can't be resolved within anyone's current lifetime. we can study the endocrinological effect of the plastics but we also need better measuring tools as atmospheric detection fails under this level.

at this point i've linked articles with positive detection

so based on your line of thinking all these scientists have decided to commit willing fraud or poor methodology to gain publishing fame.

you say it can't be proved it through atmospheric dispersal. the language of the papers is very clear and well understood.

>dust thing light and small
>plastic thing lighter and smaller
>plastic thing can't move like dust thing in air

that's the line of your thinking. this a very logical progression to conclude that plastics disperse. this discussion is moot because society will not stop plastic production. there is now no control group of humans that have zero plastic in them. a red blood cell is about 7 micrometers. we have detected nanoplastic at 1 micrometer size in humans. whatever level of clean room you have in mind, will be "contaminated".

dude's biggest word he knows is bioaccumulation

Anonymous No. 16398661

>dude's biggest word he knows is bioaccumulation
Don't be stupid. The biggest word I know is HOLLYWOOD.

Anonymous No. 16398681

If microplastics are so ubiquitous in human environments, how could we possibly hope to test samples from remote areas without introducing contamination?

Anonymous No. 16398704

why don't you directly email the any the authors of studies linked? that's what i do when i have questions and they actually answer me.

since you seem to genuinely believe these people are either frauds or incompetent. engage in a discourse with them. most real scientists actually enjoy meeting other nerds. you're wasting your time debating me since you think you can do better. so talk to them and prove to them that they are shit scientists.

the only truly viable way to filter microplastics i can think off would be electrostatic plates located all over a lab. even current lab clean suits are made of plastic. "shed proof" to what standard? to 1 micrometer shed-proof?

Anonymous No. 16399281

>accepted literature is 0.8 g/kg /day for maximum protein synthesis rates
lol read more ya skinny fat

Anonymous No. 16399323

Plastics are inert and dont interact with anything. We even have the reverse hysteria about how plastic will be here forever because its inert a while ago

Anonymous No. 16399338

The problems with plastics are they aren't *completely* inert, many are porous and can therefore easily pick up other toxins in the environment that then leech out in whatever bodies they end up in, and foreign bodies creating structural obstructions and irritants throughout yours is potentially a bad thing period.

I will remind you that asbestos is inert.

Anonymous No. 16399343

>Plastics are inert and dont interact with anything.
liver damage, thyroid disease, obesity, fertility problems,cancer
carcinogenic, toxic for development and reproduction, reduced fertility, genital malformations

Anonymous No. 16399346

Until there is demonstrated study, its all fake news.

Anonymous No. 16399347

cool story, /pol/.

Anonymous No. 16399352

you only need that much to survive. look at the dude's poverty diet. he's not lifting anything heavier than his feet daily.

you're lazy and stupid. "microplastics cells" google first page

go eat some plastics since you're not stupid enough.

Anonymous No. 16399356

Everyone already has microplastics in their body. So its not a matter of "eating" plastics but rather proving there is actual harm that has been done or is doing. There's no real study

Anonymous No. 16399361

you didn't even bother reading the conclusion of the linked study.

causal link between plastics and ADD confirmed on 4chan. or you just ADD all the time.

Anonymous No. 16399397

>You only need that much to survive
True, the RDA is 0.8 g/kg for maintenance. But maximum protein synthesis rates implies optimal intake, which is at least twice that for any lifting male. Overall I dont disagree with you, but your choice of words leaves something to be desired imo. Or maybe im just being a stickler

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Anonymous No. 16399453

criticism accepted. however, you most probably don't need more than 1.6 g/kg. human biology is complicated. we all react to micro and macro nutrients slightly differently because everybody's biology is different. steroid user most definitely will need more that 1.6g/kg.

Anonymous No. 16399488

Don't worry "plastic eating bacteria" that you see in some random headline every few months will save us.

Anonymous No. 16399553

Don't tell people to do what you should be doing
You're just spreading the narrative from big corporations that rely on plastics.
I would rather die than be unpaid serf of a trillion dollar industry.

Anonymous No. 16399577

>no veggies
Holy shit nigga how do you even shit?

Anonymous No. 16399643

Yep. This is a great industry to invest in.

Anonymous No. 16399685

Has it passed the brain/balls barrier??

Anonymous No. 16399707

Realistically, we don't need to. Animals will adapt to this new miracle substance.

Anonymous No. 16399712

Realistically, who CARES? It will all be subducted into the mantle in 800 million years.

Anonymous No. 16401006

Are there negative side effects to having foreign particles that your cells are constantly attacking, resulting in those cells' increased replication and therefore increased probability of transcription error? Gee, I dunno, let's think about this.

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16401021


Anonymous No. 16402332

It affects pretty much every organ negatively:

Choi, et al.30 fed PS microplastics to mice for 2 weeks and found that inflammatory-response proteins, such as inducible nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase-2, increased significantly in the liver, kidneys, and intestines of mice, and that ROS production and superoxide dismutase activity increased significantly. Lipid-metabolism disturbances and inflammatory reactions caused by microplastic exposure were more severe in diabetic mice than in healthy mice.31 Microplastic neurotoxicity has also been reported in a small number of animal experiments. Shan and colleagues32 exposed PS nanoparticles orally to mice for 7 days, and found that the nanoparticles accumulated in the central nervous system and caused microglia activation and neuron damage. Additional data have shown that exposure to PS microplastics caused cognitive dysfunction in mice,33 along with changes in locomotor function and anticholinesterase activity.34

Anonymous No. 16402354

breed micro organisms that digest microplastics and introduce them to municipal water treatment

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Anonymous No. 16402389

You know you're all on this social wagon created by one deranged semi popular kid? Trust me, you will soon pay for your crimes.

Anonymous No. 16402480

Are microplastics the worst health risk in modern society? Definitely feels like it.
You can't escape them, it's in literally everything. They're even in the fucking air you breathe.

Anonymous No. 16402500

If you wonder why that was hidden from you, relate it to the amount we don't give a shit about you or the amount of years in your upcoming punishment.

Anonymous No. 16404157


Anonymous No. 16404242

Can you ever stop with your impotent cynicism or are you just here to demoralize others like you've done to yourself?

Anonymous No. 16404286

>historical data of cancer rates
historical data on diseases is a terrible way to go about things because you're assuming they kept good records in the first place. You also have a million other variables to consider. Like what was known and not known to cause cancer at the time (smoking, asbestos, shit like that) and people living longer generally just get cancer and die anyways and people are living longer than ever before.

Right now it's such a new phenomenon we can't say anything for certain but like... it can't be good. Just looking at it as my scientific backing.

Anonymous No. 16404804

Dude, there is literally an explosion of cancer among the under-50s right now. It's been growing rapidly just in the last 20 years.

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Anonymous No. 16404808

I was actually just about to make a post here when I saw this. I've never posted here before, but I want some clarification on a recent study. So recently there was a study that allegedly claimed that an alarming 0.5% of our brains is now plastic. However recently someone pointed out that the methodology of this might be flawed ( and that the study was only on Dementia/Alzheimers patients with a weakened brain blood barrier ( I talked to another person though and they linked an article by CNN about the same study, which claims 0.5% plastics are present in "normal individuals". I'm not sure who's right here, I just have quite a bit of paranoia over plastics and I just want to be 100% sure what's right and what's hysteria here

Anonymous No. 16404810

I do wonder if it would at least significantly cut down risk if I tried to cut down plastics in my life (packaging, plastic cups, etc)

Anonymous No. 16404814


Barkan No. 16404816

Git gud payslave

Anonymous No. 16404883

donate plasma

Anonymous No. 16404887

>Zoomer testicles are literally filled with lego and trash bag remnants that cannot be removed or destroyed

hehe nothing personnel kid, this is LITERALLY not my problem


Anonymous No. 16404895

I saw someone linking this a while ago. Will look into it

Anonymous No. 16405109


Anonymous No. 16405638

bump. anyone got a response?

Anonymous No. 16406121


Anonymous No. 16406645

There are a thousand worse things than microplastics and that is why the media focuses on them, let me begin:
-government corruption on both sides of the aisle
-not finding love
-the housing market
-declining health
-declining quality of food for 90% of the population
-feminism and its consequences
-boomers avoiding retirement
-decreasing literacy rates
-African population boom

Many more bipartisan issues I could list

Anonymous No. 16406771

First of all you don't know how much the plastic pollution has contributed to declining health and quality of food.
Second of all, none of those problems have to be permanent. Plastic is virtually permanent. The vast amount of improperly disposed plastic will still be in the soil and water for the next generation, and the next-next generation, and many generations down the line. It's not only a problem now, it's a cumulative problem for our descendants.

Anonymous No. 16406801

>declining health

dude put this down but apparently microplastics don't contribute to this lmao

this is the reason why you have the electronics to communicate instantaneously. and that's a problem! globalization is neither good or bad.

your brain is a disorganized wreck. not going to bother going through all your points one by one.

Anonymous No. 16406877


Anonymous No. 16407164

return to monke
become the plastic

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Anonymous No. 16407250

you're very retarded nigger

Anonymous No. 16407254

donating blood is about the worst thing you could ever do

Anonymous No. 16407392


Anonymous No. 16407906

Kill the heads and their understudys in vanguard, blackrock and state street

Anonymous No. 16407913

Plastic is great, only petro plastic is poison. Bioplastics are the way to go, they've had hemp plastics bound with hemp resin since the early 20th century but the wealthy petroleum lobby saw to that.

Anonymous No. 16407914

Nice actual sources

Anonymous No. 16407921

Lol show me proof of a conspiracy he says. Would be much of a conspiracy with lots of easily accessible sources would it

Anonymous No. 16407933

>>Zoomer testicles are literally filled with lego and trash
I don't know why but that's so funny hahaha

T. Fat 33yo boomer

Anonymous No. 16408558


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putting lead in f....png

Anonymous No. 16408906

>Look at lead poisoning in the late Roman empire
More recent example as well

Anonymous No. 16408994

Noticed the sustained violent crimes after the lead drop off because of animals of color.

Anonymous No. 16409043

The bigger question is, can we digest what these bacteria poop out later? And can the bacteria eat skin oils, because that's gonna be some seriously dry skin.

Who Thinks Crude Oil Is Delicious? These Ocean Microbes Do

There are species of marine bacteria in several families, including Marinobacter, Oceanospiralles, Pseudomonas, and Alkanivorax, that can eat compounds from petroleum as part of their diet. In fact, there are at least seven species of bacteria that can survive solely on oil.
Bacteria that eat plastic include:

Ideonella sakaiensis: The first bacteria found to use plastic as a food source, discovered in a landfill by Japanese scientists. It breaks down polyethylene terephthalate (PET), a common type of plastic used in water bottles and food packaging.

Comamonas testosteroni: A bacteria found in wastewater that can break down plastic.

Vibrio natriegens: A marine microorganism that can break down PET in saltwater. Researchers genetically modified it to produce enzymes that break down PET by incorporating the DNA of Ideonella sakaiensis into it.

Anonymous No. 16409246

They can't afford me, 50k a vial for vaxx-free samples

Anonymous No. 16410858

when they touch eachother they will annihilate and turn into useful energy. eat as much antiplastic as you can!

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Anonymous No. 16412170

develop plastic eating bacteria
>b-but the ecological impact
as if plastic itself didn't already fuck that up

Anonymous No. 16412174

Looks to me like crime causes high lead levels in children, since preschool -> criminal would take at minimum 13 or so years

Anonymous No. 16412180

nice list of your personal fears, /pol/.

Anonymous No. 16412289


Anonymous No. 16412293

We're getting there

Anonymous No. 16412358

what is the connection between macroplastics on the finger and micrplastics in brain tissue?

Anonymous No. 16413171

>And even if you could, they'd be like pre-industrial tribal peoples so there'd be too many confounding variables.
Bro even island niggers that have never seen another human being habe micro plastic in them.
That shit is everywhere

Anonymous No. 16413316

Probably much less than someone living in an urban area and consuming plastic products though.

Anonymous No. 16413515

Try looking at the two different time axes again, and the colorcoding

Anonymous No. 16413517

my point was
>be american schoolchild
>get shot

Anonymous No. 16413659

MICROPLASTICS MADE ME FAT *shoves pie into mouth*

Gone too soon thread No. 16414472

To make it your responsibility instead of the responsibility of corpos probably

Anonymous No. 16414883

So what do i do?

Anonymous No. 16415014

>Realistically, How Can We Stop This?
i believe we are banking on plastic eating bacteria and praying it doesn't spiral out of control and destroy everything

Anonymous No. 16417298

ban all plastics production worldwide.
it will never happen, thus we and all the other animals are fucked.

Anonymous No. 16417526

Corpos that don't ultimately serve a consumer shouldn't exist.

Anonymous No. 16417602

The plastics aren’t just freely swimming in your blood they’re in your fat tissue

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Anonymous No. 16420587



Anonymous No. 16422639

>how do we stop dust
Dust always existed, always will, it can't be stopped. Next question.

Anonymous No. 16423988

Not good news

Anonymous No. 16429578

You are wrong. You can add simulated microplastics (polystyrene balls of a known size for instance) to cell cultures and study how their development is affected at different concentrations of microplastics. And this does not get into the amount of studies you could do with an organ bath or some more complicated apparatus. There’s also raising rats in a plastic-free environment and controlling the amount of microplastic in their feed and seeing how their behaviour and development is affected.

Anonymous No. 16429602

i live in a developed country with highly advanced water filtration systems. that shit is not getting through. if bacteria can't get through then neither can this

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Anonymous No. 16433449

>Realistically, How Can We Stop This?
Ban plastic production and consumption in the 3rd world.

Anonymous No. 16435244

I can't lie to you about your chances but you have my sympathies.

Anonymous No. 16435683

there's literally nothing you can do about it, and the sooner you accept that and stop stressing over it the better. Stress is bad for you immune system.

Anonymous No. 16435802

I've never quite understood microplastics as a political narrative. Like who are we supposed to be mad at for this? Big Oil? Industry in general?

Anonymous No. 16435848

you're supposed to vote for the greens

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Anonymous No. 16436116


Start donating blood.

You draw out plastic contaminated blood in red cross donation, your body refills with fresh pure blood. Additionally you might save some lives. Win Win.

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Anonymous No. 16436499

Evolution (or God) created this bacteria to eat plastic in the environment and maybe a similar bacteria will appear inside of our bodies later on to deal with the problem.

Anonymous No. 16436522

The same greens who back out of enacting change the moment the oil company tells them it would make them very sad?

Anonymous No. 16436547

This problem will solve itself over time. All the people who get cancer or become infertile before they can reproduce will take their genes to the grave. And after a few generations we will have a population where most are resistant against the effects of microplastics.

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Boil hard water t....jpg

Anonymous No. 16436556

Here's how.

Anonymous No. 16436883

Lol, our civilization is going to collapse within 50 years.
I'm serious. Download the study, it's open access, then do the math yourself or if you are lazy, use ChatGPT.
Toxicity is rapidly getting worse. There are no special cases exempt from it. We don't experience evolution fast enough for that to be the case.

Anonymous No. 16436894

People have been absorbing plastic for over 50 years, nothing will happen. In fact, now that every retard is freaking out about it, I'm sure companies will start moving back to glass or other plastic substitutes.

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Anonymous No. 16436903

You are the only retard here.
Median sperm concentration will approach zero sperm/mL by the 2060s.
Do you think this trend that's been accelerating for the past 50 years will magically reverse as exposure to harmful chemicals increases?
Not to mention that it's environmental by now.
There is no way to get rid of the poison without crashing the entire world's economy.

Anonymous No. 16436905

Face it, we are going extinct, save a tiny minority of ultra-rich and their pets.
They don't care, they want this. They think there's too many plebs that aren't needed anymore.

Anonymous No. 16436913

>Do you think this trend that's been accelerating for the past 50 years will magically reverse as exposure to harmful chemicals increases?
Yes? They just start using fucking glass and suddenly it's all good. It's not like there's some kind of magical toxic momentum that's affecting all of humanity, if they stop using this shit it will stop getting worse, then it will start getting better.
>There is no way to get rid of the poison without crashing the entire world's economy.
If enough people die, then that economy will crash and fix itself.

Anonymous No. 16436975

>Median sperm concentration will approach zero sperm/mL by the 2060s.
You sound like Thomas Malthus

Anonymous No. 16437289


Anonymous No. 16437379

till this lil nigga destroys all computer, medical, agriculture, transportation, etc

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16437404

Unrelated, by I just got an idea for a horror movie. Combining Tetsuo: The Iron Man with Swallowed and making it about plastic.

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Anonymous No. 16437412

Heres some information: The concentration of microplastics (And Nanoplastics or MNP) in the bloodstream extrapolated from the mouse model, is approximately 1mg/1L of blood volume for about 5mg in the bloodstream of the average person.

Environmental MNP is all human created and derived, and, assuming that all MNP in the environment are 1. disintegrating and 2. hardly decomposed by normal environment effects, their emergence commenced after 1950 and accumulation in the environment is increasing. For example, I assume it takes 50 years for a piece of plastic to disintegrate to MNPs. So I expect we are in an exponential phase of rising exposure and thus rising blood levels. It's known that maybe 10% of all plastic escapes into the environment (a dump truck every second is what I read)

The only environmental features that effect removal (effectively) is burial or sedimentation- otherwise the fraction in the air and across the planet I would presume is somewhat inhibited by bodies of water, and deposition over sedimentary surfaces, however due to constant ground level and air column mixing in cities, it is assumed that it is constantly at higher concentrations and we see this around freeways and traffic, and point sources of plastic (signs, materials, garbage).

I also assume that the increase in blood concentration lags the increase of MNP concentration in normal, well mixed air, and further, it lags the curve of the annual production of plastics in general. So, the mystery is the hidden curve. Bloodstream plastic was zero in 1950, and 5mg today. What is the rate of change? I expect exponential rates of change because of the lag between its production and when it becomes MNPs (aside from MNPs which are just dumped into the environemnt straight away, such as spray paint and glitter).

The main risk is we hit some previously unknown point of intolerance and all basically keel over, except for people who regularly undergo dialysis, like diabetics.

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Anonymous No. 16437416

Unrelated, by I just got an idea for a horror movie. Combining Tetsuo: The Iron Man with Swallow and making it about plastic.

Anonymous No. 16439319

it's over for us, isn't it