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Anonymous No. 16385453

Were his overtly sexual psychological theories just schizo ramblings or was he right?

Anonymous No. 16385462

He was lowkey spittin

Anonymous No. 16385472

I think he was mostly on track with his theories, a good estimate for truth but he said everything in a really gross way and was a pretty untrustworthy person. Good theorist, bad practitioner

Anonymous No. 16385585

It was all a projection of his degenerate jewish brain

Anonymous No. 16385615

ah now that i read the early life section it all makes sense

Anonymous No. 16385616


Anonymous No. 16385645

>just schizo ramblings or was he right
Kind of both, but the more direct framing is to imagine what you'd get from a pseudoscientist born in the 1800s who had to figure out why people do weird things.
It's a lot easier to start from a Darwinian perspective where humans are driven by survival and reproduction than to deal in depth with all the various factors of philosophy, religion, sociology, history, etc.
Adler would be the contemporary counterpart who focused more on the humanistic side of psychology than all the instinctual stuff.

Anonymous No. 16385668

jung is more intredesting to (me)

Anonymous No. 16385673

He was really full schizo. If he'd been a gender studies major and SSRIs had never been discovered, psychiatry might be a real /sci/ence.

Anonymous No. 16385680

>schizo ramblings

Anonymous No. 16385693

Some things he got right when it comes to the reasoning why abused people, aka the people who need psychiatric treatment the most, focus so much on genitalia and have unhealthy fixations towards their parents. For the average person it’s nonsense because they have a healthy mental balance

Anonymous No. 16385743

He didnt get anything right. People who grow up in authoritarian households tend to love their parents more

Anonymous No. 16385748

[citation needed]

Anonymous No. 16385754

Anal and oral fixations are based in very traceable mannerisms in people. They were yet unprepared for 'fluidity in sexuality', which could have proven a better basis.

Anonymous No. 16385775

If by “love” you mean “are meek, subservient and servile” then yes, you’d be correct. They otherwise put their parents in home the moment they are adults and have power over them as they get old and infirm
Empirical evidence from real life experience

Anonymous No. 16385819

Freud is a jew who understood that after the atheist bourgeois revolutions, men and bourgeois women were sex and drug addicts just like him and since women dont work but love to gossip about sex, he figured he could have a little cult around him, composed of whores and bourgeois desperate to hear how sex addiction is the nature of the human psyche framed into a self made and self aggrandizing myth disguised as science to surf on the atheist hype of positivism lol.
100 years later atheists still consider him their guru, since they are still lobotomized sex and drug addicts...

Anonymous No. 16386854

you will never have an ethnostate.

Anonymous No. 16386882

He was talking about his own fucked up jewish psyche and overemphasizing the negatives.

Anonymous No. 16386935


Anonymous No. 16386941

He's a jew, so he delighted in being infuriatingly and confusingly correct.

Anonymous No. 16387041

I think the iceberg comparison was onto something but I suspect his personal beliefs and motives fueled his work.

Anonymous No. 16387058

I am realizing his analysis of defense mechanisms was genius. Does some of psychoanalysis have real scientific method based backing? How do I separate the bullshit psychology from the stuff that could save my life?

Anonymous No. 16387078

You were the parent or the child?

Anonymous No. 16387095

Nah it has to do with structure. If punishment and reward coincide with the proper structure of higher social realities than the parents are seen as doing a good job. When punishment and reward are totally incongruent with that then they've created demented offspring who understandably dislike many things including their parents.

Anonymous No. 16388779

Oedipus Complex is straight fire.
>Grow up hating your dad, only to become just like him, end up marrying someone just like your loving mommy.

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Anonymous No. 16388841

I don't know I'm not sure he was 100% correct about everything I think alot of his ideas were more presumptive rather then empirical.

Not to say he wasn't totally wrong but definitely not right ethier if I had a measuring device that could predict the accuracy of his work I'd say about 40% was correct

Anonymous No. 16389199

Anatomy is destiny.

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Anonymous No. 16389208

I don't know I'm not sure anon was 100% correct about Freud I think alot of his ideas were more presumptive rather then empirical.

Not to say he wasn't totally wrong but definitely not right ethier if I had a measuring device that could predict the accuracy of his work I'd say about 0% was correct

Anonymous No. 16389599

His theory consists on "We have 3 souls". Complete nonsense. Pavlov contributed a lot fucking more to psychology with his "Neuron Activation" model than this hack.

Anonymous No. 16389612

>Being a retarded american is empirical evidence
My parents loved me and I am 100% loyal to them. My mother coddled me and I treat her as an equal rather than what she expects like a superior in a position of power. None of this has to do with freud bullshit. If you treat people well they will like you, whodathunkit?

Anonymous No. 16390829

I love both my parents but one thing that would get me pissed about my father was any kind of perceived unfairness. Like, i would not accept any punishment or blame for something i didnt do. It was just a strong instinct of mine, otherwise i was happy at being the goodest son

Anonymous No. 16390873

It's not one or the other.

Anonymous No. 16391293

Freud's major problem was he only studied the mentally ill, without developing a baseline for comparison by studying healthy minds as well.

Anonymous No. 16393162

The existence of sibling incest disproves Freud. If siblings compete with each other to fuck their parents, how does Freud explain it when the siblings fuck each other? The answer: he doesn't.

Anonymous No. 16393208

Medicine is about merchain illness never about healthy life.
Never cure, just find treatment for recurrent sold.

Anonymous No. 16394653

He was just overly coked sodomite, who achieved being published and accepted.

Sexuality is quite different nowadays, then back then, so it would say maybe it made sense, but no longer does.

Anonymous No. 16394686


Anonymous No. 16394711

he analyzed himself and uncovered his own degeneracy, then he projected his degeneracy onto decent white folks

Anonymous No. 16397307

He was right and anyone who says otherwise is either can't introspect or are lying to themselves.

Anonymous No. 16397350

this desu. everything human is psychological, even psychology

Anonymous No. 16397410

>Implying schizo ramblings aren't right

Anonymous No. 16397458

Humans don't need an ethnostate without constant demonic subversion, I'm pretty sure humans would be able to get along fine and reverse racism to levels of ethnic rivalry at the worst.

Anonymous No. 16397491

It resonates with people but religion resonates with people too. Ultimately it's unfalsifiable so I think it's nothing more than novelty

Anonymous No. 16397497

look around and you'll see he was right but since his thoughts didn't follow the scientific method people don't check as much anymore

jung was also a freak with schizo ramblings, but at least that one had something other than sex in his mind