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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16416776

Why are there so many damn genes for skin color?
It's just melanin. There should be one for white, one for black, and another for brown.

>A recent systematic study found 169 genes involved in human skin coloration
Like what the hell

Anonymous No. 16416795


Anonymous No. 16417278

169 is nothing, there are millions of genes total

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16417279

It's not just color that makes Africans African faggot. Kill thyself in the fourth

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Anonymous No. 16418640

Then why do squirrel coats only have two?

Anonymous No. 16418647

Maybe convergent evolution.
Also, lack of selective pressure would allow any benign pigmentation gene to linger.

Anonymous No. 16418655

Most of those genes aren't solely for skin colour, they determine many other things in your phenotype including things completely unrelated to skin like brain structure.

There's only about twenty thousand functional genes (not including alleles). You are thinking of base pairs and introgenes.

Anonymous No. 16418757

But blacks also differ in different genes than skin colour.

Anonymous No. 16418773

Of course. We aren't the same species. We didn't know this 20 years ago, but the last decade put the nail in the coffin for the idea of human races. There are no races, just different species entirely. What we call ethnicities are closer to races (Japanese is a race of the East Asian (but not African) species, Croatians are a race of the European species etc.).

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Anonymous No. 16422011

If we are speaking in a genetic sense there isn't really "white, black, brown." That shit originated in the America and spread as they came to dominate world culture. You can already see this with your own eyes. Northern Europeans are more like a rose pinkish colour. Africans are hues of brown. And most other people have some sort of beige. If you colour select the skin on a photo editing program, you'll get some variation of red or orange.

Anonymous No. 16424023

That's pretty wild!