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🧵 There's no aliens.

Anonymous No. 16417200

The fact is that the concept of "life" as we currently know it is purely a human construct created with an earthly bias. Everything that we find in space that is "living" will taxonomically be no different than calling a rock a living being.

Sorry guys, but the faster you swallow this blackpill, the faster you can move on.

Anonymous No. 16417203


Anonymous No. 16417210

We made up the concept of life. Therefore it doesn't exist anywhere else outside of earth.

Anonymous No. 16417211

what makes you think that?

Anonymous No. 16417215

Why would you think that something 50,000 light years away from earth would have 90% the same characteristics of a bacteria? It doesn't make any sense.

Anonymous No. 16417222

who said that it's 90 percent?

Anonymous No. 16417226

It needs enough to similarities to make it be considered living. Otherwise you're just calling something like a rock or a sun living.

Anonymous No. 16417242

and what similarities are you thinking of? what's your definition of "life"?

Anonymous No. 16417251


Anonymous No. 16417253

Life had to exist on Earth before humans could create a human conception of it. Therefore, It's objective, not subjective.

Anonymous No. 16417260

>Everything that we find in space that is "living" will taxonomically be no different than calling a rock a living being.
Sure, it would be taxonomically independent of terrestrial life. But if it’s a blob of organic matter that reproduces and has a metabolism then it’s a little different to a rock

Anonymous No. 16417262

how does this disprove life elsewhere in an infinite universe?

Anonymous No. 16417266

Oh look, it's another teenager who tried drugs for the first time and now thinks his mind has expanded to enlightenment.

Anonymous No. 16417270

OP fag

Anonymous No. 16417271

OP is right, poetically, it brings us intellect. Of course the lion-man is not necessarily alien to us, but I think OP confuses the matter at hand where we are sometimes divided based on our species.

Anonymous No. 16417293

OP i've had this same thought and I made a similar thread about this like a year ago maybe. Completely agree

Anonymous No. 16417588

The universe is large enough to the point it's probable that somewhere other than Earth there exists what we would recognize as life. Will we ever find it? Probably not.

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Anonymous No. 16417632


Anonymous No. 16417871

Because you're both retarded. This is equivalent to claiming that just because the Earth is round doesn't mean other planets will be. Maybe they'll be square, or rhombus.
There are rules and limits to the universe. 2+2 always = 4. Biological life is not some Earth-specific phenomenon, it's something arises under certain universal conditions. Same as everything else in the universe.
Biological life is not a social construct lol

Anonymous No. 16417885

2+2 = 4

How so?
Why must it always equal four? Maybe it equals 4.5, 2 apples can be large and small.

Anonymous No. 16417889

A large 2 plus a medium 2 = 5

Anonymous No. 16417895

>2 + 2 always equals 4


How does it "always" equal 2?

Anonymous No. 16418444

>Biological life is not some Earth-specific phenomenon.
Name another instance of it

Anonymous No. 16418454

>Rocks Are Aliens.
dear god, the frog piss in the tap water really did turn you kids gheay af.

Anonymous No. 16418464

Fractions and the number line are gonna flip your kids' shit. Are you all like 8? No 3rd grade today because of the storm?

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Anonymous No. 16418481

>Name another instance of it
I saw them for myself during an elementary school field trip to the local community college's Museum of Science.

Anonymous No. 16418492

OP either you are 12 or have 0 concept of biology. Define what you mean by life. Which part of you is alive right now?
Read The Blind Watchmaker

Anonymous No. 16418960

Ywe didn't invent the concept of life, we invented a name for a concept that we observe actually existing.

Anonymous No. 16420759

>Biological life can exist elsewhere! We just haven't seen it yet because it's such a small chance of it being exactly what I want it to look like!

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Alien lyfe.jpg

Anonymous No. 16422512

>Grows and self replicates (small crystals grow into large crystals)
>Exchanges matter with its surroundings (grows and shrinks with fluctuating chemical conditions)

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Anonymous No. 16422515

Are you allowed to make logical observations based on sense alone? Such as 'there's probably other species in the universe'.

Anonymous No. 16424215

Life isn't a real thing. Like consciousness, it is an illusion of consciousness.

Anonymous No. 16424288

We know there’s nothing like us anywhere in our neighborhood - or else we would have heard their signals. That’s NOT to say that there isn’t complex life around, just that there’s nothing which has reached our level. It’s estimated to be hundreds of millions of planets which could support Earth-like life., but bear in mind that cosmologists basically just make up shit and even if there was, the chances of the same evolutionary accident string which lead to life on Earth could be replicated elsewhere is so infinitesimally low that we’re probably alone. Humanity could represent that one in an absurdly low chance of such a thing happening. If the universe is literally infinite that it must happen someone else, but: 1. It’s not infinite and 2. Even if it is, it may not have occurred yet (ie, infinitely expanding).

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alien romulus fak....jpg

Anonymous No. 16424493

You don't know the size of the universe or if it's infinite.
The larger the universe gets, the higher the probability that there is something else out there which we would be able to recognize as a form of life, even if it's too far away for us to ever discover it.

Anonymous No. 16428667

Sorry, humans aren't exceptional. They just aren't.
What you think of as life and sentience and the things that make you "you", they're just complexity.

It exists everywhere, sorry.

Anonymous No. 16428754

This belongs on /x/

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A crystal is not ....png

Anonymous No. 16429462
