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🧵 Untitled Thread

B00T No. 16419654

Every action can be attuned to a web of cognitive reactions, meaning that we are able to day-sleep. If I forcefully move my eyes rightward, I can recognize that there is an opposed negative non-action in all areas of the body, at that time, such as if I wouldn’t, rather than cognizing the action rightly. Here we can shift ourselves into the perception of infinite possibility. If for every action I commit to, I can focus on negative entropy to receive waste data, I can bring myself online through a makeshift device.

Afterward I can apply wires to this device using my mind, heart, body or sense, and combinations of those. For example, I could focus on outgoing energy and release myself in that way, to use my heart and change the device. Another example, I could focus on incoming energy and release myself in reverse to use my mind to change the device.

Anonymous No. 16419788

I don't even think chatgpt could hallucinate this shit, it feels like having a stroke

Anonymous No. 16422716


Anonymous No. 16424353


B00T No. 16424403

-poops on you with a hearty hello-

B00T No. 16424445

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, as a consequence of this, we can become online in a personal matrix. If for every action I conduct, I can switch my normal perception for a special perception, of whatever opposite non-action I didn't conduct, and presume there is inertia, I have unlocked infinite possibility in the realm of my own mind.