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๐Ÿงต Genius or Fool?

Anonymous No. 16421713

Should I keep following and researching his work? Or is it just a waste of scientific time?

Anonymous No. 16421835

If you have to ask, you're ngmi

Anonymous No. 16421851

Nigga is dumb as a bag of rocks and highly overestimates his own intelligence. Being charismatic and having other personal/professional competencies doesn't suddenly make you a revolutionary genius as soon as you try your hand at something new.

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Anonymous No. 16422087

Follow your heart, anon.

Anonymous No. 16422799

>T. Seething poltard incel.

He might not be right - in fact odds are he isn't - but at least he's intelligent enough to familiarize himself with the existing scholarship on the subject, develop his own ideas, and then defend them in a scientific manner. Thats a lot more impressive that you're typical white trash anti-science redneck type.

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Anonymous No. 16422807

I'm fine with people making retarded new ideas as long as
>they do some research to check to see if someone has thought of their idea already
>if someone has stolen their idea retroactively then they are still allowed to champion the same idea but person has a moral imperative then to investigate literature on the arguments
this is unrelated and might derail the thread but I see people ignoring this shit with "young earth creationism" where they pretend the lengthy serious debates about the topic 400 years ago never happened and if they did they aren't worth reading, even if they're willing to bet their eternal soul on the matter. Someone might interpret that as an attack but it's just an example.
I don't think anyone else during the enlightenment was claiming 1x1 = 2 but there were some other pretty funny ideas. Joke schools of thought are still schools of thought. There are in fact respectable colleges for clowns. The world likely needs more sober sane people with thorough understanding of conflicting methods of thought.

Anonymous No. 16422810

Get off this board you fucking retard

Anonymous No. 16422821

I agree
there's a fucking army of 80 IQ PhDs churning out academic garbage and rubber stamping their college of grift's associates papers. Then none of the raw data is published, none of the results are repeatable. The worst of it is in health and psychology, the real money farms. Though a lot of humanities "scholarly academia" is just surveys and either totally obvious shit or making it up.
>oh yeah this looks professional what do you think?
>yup it's peer reviewed
>now i need to write 20 more papers this year and teach a class to afford my new SUV
The end result is hilarious. Academics try to increase demands for their papers by demanding citations. The end result is like basic common sense can't exist unless some component of the thought involved has had token approval from some overworked bureaucrats.
And this shit isn't even good, often nobody looks over the sources except for some autistic German and so translation errors will linger in academic circles for 100 years. (this applies to the classics)

Anonymous No. 16422827

You are literally more anti-science than the most brain rotted Infowars viewer out there if you don't have the willingness to call out bullshit when you see it. He didn't even do the bare minimum to "familiarize himself with the existing scholarship" on any of the subjects he vomits about. Yet you're here sucking his cock because he's "developed his own ideas" as if every flat earth or creationist retard out there on the right doesn't have the exact same impulses and approach that he did, only with a different ideological background.

Anonymous No. 16422837

well at least he's made a display convincing enough to fool someone and that's what really matters in intellectual circles

Anonymous No. 16422903

>Genius or Fool?
He's nothing more than a snake oil salesman that's been laughed at by his peers. I suspect the only reason he's got as far as he has is because he's black, and it took another black man to tell him he's basically a fuckwitt and his ideas need to fuck off along with him.

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Anonymous No. 16422923

Lmao this huckster is from the same TV show as Jussie Smollett. It's crazy that woke shitlibs always talk bout disinformation and muh """anti-science""", and how we need to criminalize disinformation because of Drumpf and Putin or something, but then when a low IQ nigger makes up blatantly false claims about integer arithmetic and other basic ass shit, the wokies refuse to question it.

Anonymous No. 16424240

Have sex

Anonymous No. 16424278

Go back to /pol/ chud

Anonymous No. 16424303

>no understanding of even undergrad levels of physics/chemistry
>no understanding of basic mathematical concepts used in physics/chemistry

Thank god science filters people like this by forcing them to learn courses of mathematics before being able to speak

Anonymous No. 16424560

>1 = 1^2
good try einstein

Anonymous No. 16430812

Ok will do. Thanks anon!