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🧵 Brane?

Anonymous No. 16422854

Anonymous No. 16422969

>what's the next step of your master plan?
>colliding these branes with no survivors
>you're a big bang

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Anonymous No. 16423006


Anonymous No. 16423140

The 3rd panel is already refuted by measurement.

Anonymous No. 16423184

Matter isnt just made of energy so this model doesnt account for many things. If its pop-sci then its simply grossly simplified

Barwkne No. 16423195

No you. You're a big bang

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B00T No. 16423201


Anonymous No. 16423268

>matter isn’t just made of energy
It literally is. Matter is, by definition, anything that appears in the action. Because the action must be Poincare invariant, matter terms must be Poincare representations so they have Lorentz indices. Because they have Lorentz indices, they implicitly contain the metric. The energy-stress tensor is obtained by differentiation wrt to the metric by Noether’s theorem. So literally every term of the action has to yield its contribution to the stress-energy tensor.

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Star Trek TOS Spo....jpg

Anonymous No. 16423350


Anonymous No. 16423568

>Tell me about brane. Why does it leak gravity?

Anonymous No. 16424060

is there an equation or algorithm that allows us to see how this occurs and what the result would be?

Anonymous No. 16424197

>It literally is.
It isnt, there are other symmetries besides Poincare.
Go ahead and explain how you would create a single electron using energy

Anonymous No. 16424459

violates conservation of energy because the branes rebound infinitely (presumably)
if they do stop, why wouldn't they merge which leaves us with just one brane?

Anonymous No. 16424979

multiverse Is a Fucking meme...
YOU can simulate a anything using MATH tard.

Anonymous No. 16426011

Insane in the (meme)brane

Anonymous No. 16429726

It would be extremely energetic.