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Anonymous No. 16423715

What is it /sci/?

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Anonymous No. 16423726

Anonymous No. 16423732

Whatever's right above me.

Anonymous No. 16423744

IQ tests not accurate whatsoever. I'm a teacher. Many of my students which would likely score "low" on a IQ test are some of the most talented and creative kids I've ever met. These are kids that are outgoing, love to have fun, brighten up everyone's day, have more emotional expression, and are often great at sports.
Conversely, many of the students that would probably score "high" on an IQ test are often very plain and boring. They get high grades in school but aren't very social, are often scared of the "low IQ" students, often aren't good at sports, and don't really have anything interesting to say.
I think creativity is highly underrepresented in IQ tests. A lot of my "low IQ" students are fantastic artists. Almost all of them are great dancers.

Anonymous No. 16423763

You type like a woman. There’s nothing intelligent about extraversion. Just because you missed out on Chad cock in your youth doesn’t mean your projections are true.

Anonymous No. 16423765

Based on multiple confirmed IQ tested people from the 20th century it seems like 125 is the minimum required to make some kind of genius breakthrough in a single domain you've trained in your whole life. Multi excellence seems to require 135-140+ IQ due to similar stories of IQ tested 20th century characters.

Anonymous No. 16423769

Creativity isn't being tested for in an IQ test. There are tests for creativity that look for convergent and divergent thinking abilities, but actually convergent and divergent thinking is explicitly prohibited on tests like the WAIS in some of the subtests.

Anonymous No. 16423785

>are often scared of the "low IQ" students
Lol this has to be a troll
How did a dumb bitch like you even find this website or work up the nerve to come here?

Anonymous No. 16423798


Anonymous No. 16423882

You'll never be as smart as a man.

Anonymous No. 16424136

>What is it /sci/?
Its a larp

Anonymous No. 16424142

>troll or woman
make your choice /sci/

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Anonymous No. 16428139


Anonymous No. 16428189

I am definitely not a genius and was tested at 135-140ish a few times as a kid formally, so it must be higher than that.

Anonymous No. 16428200

You're just not living up to your full potential dummy

Anonymous No. 16428434

Your iq is clearly below 90 because you first posted this thread on /g/ while thinking you were posting here

Anonymous No. 16428808

Being a genius has nothing to do with IQ

Anonymous No. 16429564

>These are kids that are outgoing, love to have fun, brighten up everyone's day, have more emotional expression, and are often great at sports.
These are totally irrelevant qualities with respect to becoming a competent scientist. No one needs to be likeable or good at sports to be good at science. Women like you are the reason our educational system is failing.

Anonymous No. 16429598

only retards concern themselves with this

Anonymous No. 16429641

142 + being white + being socially succesful but abbrasive

Anonymous No. 16429854

You don't have to be high IQ at all to be a genius. High IQ just means you're quick. Being a genius is more about being organized and simply taking the time to try everything that's obvious enough.

Anonymous No. 16430010

>A lot of my "low IQ" students are fantastic artists. Almost all of them are great dancers.
I appreciate the bait even if none of these guys do

Anonymous No. 16430419

>are often scared of the "low IQ" students
isn't like fostering a safe learning environment, ya know, your job?

>and don't really have anything interesting to say
>to you...

>I think creativity is highly underrepresented in IQ tests
broad generic creativity isn't the question at hand.

Anonymous No. 16430423

>necessary but not sufficient...

Anonymous No. 16430775

It's bait bro, relax
I bet it's some dogshit copied from reddit

Anonymous No. 16430787

>These are kids that are outgoing, love to have fun, brighten up everyone's day, have more emotional expression, and are often great at sports
I like how none of these have to do with intelligence. A downie can do everything you mentioned. either a 7/10 shitpost or a woman moment.

Anonymous No. 16430833

It's crazy how large of a percentage of teachers suck up to the popular kids in their classes. Guess most teachers were nobodies in school and try to make up for it by gaining social approval from the kids in their class that wouldn't have wanted anything to do with that teacher's younger self. You can see it right there in the post by the anon you responded to. She's impressed by the things that have nothing to do with the material she is meant to teach. You can bet her grading reflects her need to be liked by those kids.

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Anonymous No. 16430853

Unfortunately they don't have a place in modern society since the economy sucks.
It's stem, McDonald's, or teaching whatever you learned in university(history, English) like some sort of pyramid scheme because the career prospects suck.

Anonymous No. 16431290

you're just butthurt about your inability to have been competitive at childhood athletic activities, which was your own fault because you're just too lazy and entitled to exercise. if you'd have put the effort into athletics that the other children did then you would have been able to compete with them on even terms and you wouldn't have to be so upset about your childhood for the rest of your life.

Anonymous No. 16432797

Feynman supposedly had 125 IQ.

I mean your definitely not gonna be a genius with 100 IQ or below, but above that there isnt much needed. Or Feynman just intentionally fucked up the test, because he was looking at it as too "authoritarian", which he disliked (his father complex).

With it, I'd say below 120 IQ you cant be a genius. Maybe a very creative artist, or avant garde in some other way, but not a genius.

Anonymous No. 16432799

This seems most plausible to me. IQ just sets a limit of how far you can reach on the intellectual side.

Anonymous No. 16432804

This is obviously a troll post, and what he's trying to imply is that those low IQ students are black. It's mirroring a common talking point among educators about how black kids are so smart and are always participating in class and are so creative, but then it's such a mystery why they get lower grades than the quiet white kids that sit at the last row.

Anonymous No. 16432819

Real life functioning trumps intelligence. IQ is just one aspect. It is important in some ways, but its not the end all be all. Enough high IQ loosers exist to prove my point.

Anonymous No. 16432821

Troll thread.

IQ is redundant where intellect is concerned. It's just some nerds quiz. Truly meaningless. True IQ is scored in the upper echelons of intelligence, something nerds of Earth are never going to achieve without my help. Kill thyself in the third

Anonymous No. 16432844

Know Your Self in the first.

What will you IQcels do without my magic sauce? High altitude astro turfing hasnt turned up to be self sufficient. Existence causing has never been a mere coincidence

Anonymous No. 16432855

Self is 2D. Fag

Anonymous No. 16432864

Arent you just special purpose?

I cant comprehend your shenanigans

Anonymous No. 16433818

>These are kids that are outgoing, love to have fun, brighten up everyone's day, have more emotional expression, and are often great at sports

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Anonymous No. 16434391


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Anonymous No. 16434393


Anonymous No. 16434402

It's not bait, it's one of those low-IQ mouth breathers, who associates all good individual qualities with physical beauty and therefore thinks that IQ testing must be a falsity, as the ugly, dull child must also be stupid.
Absolute subhuman scum.

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Anonymous No. 16437556

The only true mark of intelligence is getting what you want out of life.

IQ is real and relevant, it is the speed you can get to answers and how many ways you can get there. Very useful, but it is only 1 tool. A tool that unfortunately becomes the entire identity of many and has a tendency to lead to extremely robust cope.
IQ isn’t decisiveness, confidence, emotional stability, resilience. experience, wisdom, curiosity, social understanding, charisma or communication skills, physical resources, introspection, direction or discipline. It is speed, nothing more, nothing less.
The most intelligent people I know get in their own head and rationalise themselves around their inaction, fear or incompetence to protect their ego. They do not grow. This was also my experience, which I’m trying to change. I am a retard.

Anonymous No. 16437559

Gonna post my dick in your mouth if you keep talking trash, how's that for genius

Anonymous No. 16440038


Anonymous No. 16442480

White woman