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Anonymous No. 16423950

How do I get good at electricity theory? Any good websites or books for learning it? Specifically for aircraft/avionics? pic unrelated

Anonymous No. 16424026


Anonymous No. 16427324


Best resources for someone who never touched a lamp in their life.

Anonymous No. 16432702

Basic engineering circuit analysis (Irwin and Nelms)
Control systems engineering (Nise)
Power system analysis and design (glover, overbye, sarma)
Semiconductor and electronics:
Principles of electronic materials and design (Kasap)
Probably something like the “Art of Electronics” or any other microelectronics text
Signals and systems
Digital signal processing (Mitra)
Signals, Systems and Inference (Oppenheim)
EM Fields
Obviously Balanis text on antennas
Introduction to electrodynamics (Griffiths)

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Anonymous No. 16433304

Start by rejecting QM QED QFT all that shit and start treating the electron as a small yellow ball with a minus sign on it written with a black marker. Give it a definite position, momentum, volume, mass, and surface.

Finally assume that all electrons are spinning, but that the spinning is slowing down and when it stops completely the electron loses its charge and becomes a deadtron. As it loses spin energy it radiates away photon which can push other electrons away, or recharge protons.

You should be able to derive most properties from this.