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Anonymous No. 16423964

Scientifically speaking, why does /sci/ have a lower average post rate now than it did in 2017, despite the fact that 4chan in general has grown?

Anonymous No. 16424068

jannies started doing their job

Anonymous No. 16424079

>More retards come to 4chan
>Retards don't into science and maths

Anonymous No. 16424088

Good. Keep this board relevant to science and maths. The new people are either porn addicts or on some /pol/ schizo theories or both.

Anonymous No. 16424104

day of employment soon jannie

Anonymous No. 16424108


๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16424116

Schizos drove all the good posters away. You can literally see that the difference between pre-2020 average and peak average is the same as the total average nowadays.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16424120

Jesus Christ the Son of God promised all who believe in Him. Will receive the free gift of eternal life. Just ask Jesus for eternal life in heaven. He also promised to heal your body.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16424133

Science has changed. Users here get banned for talking about honest to God published scientific findings because they go against the politically correct ideals. Half of biology is banned on this board. STEM is inundated with DEI initiatives which are now science. Talk about them and get banned. And let's not get started on medicine. Nature as well as other scientific journals endorse political candidates. Post about it and get banned. This board has an identity crisis where it bans people who discuss modern science while failing to provide a convincing argument for why such topics aren't science.

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16424163

Funny how the '/pol/ schizo theories' have proven more accurate over the last few years than The Science.

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Anonymous No. 16424185

I see already that this is a thread where only janny-approved opinions will be tolerated.

Anonymous No. 16424217

Most of the growth is in bots and sci isn't really worth botting since it's a small board simply creating spam threads is more than enough.

Anonymous No. 16428300

Because it sucks compared to earlier times.
Not even the
>this month in science
Anon posts anymore.

Anonymous No. 16429721

how come you're not high IQ enough to outwit those stupid schizos? and how come every 'conspiracy theory' the schizos post always seems to eventually come true?

Anonymous No. 16429725

>>Retards don't into science and maths
You must be new here

Anonymous No. 16429751


Anonymous No. 16429799

Because all the growth went into /pol/ and trump posting, which has infested the rest of the site with inane bitching about jews, blacks, and trannies.

Gotta have your IQ and race threads every day.

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Anonymous No. 16429807

Because he didn't just recommend some good-ass respirators.

Anonymous No. 16430965

Same shit happened to /his/

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16430969

You mean 2016. Trumptards shit up the entire site as they all flocked to /pol/ to post their retarded conspiracy theories.

Anonymous No. 16430988

Every time I come here I see some dumbass asking retarded biology questions that are answered in the introductory courses. I would answer them but of course as a biologist I'm much too busy at my high paying, high status job in the private sector.

Anonymous No. 16431191

>hhhmmm today I think I'll go on 4chan
>lets see what anonymous has to say today
>anons are posting nonconformist ideas and concepts
>oh no - someone posted something I personally dislike

srsly doe, why not just stay on reddit, facebook, instagram, tiktok or one of the many, many other highly censored safe spaces for people who get upset when they see mainstream narratives contradicted?

Anonymous No. 16431612

anon 2016 isn't even on the graph
also, 2016 /sci/ didn't have nearly the volume of schizos as it has had post-covid

Anonymous No. 16432232

>laughs in the โ€œhow can particle be a waveโ€ quantum mechanics thread that has ppl arguing QM interpretations every week
Honestly the best thing I saw in here recently was the fake superconductor from August 2023 that somebody was going to make in their home lab or something, reminded me of the old days when anons would get together and create collective shitposts instead of trolling each other with eugenics threads

Anonymous No. 16432243

>that 4chan in general has grown?
You don't actually believe this, do you?
Numbers have been cooked for years now

Anonymous No. 16432291

The "good posters" invaded /k/ in 2022 and shat it up

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Anonymous No. 16432295

is resistance futile?

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16432323


Anonymous No. 16432492

>4chan in general has grown

Anonymous No. 16432506

Lofs of unproven conjectures here, heh.

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Anonymous No. 16432518

>front page dominated by rocket launch
>zero results for "soi"
>only a handful of threads about global warming or the vaxx being real / fake / gay
/sci/ is... healing?

Anonymous No. 16432619

4chan as a whole has been declining in traffic since the 2016 election.

Anonymous No. 16432682

i still think dumb questions are better than some boomer who cant get over the fact that covid happened in year of our lord 202X

Anonymous No. 16433236

ask me how I know this screenshot was taken before february 24th, 2022

Anonymous No. 16433501

Basically it became the only place online you could talk about vaccine injury (not vaxxed myself, fuck off) so a bunch of tourists showed up, also the type to reject climate change out of hand. These literal retards kicked out anyone worth posting with so now /sfg/ is the only worthwhile thread on the board

Anonymous No. 16433503

Whats more important isnt the number of posts but the quality of the content. A random study should be conducted on posts from 2016-2024 to compare for quality

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16433507

>people are posting things i disagree with!!!
why are redditiers so fragile and entitled?

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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16434879

>not vaxxed myself

Anonymous No. 16435189

Covid attracted a lot of idiots, most previous users with time lost patience and left.
I myself don't know why I'm still here, this place was a safe haven now is dead.

Anonymous No. 16435960

>now is dead
Sure? The /scg/ general is comfy and hits 310 in two weeks on average.

Anonymous No. 16438187


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mining the chans.png

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16439216

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Anonymous No. 16439646


Anonymous No. 16440847

Academia is losing its prestige among 4chan types.

Anonymous No. 16441909

it never had any prestige among 4chan types. redditiers who transplanted themselves he unwanted and uninvited are not '4chan types'

Anonymous No. 16442079

gen x retired, millennials are busy wageslaving and gen z is dumb

Anonymous No. 16442082

Yes, I can't get over it because they didn't allow hospital patient visits despite taking the vax.

Anonymous No. 16442168

The only reason that fucker is not in prison is because he was a puppet following orders, and nobody wants to mess with his handlers.

Anonymous No. 16443304

holocausting the midwits was based