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Anonymous No. 16424046

How do we repackage and reintroduce the idea of eugenics without being crucified as something to the effect of a Nazi? I'm not talking about euthanizing le bad ugly stupid people but things like embryo selection

Anonymous No. 16424061

genetic engineering will save the white hair line

Anonymous No. 16424084

faustian twist: the more gruesome of a hairline you can tolerate, the bigger your dick is, but losing your hair this way forfeits all benefit

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Anonymous No. 16424085

Isn't that was abortion is? It's basically what you are talking about.
>The explanation has been well documented. In Iceland, upwards of 85 per cent of women elect to have prenatal testing, and close to 100 per cent of pregnancies where Down syndrome is diagnosed are terminated.

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Anonymous No. 16424095

Topical azelaic acid, zinc sulfate and vitamin B6 are the best hair loss treatment in terms of locally inhibiting 5-AR enzymes without systemic effects. Other shit like onion juice, rosemary and hemp oils have had good recent clinical trial results, some phytochemicals actually work for hair loss.

>finasteride is trash

Anonymous No. 16424097

will it be affordable for middle class?

Anonymous No. 16424101

the what class?

Anonymous No. 16424201

I remember you. You are basically trying to put a square peg in a round hole. To have your cake and eat it.
The problem you want to solve has been solved but you are psychologically unable to accept the solution.
You want to reproduce your genes without reproducing them. Sums up your insanity.

Anonymous No. 16424251

man whomever traced over penn here is not a very good artist

Anonymous No. 16424334

you just need to get rid of enough oxidative stress and lower your estrogen
stop eating sneed oil and sugars
then mega dose taurine, glycine and glutamylcysteine
also get a good multimineral supplement, many multi vitamins have a good amount of various minerals
this is the easy way

Anonymous No. 16424466

Push it as population control. The Earth is running super low on its carrying capacity and so the best answer to that is to pay young women $5,000 to have their tubes tied. That’s it. The fact that only black and browns would consider doing that is the point, and also poor people in general. Why is that of benifit? Reduces the burden of low-IQ peasants, and making it about overpopulation provides moral cover for racism and hating the poor.

Anonymous No. 16424468


Anonymous No. 16424685

>How do we repackage and reintroduce the idea of eugenics without being crucified as something to the effect of a Nazi?

This is literally not possible because nazi's will bring up those ideas within 1 second of you talking about eugenics. Eventually those ideas degenerate into pure racism and phrenology to the point that people will legitimately say black professors should not be able to have children because its fake black science and these people have no intellectual ability. People will talk about eugenics for skin tone.

It happens on /sci/ LITERALLY ALL THE TIME. MOST people on here LITERALLY believe they're smarter than Neil Degrasse Tyson (Columbia University Physics PhD) because he is black. Even though most people on here struggle with very basic math.

I understand eugenics is not inherently bad, its just impossible to present the idea to people and its mostly due to the kinds of people who are from of /sci/.

Anonymous No. 16425131

>Close to 100%
What kind of sadist is being an actual downs into the world? Do they have any idea how poor the quality of their life will be? That's just evil.

Anonymous No. 16425241

I don't think I am smarter than Neil Degrasse Tyson, but a legitimate criticism to a position like this is the question of how much affirmative action African academics got.

Anonymous No. 16428390

Im smarter than Tyron de Nuggets but thats just a coincidence, it has nothing to do with his race

Anonymous No. 16428461

HOLEEEY COW if I had coins i would 100% give you an award thank you so much for the epic comment <3

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Anonymous No. 16428485

I'm smarter than Mike Tyson because I haven't been bonked in the head as many times.

Anonymous No. 16428501

>"experts" are concerned
Probably jews

Anonymous No. 16428535

Let nature take it's course.
We either impliment eugenics now, or nature will collapse civilization and cull the mutants for "us" (we're the mutants).

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Anonymous No. 16428695

ugliness is subjective and changes with fashion
big forehead used to be desirable trait for several centuries

if you push eugenics for things other than objectively defective and debilitating conditions (Down's, Huntington's, etc.)
you end up with severely dysgenic population instead
look at what dog breeders are doing

Anonymous No. 16428861

Downies are arguably the happiest people in the world

Anonymous No. 16428970

That look (pic) was achieved by shaving back the hairline, not selective breeding.

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Anonymous No. 16431383

>it's impossible because of my boogeymen

Anonymous No. 16431491

They're already trying that with human biodiversity
Once commercial genetic engineering is a thing eugenics will take off again because sterilization and optimal breeding won't be important anymore. I wouldn't be surprised if you start seeing liberals advocating for eugenics equity or something in the 2030s or 40s.