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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16430482

Is phone radiation harmful to humans? How can we avoid it?

Anonymous No. 16430509

No. Your phone doesn’t have radioactive elements in it.
>inb4 actually
trace elements consistent with background radiation, I know

Anonymous No. 16430515

That's the wrong kind of radiation dipshit

Anonymous No. 16430518

That's the right kind of radiation ie harmful radiation. The kind your phone emits is orders of magnitude less. Light from the Sun is literally more harmful than le 5G.

Anonymous No. 16430519

5g is higher frequency than what is left after the earths entire 100 mile atmosphere shields you from the sun so higher energy so more likely to give you prostate cancer, retard

Anonymous No. 16430520

>5g is higher frequency
5G runs at 1-6 GHz. UV light is 10^6 GHz. Visible light is 10^5. You are retarded.

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Anonymous No. 16433034

>Is phone radiation harmful to humans?

don't hold the phone near your face for more than a few seconds

Anonymous No. 16433039

Were you born retarded or did you grow into the role?