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Anonymous No. 16430513

My doctor said I'm too fat and should switch to the Mediterranean diet.

What makes it so helpful to the human body?

Anonymous No. 16430514

Less cholesterol. More variety due to seafood. That's it.

Anonymous No. 16430516

idk just dont eat sugar, seed oils except olive and other kinds of goyslop

Anonymous No. 16430574

less carbs which fuel chronic inflammation

more protein to repair inflammation damage

it wont fix the actual problems though.

Anonymous No. 16430601

>less carbs
>mediterranean diet
you dont know what mediterranean diet is. Paella, pasta, baguette?
They key is less red meat and more fish. Also less butter and more extra virgin olive oil and high quality vegetables.

t. mediterrean

Anonymous No. 16430747

Anything is better than Amerucan slop diet. If people just stopped drinking soda the obesity epidemic would already be over.

Anonymous No. 16431564

>less carbs = no carbs
med diet has a lot less carbs than the amerilard diet.

Anonymous No. 16431710

>too fat
Post physique

Anonymous No. 16431867

raphael you are a faggot

Anonymous No. 16431874

I can't give up Bang's Rootbeer.

Anonymous No. 16432044

greek food is best cuisine

Anonymous No. 16432150

It makes you horny like an italian.
After so much sexo your body visibly improves.

Anonymous No. 16432217

>pornstars are the healthiest people on earth
pack it up anons medical science is done

Anonymous No. 16432221

Porn is a disease,

Anonymous No. 16432262

>Can't read cursive

🗑️ Anonymous No. 16432310

TSMT this, but don't forget that 'sugar' includes carbohydrates and alcohol.
OP picrel salad will just leave you hungry again shortly after eating it when all the water is squeezed out of the vegetables, the animal fats in the cheese are the only thing in there that will prevent you from wanting to eat for a substantial amount of time.
if you want to lose weight eat 6 hard boiled eggs for breakfast then don't eat anything else until evening, when you eat another 6 hard boiled eggs.
you won't be hungry all day and you'll have consumed less than 1000 calories.

Anonymous No. 16432691

its like eating salad all the time except it kinda tastes good

Anonymous No. 16433154

Depends on what you mean by Mediterranean Diet. Eating the way actual Meds eat is different from what Americans have made up in our heads about it. Actual Italians have a wide variety of eating habits but it boils down to very little in the morning, a light lunch and protein and veg for supper.
Want to lose weight? Eat one meal a day, early afternoon. Doesn't matter what as long as it's whole foods cooked from scratch. I recommend steak and 3-4 eggs with some veg. Otherwise, grilled chicken or salmon.

Anonymous No. 16433184

Meds meals are full of carbs, fats (natural kind) and processed meats (the good stuff), they just over eat and go easy on the sugars

Anonymous No. 16433440

>They key is less red meat
So it's a diet for manlet faggots. Got it.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16433551


Anonymous No. 16433782

More fiber
Less red meat
Minimally processed

Raphael No. 16433802

It’s not me I’m not a retard med diet is superior

Raphael No. 16433804

Indeed they’re petite I’m

Anonymous No. 16433990

It's not especially, but like keto it tricks you into eating less food for a while.

Anonymous No. 16433993

I suspect diet research is bunk, but
this >>16433782

Anonymous No. 16434078

post body fatty. Your women get wet thinking of med men

Anonymous No. 16434166


raphael No. 16435248

so you want to eat saturated fat? unless you have good genes you cant handle the lipid spikes like me im fat and eat a lot of saturated fat and have an ldl of 94 cope and seethe fgt

raphael No. 16435294

im god

Anonymous No. 16435305

read the lipid energy model paper you gigantic faggot
I'm carnivore

raphael No. 16435968

its bullshit your inductive reasoning is showing

>polymath in math, stats, iq, nutrition, computers, quant theory, and markets

Anonymous No. 16436085

again: your blue-zone retard diet has been DEBUNKED
I refuse to spoon-feed you basic reasoning skills
now stop shilling it you schizo fatoid namefag midwit retard
holy shit

Anonymous No. 16436483

I had a revelation when I realized americans cant cook and dont have access to fresh food, all they eat is different colors, shapes and textures of corn with corn syrup lol

Anonymous No. 16436508


Anonymous No. 16436876

Happy, retard?

Anonymous No. 16436932

>eat less red meat
Here is a simple experiment. Prepare some chicken and cook it as you usually would. Don't eat it. Throw it in your kitchen trash area. Leave it there for three days. You'll smell a horrible putrid odor and it will continue to get worse and worse.

Do the same for red meat. Barely any smell after a few days.

Chicken is the most oxidative and least nutritious of the major animal proteins people eat. Curtailing red meat invariably means eating more chicken. Obesity skyrocketted when Americans shifted from beef and pork majority protein intake to chicken. Your advice to eat less red meat if this is the alternative would worsen his health not improve it. I stopped eating bird a year ago and haven't felt better.

raphael No. 16436973

im right

ive been to med they dont eat a ton of red meat

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raphael schizo spam.png

Anonymous No. 16436999

>i am right i am god ive been to med durrrr

raphael No. 16438382

i have not in the last 4 years retard

Anonymous No. 16438394

It takes a bigger man to walk away without losing ego

Suck my balls fag

Anonymous No. 16438403

America went from Indian shit style to the style of Josh White who made the shit links. I know the perfect MKII Josh White.

Anonymous No. 16438969

You are literally showing symptoms of psychosis.
They are visible in this very fucking thread.
You are relapsing.

raphael No. 16439095

then why isnt my iq 80? do you know anything about psychosis or intelligence retard? i dont think so

raphael No. 16439097

people with psychosis cant reason

Anonymous No. 16439689

I love how fat people are willing to do anything but eat smaller portions to lose weight.

Anonymous No. 16439731

Fact you think you can reason, doesn't mean you can.

Anonymous No. 16439842

That wasn't the question and he didn't ask about what you think is the new buzzword your goyslop your generic dogshit blanket advice

Raphael No. 16440151

Then refute nigger

Anonymous No. 16440417

Eat a tuna salad before the big mac and put some apple slices on the ice cream

Raphael No. 16440459

CVD has a lagging effect nigger

Anonymous No. 16440499

Your doctor is laughing at you for having no self-control.

Anonymous No. 16440861

It's not. It's basically just pension fraud is higher in Mediterranean countries.

Raphael No. 16441440

That’s what I thought