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πŸ—‘οΈ 🧡 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16430925

Scientifically speaking, are companion robots a good thing or a bad thing?

Anonymous No. 16430931

A good thing short term that will become a bad thing in the long term.

Anonymous No. 16430952

What are the long term negative consequences?

Anonymous No. 16431689

this image doesn't take into account the inflation of the future. it should read 7ft tall, 7pack abs, 7 fig

Anonymous No. 16431716

Chadbot can meet those benchmarks.

Anonymous No. 16431802

I think a 7' Tom Brady bot with a horsecock that ejaculates chocolate would sell well among women.

Anonymous No. 16431806

The death of humanity.

Anonymous No. 16431833

men desire submissive women
we will get submissive women
if our women don't want to be submissive we will get new ones, be they asian, alien or robotic
robots will be able to fuck and suck long before they will be able to make 6 or even 7 figures
women will break while men rejoice
I fully expect an abolition of women's rights spearheaded by women who label it a failed experiment

Anonymous No. 16431925

He said negative.

Anonymous No. 16432014

They're bound to happen anyways. Humans are literally longing for slaves, otherwise people wouldnt be so desperately trying to make the human form factor work, theyd just keep designing new specialized hardware.
>muh infrastructures designed for humans
Literally just hang the robots on the ceiling with a railing system and that solves 90% of the humanoid usecases. Youre not doing it because you either want a slave or a sexbot. Or both.

Anonymous No. 16433523

Why do incels think 666 is too much?

Anonymous No. 16433560

>be they asian, alien or robotic
Why did you say asian thrice?

Anonymous No. 16433576

Tall men are inferior to short ones and women's preference here is wrong and must be changed or just ignored
Thankfully we're going to genetically engineer men to be small and women to be tall. Women will have to get used to it

Anonymous No. 16434092

Good. Only incels would use them anyway. The top 10% who can afford real human flesh women will still go for them

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Anonymous No. 16434365

The future is synthetic, real flesh is outdated.

Anonymous No. 16434420

And 98% of women get nothing.

Anonymous No. 16434539

horsecock and chocolate cum mentioned

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Anonymous No. 16434650

considering the amount of surplus men, it will be a good thing in the long run

Anonymous No. 16434663

Feminism has already made a 0.0 birth rate it’s ultimate goal.