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🧵 Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16431562

Is there a scientific method? Is there a procedure that all scientists follow or does everyone get their results in their own way?

Anonymous No. 16431647

>make an observation (experiment)
>explain the observation (theory)
>deduce further observations from the explanation (predictions)
>make new observations
>check if they match predictions
>if they don’t, throw out your theory and start over
>if they do, keep making more accurate and precise observations until they don’t

Anonymous No. 16431653

What observations is this based on?

Anonymous No. 16431668

None. The scientific method is basically the result of the empiricist school of philosophical thought. Neither Aristotelean, Platonic nor rationalist thought justifies the scientific method.

Anonymous No. 16431672

Then how can you say that this is the procedure that all scientists follow?

Anonymous No. 16431736

Because otherwise they won’t be scientists by definition. That is of course assuming a very idealistic thinking that pertains to Enlightenment era science. Modern soicence is more like
>come up with bullshit that hits the golden middle between in vogue and original to get the grant
>cook up some data to match your bullshit
>don’t bother with replications or predictions because that shit doesn’t get citations
>wait until your grant is over to come up with new bullshit
>go to back step one

Anonymous No. 16431769

Whose definition?

Anonymous No. 16431771

The empiricists'.

Anonymous No. 16431788

And how does this definition relate to those who are commonly understood as scientists?

Anonymous No. 16431798

As today's scientists or scientist of yore? The latter did what I described in the very first post ITT. The former are bastard children of the latter corrupted and twisted into glorified government employees by the insatiable needs of our technological society.

Anonymous No. 16431927

Also, yes.

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🗑️ Anonymous No. 16432327

The scientific method is inherently Christian and can only be effectively executed and used correctly by Christians