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Anonymous No. 16432471


Anonymous No. 16433594

According to 'Young Sheldon', it could have killed us all or put us into another timeline. Perhaps that already happened.

Anonymous No. 16433599

congress is retarded for cancelling this

Anonymous No. 16433637

It still wouldn't have found shit

Anonymous No. 16433647

Congress still cared about deficits back then. They gave Bill Clinton a choice between the super collider or ISS. Clinton knew the politically popular choice would be a space station so he kept ISS in the budget.

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Anonymous No. 16433651

colliders are gay. circles are gay and so is OP. ISS was a way better use of money.

Anonymous No. 16433661

>22 billion dollars for science? wtf!!!!!!!
>1 trillion dollars for the F35? based!!!!

Anonymous No. 16434862

why not make it a stright line so they do not need to counter deceleration from the constant curvature?

Anonymous No. 16434919

F35 is actually useful. Colliders are only useful for trying to find meme particles.

Anonymous No. 16435017

>1 trillion dollars for the F35? based!!!!
Correct. War moves science forward.

Anonymous No. 16435454

>$1 trillion to bomb illiterate sand monkeys with soviet-era surplus equipment

Anonymous No. 16435493

>cool plane for bombing brown people
>big gay circle for academia faggots to wank over
yeah I wonder why people like the jet more

Anonymous No. 16435595

met some guy who worked with some CERN group, couldn't give me a good reason to build a bigger accelerator besides "who knows what we will find"

Anonymous No. 16435608

As I said before, war advances science

Anonymous No. 16435793

It deters enemies. Besides, there is non zero chance of peer conflict with Russia or China.

Anonymous No. 16435829

>F35 is actually useful
locksneed shills in the house

Anonymous No. 16435858

You can reach higher particle energies in a circular colliders because you can have multiple passes in a closed loop.

>ISS in the budget
Also the ISS was easier to justify because there would be cost sharing with other countries.

The only thing the F-35 "advanced" were kitchen remodellings in NOVA, /k/eddit pls go.

raphael No. 16435944

shiee cuh i know nothing about this

Anonymous No. 16435952

>ISS goes in a circle around the earth

Anonymous No. 16435957

I genuinely don't care. Who gives a fuck about meme particles when we don't even know how nucleons work?

Anonymous No. 16435959

there should be an open-vaccuum linear accelerator between two random points in LEO
why aren't more physicists taking advantage of the insanely high vaccuum in space??

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today I.png

Anonymous No. 16435969

>giant particle beam in earth orbit

Anonymous No. 16435987

uh yeah whats wrong

Anonymous No. 16437302

No. Greed advances war. War propagates decay and lost potential. You are blinded by the entropy that enslaves and consumes you both physically and metaphysically. Desire and ambition advances science.

Anonymous No. 16437315

No it doesn't. War results in states putting all money possible into research - and even then not always (or if they do it doesn't work).

War does not inherently increase innovation, funding does - and in war, you pay for it in the dead.

Anonymous No. 16437384

>War does not inherently increase innova
It often does in practice and not just because money is thrown at problems.

Anonymous No. 16439913

that's not how you spell superconducting

Anonymous No. 16440107

All I heard back in the day were complaints about how pointlessly expensive the F-35 was

Anonymous No. 16440303

the reason it's buried deep underground is to shield it from stray particles coming from space that could impact the experiment results

Anonymous No. 16442483

Everything about this collider was retarded.
It was put in a retarded place and as typical for government projects wasted money and time on stupid bullshit.

Anonymous No. 16442568

The death of the Soviet Union destroyed America.