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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต Ethocentric nationalism is good, scientifically >marries foreigner

Anonymous No. 16432863

>Hello, hello, hello! Welcome to the Jolly Heretic!
>Ethnocentrism evolved to ensure you pass on more of your genes, and humans are designed for tribalism! :)
>Racemixing is dysgenic
>Leftists are trying to destroy Britain
>Marries and has offspring with a Finnish woman, lives in Finland instead of Britain
Wow what a based English live England!
Why are white nationalists like this? Are they hypocrites?
It's a common joke that someone can't be a true white nationalist if they don't have a brown girlfriend. Enoch was married to a Jew. Dutton constantly posts videos about the degradation of Britain and speaks at British right wing rallies, yet is married to a foreigner and his "genetic legacy" is nonEnglish...
Should we stop taking nationalists seriously at this point?

Anonymous No. 16432885

Dutton is based

Anonymous No. 16432887

>Hello, hello, hello! Welcome to the Jolly Heretic!
>Ethnocentrism evolved to ensure you pass on more of your genes, and humans are designed for tribalism! :)
>Racemixing is dysgenic
>Leftists are trying to destroy Britain
>Marries and has offspring with a Finnish woman, lives in Finland instead of Britain
Wow what a based English live England!
Why are white nationalists like this? Are they hypocrites?

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Anonymous No. 16432895

None of that contradicts what he's said though. It's also not obvious to me that he's a British ethnonationalist, and not for, for example, strict meritocratic controlled immigration from mostly similar peoples including Finns. Or a Pan-European-nationalist.

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Anonymous No. 16432899

His progeny would be Swedes

Anonymous No. 16432903

>Bantus closer to English than Aussies are

Anonymous No. 16432922

>English ethnocentrist
He's not, otherwise he wouldn't have married a Finn.
>white nationalist
Finns are white. You answered your own question retard.

Anonymous No. 16432929

>Mike Encoh wasn't a white nationalist otherwise he wouldn't have married a Jew
>thousands of white nationalists wouldn't be white nationalists but they married/impregnated nonwhite girls and half are hispanic/asian/black themselves

Anonymous No. 16432937

Mike Enoch is a complete mothingburger in terms of actual political influence. Consider a white nationalist like Martin Sellner, whose wife is American. He's explicitly said that he doesn't really care about white foreigners living in Austria/Germany.
And your other point doesn't really have any validity. Sure, there are probably a few insane white nationalists with black wives, but for the most part white identitarians will marry whites. You're tilting at windmills.

Anonymous No. 16432969

Not hypocrits, being exiled isn't rare for smart people. It gives you freedom to comment on your own people relatively free of consequences, and allows you to do it from the outside for a better perspective. It's the ultimate conservative move since you freeze in your brain the image of your country while non-exilees slowly get used to the situation and give up on fighting. The best example of that would be France. From the outside, France now obviously looks like a complete shithole. French people have gotten used to it though and seem like they aren't even noticing how bad it got.

Anonymous No. 16432976

Same thing in the US, only one of my friends really notices the decline. I think most people just don't want to use the mental bandwidth on negative emotion so they plug their ears and pretend it isn't happening. Rational ignorance

Anonymous No. 16433115

>actual political influence
Not the issue here, we're talking about white nationalists, not some qualified subcategory. I'm very skeptical that TRS isn't more influentla. Though various highranking white nats including spencer and fuentes racemix

Anonymous No. 16433118

Fuentes is a virgin you retard. And Spencer is just a contrarian now, not even a white nationalist these days.
>Not the issue here
It really is, who cares what some no-name loser thinks and does?

Anonymous No. 16433152

>It really is,
You didn't get to determine the meaning of my question you narcissistic cocksucker, I asked about white nationalists you feel are relevant or whatever shit you decided to add on.
Also lol at you pretending that Mike Enoch is not a guy who was very influential amongst white nationalists. Weird cope

Anonymous No. 16433166

I don't think latrino Fuentes should be your foremost example of European nationalists.

Anonymous No. 16433167

Because some people are hypocrites. It's really that simple dude

Anonymous No. 16433168

Doesn't Richard Spencer just regurgitate milquetoast leftie rhetoric nowadays?

Anonymous No. 16433173

More like neoliberal

Anonymous No. 16433221

spencer is some controlled op faggot like rockwell

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Anonymous No. 16433349

i'm ugly

Anonymous No. 16433359

Who cares about these nutcases?