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Anonymous No. 16435311

I'm 27 and male. I was overweight at the start of the year and for years before that and after reading that 1500 calories is a good diet for weight loss in men I started ditching sugary foods like fizzy drinks and chocolate and in March I started counting my calories. I've been eating between 1400 and 1600 calories daily and now I have lost so much weight to the point I am underweight and I have severe back pains and hardly any fat in my back, stomach, legs, arms and buttocks. I'm aware that I'm underweight but I can't resist counting calories including putting milk in a measuring cup to count the calories and sticking to 1500-1600 calories and if a food has no calories on it then I can't eat it. I also felt depressed because last month I ate three slices of chocolate cake on my birthday spread over a week and I felt depressed because I ate a chocolate chip cookie one day. I also have uncontrollable urges to jog instead of just walking, is this connected? Do I have anorexia?

Anonymous No. 16435329

Sounds like you've developed an eating disorder, which is actually really common as a side effect of a calorie restricted diet. You shouldn't be getting mood swings because of the calorie content of food that you're willingly consuming.

My professional advice (I'm a medical doctor) would be to go to your GP / family doctor and seek out some form of therapy.

My alternative advice would be to get over to /fit/, read the sticky, get a decent high protein diet on the go and start weightlifting.

Getting control of your weight is a good thing, but doing it at the expense of your mental health is a zero sum game for happiness.

Good luck

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Anonymous No. 16435404

Just start drinking booze. You'll gain wait and stop being sad.

Anonymous No. 16437678

>back pain
Yeah, you’re weak
Learn to deadlift and squat and do compound exercises

Anonymous No. 16437679


Anonymous No. 16439936

ate a tiny piece of cake at work today and i already feel bad.

Anonymous No. 16439945

Bump it up to 2000 calories and also start counting protein. Also exercise literally every day, you have no reason not to if you've already come this far.

Anonymous No. 16439947

I eat 10 calories a day cause I have acid blood and we don't need to eat. Just for the fizz.