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๐Ÿงต How do you create Fear Toxin/Gas?

Anonymous No. 16435353

Which chemicals should be mixed to produce an effective Fear Gas?

Side effects of the Fear Toxin/Gas include:
>Dilated pupils
>Red eyes
>loss of orientation

but most important
>irrational fear

Which drugs or chemicals would effectively produce such gas?

Anonymous No. 16435356

Taco bell

Anonymous No. 16435360


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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16435362


Anonymous No. 16435378

they're not side effects if they are the main intended effects

Anonymous No. 16435382

For what? Asking if Batman's Scarecrow fear toxin can be realistically done since he's one of the most realistic Batman contrary to Joker, Ivy or Two faces? It's on topic a a science question. Grow up kid.

Also announcing a report is a bannable offense, newfag. Eat shit.

Anonymous No. 16435389

They are since the main effect is irrational fear according to the lore. But in some comics, some goons that inhale the fear toxin additionally get teary eyes, dilated pupils, lose track or nausea/headaches.

In Batman Arkham Asylum, you get nausea inhaling the gas. Same in Arkham Knight, Batman vomits iirc

Anonymous No. 16435611

fair enough
to make up for that I will give some actual input
try looking in to the Edgewood BZ experiments, and see if BZ is a close enough match for you to buy the idea
diphenhydramine is an available anti-cholinergic, and abuser of DPH report fear or a sense of dread as being very common
as well, the other effects of BZ would likely make you very scared if you didn't know what was happening

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Anonymous No. 16435741

Fear gas needs to be very adrenergic in its action. Just being a hallucinogen isn't good enough.
Something along the lines of street bath salts is probably the way to go. Mostly those are effective because they're a mix of phenethylamines:

Which ones exactly to pick is a harder question, but you can see in theory the atomized powder of these compounds could be extremely effective.

Anonymous No. 16435778

start with devils trumpet pollen

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Anonymous No. 16436898

Another thing to notice is that Dr Crane can administrate his toxin/gas through syrringes or unleash a gas with nades or bombs (see Cloudburst incident). He equips his right arm with a Syrringe claw containing a liquified version of his toxin alongside his regular bombs

So to make his toxin, you need to produce a chemical substance that can be successfully effective at BOTH its liquid or gas state.