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Anonymous No. 16435631

>we are unironically seeing the effects of global warming that we had been warned about for years in real time
not gonna lie bros, it's getting a little scary...
but we always seem to figure out a solution to potential life-ending problems. surely someone has something up their sleeves to reverse the damage even at the last possible moment right??

Anonymous No. 16435649

nah, if we shifted focus away from preventing climate change and towards mitigating the consequences, we wouldn't be able to control people

Anonymous No. 16436044

The solution is to cut back regulation on nuclear energy but also repeal Price-Anderson. It takes 30 years to permit and build a reactor in the us. Meanwhile the government indemnifies the company for damage.
We have all the tech we need. We just have to make it cheaper. Also focus on adaptation up front.

Anonymous No. 16436076

It's unlikely that the current damage will ever be reversed, but renewable energy usage (especially solar) is growing at a very respectable pace. In the US I think we could be producing a majority of our energy from renewable sources within ten years.

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Anonymous No. 16436108

The problem with global warming is that its a political issue. not a technological one.

Many Western countries have made amazing advancements in pursuing greener existences. Germany just had its lowest emissions in 70 years and the US had its lowest emissions in 60 years.

However China opens a new Coal Power plant every 3 days. Think about that. Every 3 days an entire fucking coal power plant fires up for the first time, and they have been doing this for YEARS with plans to actually increase this rate. They account for roughly 96% of coal power plant construction globally.

Doesnt really make a difference if you swap your truck for a Prius if your neighbor is burning tires in their backyard 24/7.

To solve climate change you need a coordinated response against China and South East Asia in general. You also need to monitor potential emerging economies like India.

Anonymous No. 16436191

Biochar and lifestyle changes are the grassroots solution. Anything else will require collective action at a governmental level. Biochar is basically crushed lump charcoal charged with nutrients and microbes. It has a wide variety of uses and those uses all benefit you directly. The process of charging it yields even more benefits. You can charge it by feeding it to animals at 2% of their feed weight which improves their digestion, reduces diarrhea, reduces fecal odor, reduces nitrous oxide and methane emissions, and increases the quality of their manure. You can eat it for similar benefits. Just look up charcoal biscuits. Another way to charge it is to put it in your compost pile up to 20% by volume. It will increase the heat, reduce the composting time, reduce nutrient losses from leeching, reduce nitrous oxide and methane emissions, and improve the quality of the compost. When you mix it into soil it acts as a slow release fertilizer, increases the water infiltration rate and water holding capacity of the soil, increases the soil's ability to hold nutrients, increases microbial activity, reduces nitrous oxide produced by denitrifying bacteria, and improves the texture of clayey soils. Aerating your lawn and filling the holes with biochar charged with compost tea will cut your water use by up to 50%, which should be important to everyone living in the Western US, and there are a lot more uses besides.

Anonymous No. 16438194


Anonymous No. 16438317


> but we always seem to figure out a solution to potential life-ending problems. surely someone has something up their sleeves to reverse the damage even at the last possible moment right??

This fairytale reasoning is what I see in a lot of people and politicians. It is of course not true. We can simply fuck it up and all die, and we are well on our way to fuck it up for sure

The only thing to soften the impact is to all accept we are going to get poorer and worse off, at least in the short-term

Anonymous No. 16438339

>>16435631 use as a search engine ,this way at least you plant some trees

soychan No. 16438361

It's not scary at all.

Global warming is real and probably caused by humans, but it's not a catastrophe.

Climate-change related damages cost only a tiny fraction to the economy and will continue to do so for a long time at least. Even if we do NOTHING to mitigate carbon emissions, the world will be much richer in 2100 than it is today.

Of course, if we want to be as well-off as possible in the far future, a carbon tax makes sense, but setting this too high means we have less money to adapt to the temperature increase that will still occur

Anonymous No. 16438387

How about crops though

soychan No. 16438406

What about them? Certain crops will have to move north but a warmer planet does not mean farming becomes harder.
There's evidence of the opposite in fact, higher CO2 is good for plant growth. And because winters are getting shorter and milder, you can have multiple harvests in one year.

Anonymous No. 16438407

Bow, and then seethe.

Anonymous No. 16438434

10 units of currency have been deposited into your account for your fear mongering post. Good work, slave.

Anonymous No. 16438490

>Many Western countries have made amazing advancements in pursuing greener existences. Germany just had its lowest emissions in 70 years and the US had its lowest emissions in 60 years.
>Just export all your heavy industry bro. Then it's the thirdies fault, not ours.

Anonymous No. 16438534

The earth is robust,
People are fragile.

Anonymous No. 16438568

>lifestyle changes
>all accept we are going to get poorer

thanks Klaus

Anonymous No. 16438594

What effects? Nothing is happening

Anonymous No. 16438605

We'll just transport all the arable soil to Antarctica, everything will be totally fine

Anonymous No. 16438608

Chinese cope.
Many countries like Germany continue to have manufacturing industries that produce for a global market and do so without polluting or using slave labor.
t. sent from my Audi made in Ingolstadt

Anonymous No. 16438610

Last hurricane in gulf of Mexico reached the theoretical maximum strength that hurricanes can get. And then there was a 2nd one 2 weeks later.

>finally seeing the effects of global warming
It's already too late. This is only 1C change. Imagine 2C or 5C. People are fucked.

Anonymous No. 16438626

What if you turned off The Jewish Space Lasers?

Anonymous No. 16438684

Why is the science community so obsessed with doomsday predictions

Anonymous No. 16438706

*assembled in Ingolstadt

Anonymous No. 16438721

>Last hurricane in gulf of Mexico reached the theoretical maximum strength that hurricanes can get
What hurricane was that?

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German Industrial....jpg

Anonymous No. 16438806

>Many countries like Germany continue to have manufacturing industries that produce for a global market and do so without polluting or using slave labor.

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6 No. 16438887

More techno optimistic junk assertions.

>We will figure it out


Anonymous No. 16438976

I don't see what western nations are supposed to do about it at this point if places like India and China are going to keep industrializing.

Anonymous No. 16439103

>you are threatened with...being warm and snug.

Anonymous No. 16439352

Not really sure that else to tell you my man.. Happy to hear your take

Anonymous No. 16439742

>and do so without polluting or using slave labor
Just have the poles and hungarians make all the car parts amirite?

Anonymous No. 16439792

>surely someone has something up their sleeves to reverse the damage even at the last possible moment right??

Anonymous No. 16439843

>India and China are going to keep industrializing.
And, the earth has never been cleaner.