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๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ ๐Ÿงต iq

raphael No. 16435934

ive concluded that VCI similarities subtset is sentience with negroes and humans. how? well glad you asked nigger its simple autobiographical memories are thoughts of self reflection that form live in the brain as learned with MRI imaging and thats how you infer and shieet so verbal abstract reasoning is sentience nuff said its my discovery since studying psycho metrics and observing negroes

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Anonymous No. 16435938

ChatGPT is smarter than you

raphael No. 16435942

my innate is high enough

raphael No. 16435943

chatgpt has infinite WMI for fucks sake learn something your iq is showing

Anonymous No. 16435958

why don't you have infinite WMI? are you retarded or something?

raphael No. 16435981
