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🧵 True physics end game

Anonymous No. 16438039

In the end it's all about energy. The only end game is you getting an infinite amount of it, and/or you have infinite control over it.
In actual terms this would translate into free energy and/or star-trek replicators where you can spawn in any item at will.

Now, please explain how does the current direction of physics models and request for colliders in anyway inches toward this ultimate end goal and is not just a con for cash.

Anonymous No. 16438085

Not infinite, you'll have maximum \'mass' amount of energy.

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Anonymous No. 16438110

I don't think there is an endgame anon.

World energy consumption has only been increasing anon. With the proliferation of Ai energy consumption Will only increase.

Now the question can we sustain this? The law of thermodynamics kind of limits our ability to consume long term.

We may go back to being primitive monkeys anon

Anonymous No. 16438123

There's more thermal energy in iceberg than cup of coffee...

Literally we'll begin to cool stuff out to obtain energy.

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Anonymous No. 16438138

Incorrect anon. Think of energy as action or motion. When things are frozen the particles slow down.

Steam has energy because the particles are exiceted and moving around rapidly.

Think of a car. No energy or gas no motion. A car without energy is a brick.

Anonymous No. 16438147

No, there isn't energy, because it wiggles, there is energy only because energy dissipates to places with lower energy, therefore forming thermal gradients.

You must artificaly create thermal gradient, with low point of energy, so ambiental heat will flow there and you use energy because you make it as obstacle in it's path that it'll overcome.

Just temperature is nothing, there's no energy without something being cold, so it contrasts.

Anonymous No. 16438168

Energy is difference between two states. Potential.

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Anonymous No. 16438201

Ok Mr wiggles.

Let's get out the formal abstractions back into reality.

How can I convert the energy from an iceberg into work or motion?

Ill never get sn answer because you cant.

Anonymous No. 16438228

Energy costs are only 5% of budget in the U.S. there’s just not enough payoff to physics research to generate energy. As for Europoors, you could quintuple your energy overnight by just lifting Russian sanctions.

Anonymous No. 16438234

There’s a billion cups of coffee made in a day. Are there a billion icebergs and if so what happens when we use them up?

Anonymous No. 16438296

>political definition of energy
Everything is energy. Physics is literally the study of energy.

Anonymous No. 16438326

Just boil liquid nitrogen in a turbine or whatever.

You can.

Anonymous No. 16438335


Anonymous No. 16438423

>In the end it's all about energy
Why not matter? Or space? Or time?

Anonymous No. 16438496

Physics is the study of showing pretty space photos (artist renditions) of exo planets in order to scam the government to fund your new telescope upgrade

Anonymous No. 16440074


Anonymous No. 16440849

the real endgame

Anonymous No. 16442479

No its not, retard. Kys

EBOK No. 16442482

Motion is what energy is for, so by your logic it's all about motion. Truly, all you truly exhibit is the knowledge that motion comes first and energy third, after weapon/shield.

Anonymous No. 16442578

Say we go down the sci-fi path of Stargate or Star Trek
We get magical amounts of near unlimited energy from some higher-dimensional mystical ZPE space-asshole
Then thermal energy isn't really a problem, is it?
We can just use more energy to concentrate the thermal energy in a reasonably small amount of mass and launch that shit into outer space
Boom - thermal energy removed from Earth
I call it the magical space-asshole thermal energy removal gun approach

Anonymous No. 16442580

meds, retard