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๐Ÿงต Untitled Thread

Anonymous No. 16439159

Quantum mechanics cannot be understood by a classical computer.
The mind is a classical computer.
The mind will never understand quantum mechanics.
The mind will never understand the underlying mechanisms that make the universe function.
If you have a thought that you think explains it, that thought is wrong because it physically cannot exist.

Anonymous No. 16439162

>The mind is a classical computer.

Anonymous No. 16439171

Overwhelming evidence against any other possibility.

The mind emerges from a brain, and the brain has not demonstrated any ability to calculate quantum mechanically. It's all just classical electromagnetic circuits passed by neurons in chemical-based cellular matrix. No one has ever proposed nor shown how a mind executes computations or problem-solved utilizing quantum computing.

Anonymous No. 16439184

quantum computers use electromagnetic devices as well, that doesn't mean it is a classical computer

Anonymous No. 16439191


If anything I say that the mind is on a classical ride in the quantum world. In the local and the classical everything can be seen, everything coheres, everything makes sense if you get the answers that fit the observations.

Just beyond that is clockwork at the edge of the darkness, discovered piece-mail by Plank, Bohr, Rutherford, Schrodinger, Heisenberg, Feynman and a host of other physicists.

The rods of those gears go off into darkness, or maybe invisibility, oh, I literally cannot describe how classical mechanics vansishes into quantum mechanics and I can't explain that because my mind literally cannot process how it works!

Classical computers can access the physical nature of quantum particles. Not the mechanism that makes them quantum. It's the same problem as above, the machinery just works on something we can't understand.

Anonymous No. 16439225

Quantum mechanics!=microscopic world

Anonymous No. 16439234

Biology uses quantum mechanics because biology is made up of quantum particles. So biology can understand quantum physics and a quantum computer could understand quantum physics. A classical computer would be lacking in attempting quantum computing because binary systems are not compatible with quantum systems.

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rat brain boost.jpg

Anonymous No. 16439236

>the mind is a classical computer
oh yeah that explains the inability to make broader connections, intuit things, and generally use fuzzy logic
it's just my smartphone computer brain with better hardware than my real smartphone

dumbest shit i've heard all week

Anonymous No. 16439246

Not analogous

Anonymous No. 16439257

the mind is a quantum computer

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Anonymous No. 16439269

>The mind is a classical computer

that's like saying your mom is a set of ovaries. there is so much more going on

Anonymous No. 16439396


The only example of quantum mechanics being applicable to biological systems that I have ever heard are that proteins involved in photo synthesis and the electron transport chain actually accept electrons based on their quantum energy levels.

That has nothing to do with the circuitry wiring of the brain.

would you propose that the mind is more than a classical computer? is it quantum, is it spiritual?What else could it be?

Anonymous No. 16439400

>The mind is a classical computer.
Lmao, NPC detected.

Anonymous No. 16439411

I want to know the mechanism of the mind if not classical computation. Any thoughts?

Anonymous No. 16439415

The mind is creating this "computer". Obviously we are just understanding quantum mechanics. And, Einstein, was wrong.

Anonymous No. 16439457

>the mechanism
>of something uncomputable and nondeterministic
You NPCs just love this categorical error.

Anonymous No. 16439490

I have an implementation for instantaneous, secure quantum communication at arbitrary distance that does not violate the no-signaling principle.
I do not smoke pot.

Anonymous No. 16439546

>the mind emerges from a brain
Disproven in philosophy of mind for decades

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Anonymous No. 16439549

Anonymous No. 16439550

>The mind is a classical computer