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🧡 Seasons

Anonymous No. 16440223

The seasons are now racist according to leading science journal

Anonymous No. 16440235

>axial tilt bad

Anonymous No. 16440244

You fags can't even handle people not acknowledging Christmas every day for 3 months out of the year. You'd lose your damn mind if someone said "This is such a long winter" to you in the middle of July.

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Anonymous No. 16440252

>The Northern Hemisphere is the half of Earth that is north of the Equator. It contains 67.3% of Earth's land and 87% of its human population, and has different seasons, weather patterns, and ocean currents than the Southern Hemisphere.
Nah, the 13% of humanity in the Southern Hemisphere can suck raw eggs instead of trying to dictate what happens with the 87% that live in the Northern Hemisphere. Don't like it? Then don't attend events in the Northern Hemisphere that offend you. Nothing is stopping the southies from having their own events in alignment with their seasons.

Anonymous No. 16440278

>instead of trying to dictate what happens with the 87%
Are you retard, anon? It's literally USA and other leftist first world countries that tries to push this shit. The third world countries hardly have any power to dictate anything.

Anonymous No. 16440282


Anonymous No. 16440360

schizo comment.

Anonymous No. 16440364

>she thinks it isn't

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Anonymous No. 16440411

Brazil puts 'North American' (in Portuguese) as my nationality on the visa in my US passport but 'Canada' in my Canadian passport. There's lot of shit like that with countries down there, including crying that there's a company named 'Amazon' even though no one in the Amazon calls it the English word 'Amazon'. They're simply envious whiners.
You're not all that far off that leftists weirdos in western countries join in on this crap but people in the Southern Hemisphere have been seething about the Northern Hemisphere for far longer than the Karen brigade has been virtue signaling about it. Even without SJWs serving as allies, people in the "Global South" still seethe about things like what's in OP's pic.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16440566

with that version of the map Alaska is pointing out your post number nicely

Anonymous No. 16440737

It’s the northern hermisphere where all these retarded language policing trends come from you dipshit, Australians were notorious for being politically incorrect until American zog culture infected them

Anonymous No. 16440743

Of course the cunts down there would quickly adopt the status quo after having been exiled once. They know the only place left to send them is Africa, and that ain't working out so well for those whites. It is only reasonable to bend the knee, take the jab, keep your job, and most importantly to respect the female penis.

Anonymous No. 16440746

Journalists need to be tortured with electric shock therapy.

Anonymous No. 16440758

So basically everyone is in agreement it's the US pushing this shit.

Anonymous No. 16440782

>ratio'd into oblivion
The best use for twitter remains publicly shitting on journalists and fake 'experts'.

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Anonymous No. 16440836

I live in the southern hemisphere and nobody gives a shit about this?

Anonymous No. 16441147

Shut up and be considerate. It's not hard at all.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16441150

A disunity principle focused on non-meta unity and disembarking from the animal unity.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16441155

Animal welfare traded for a non saintly home.

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16441158

It was written

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16441163

The rich are pleasuring and in control - no complaints - we (are going to fail at) going to mars

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16441167

I know it's my fault but I'm trying to address the problem. Remember, you cannot be concerned for true goings on

Anonymous No. 16441189

Yes, the USA is the strongest country in the world. Don't like it? Be stronger and influence everyone else. What's that? I can't hear you over your weak whimpering

Anonymous No. 16441195

It's getting hot down here, fuck summer. Hail winter.

Anonymous No. 16441230

Interesting that the article's writer isn't included.
Such names go on a list.

Anonymous No. 16441299

Racism is the one true ideology

πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16441300


bodhi No. 16441325

it is the one ring that unties us all

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fat ugly & ba....jpg

Anonymous No. 16442581


Anonymous No. 16442974

>I c-can't hear you o-over your weak w-whimpering
ACK! *demographic collapse, no more rural white goyim to die in overseas wars, complete brazilification*

Anonymous No. 16443142

what's wrong with it? the australians don't mind celebrating Christmas in summer
when you say "winter" they think "summer", they just do the conversion in their heads because they're not stupid

Anonymous No. 16443173

there arent any seasons in space, earthscum

Anonymous No. 16443216

Worst case scenario is that future America becomes modern Brazil lol.

Anonymous No. 16443267

No, worse case scenario is that it becomes modern day South Africa.