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🧵 Stop It.

Anonymous No. 16442253

>I don't understand...
>Insert most retarded question in the fucking world
>dead serious
There are other boards for shit like this. Kys if you're not shitposting about dark matter. Fags.

Anonymous No. 16442260

I don’t understand. Why aren’t physicists in jail for making up blatant lies and parading them as science?

Anonymous No. 16442268

Thoughts on the schizophasia enjoyers?

Anonymous No. 16442276

You mean scientists?

Anonymous No. 16442280

They could be doing science of some kind. It's hard to say for sure.

Anonymous No. 16443018

Because doing so isn't illegal.

Anonymous No. 16443029

I don't understand. How can vaccines be good for you if needles hurt so much? Can any scientists explain