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🧵 You wish you were Pinky, but you’re the Brain.

Anonymous No. 16443301

I hate this fucking piece of shit. I hate the fact that this cucking big wrinkly disgusting mess I literally me, nothing else, my body is simply a vessel for this disgusting fucking smushed intestine looking ass bitch. I despise the fact that if this fucking stupid cunt gets slightly damaged in anyway I AS IN ME. Will sieze to be and be either someone new and even more retarded, or if it gets smashed I will just be gone forever, that my fucking existence is tied to this annoying heavy fucking piece of shit that has done nothing but drown me in emotional turmoil awareness and dread

Anonymous No. 16443303

you sure do seem to like talking about yourself on social media

Anonymous No. 16443306

Well I’m made of a Cerebrum, cerebellum and a brainstem
I’m pretty annoying

Anonymous No. 16443311

You’re made of horse shit you fucking faggot. Go suck a massive cock you whining nigger.

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Anonymous No. 16443334

you did drugs didn't you. yeahup, same thing happened to me. 3 years of high dose amphetamine abuse will do that to ya, i had to endure 3 years of mental health hell and now I'm ice king. made me a better person in the long run though. no pain no gain.

sage No. 16443342

do dualists really


Anonymous No. 16443458

Become religious. Materialism is for jews anyways.

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Anonymous No. 16443556


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Anonymous No. 16443625

The absolute state of materialists.

Anonymous No. 16443714

I have and never will do any fucking drugs, it does nothing but fuck you up, you’re ice king now sure but at what cost?
>Materialism is for Jews
You’re confusing materialism for Greed and general Evil,
Materialism is the truth, religion is and has always been a fucking scam, yes I know I’m a redditor because I don’t believe in dogmatic religion that has done nothing but turn people into Slaves for a “higher purpose” that higher purpose being paying taxes to pedophiles and never questioning or changing society.
Religion turns normal people into complete fucking morons because instead of focusing on the true meaning of life which boils down to our most primal and sacred act which is to have children a strong community and to rid our tribes of evildoers ensuring a better world for our children and accepting that we will just turn to dust, that there is no greater reward than being surrounded by loved ones before you die, instead people simply ignore evil and say: oh well duh sky daddy will punish them! Duh Oy vey goyim I must cut of children dicks because my sky daddy tells me to because I’m chosen. ALLAH YOU ARE INFIDEL ALALALALALA.

Take your religion and stick it up your fucking ass.

Anonymous No. 16443761

personality changes post brain damage/lobotomy has decisevely proven materialism correct
All what you identify with and consider yourself can be changed with a needle in the right place

Anonymous No. 16443769

You tried, you are not a deep thinker, just keep having your delusions.

Anonymous No. 16443840

Never open your retarded fucking mouth if you have literally NOTHING of any value to say, go fucking die.

Anonymous No. 16443871

lol, why are you so angry? Fucking dipshit thinks he actually knows what happens after death.

Anonymous No. 16443873

>From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call a temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal…

You might want to consider a mind upload once it becomes available

EBOK No. 16443879

-farts on your brain-

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Anonymous No. 16443887

That's not true at all, you are the whole body because of one simple thing: your mind does not have thoughts outside of the context of what your body is experiencing. "You" even encompasses more than just your human cells, it also includes your gut bacteria, without which you would die. Your gut flora can and does affect your mood. Is your mood part of your personality? Are your decisions? Did you decide to eat that ice cream, or did your bacteria? You are a spaceship for mind-control bacteria, and also a reproductive organ with legs. You're all of it, and all of it equals one (You).

Where it really gets true if big is when you realize every thought you've ever had was in response to your environment, in the context of your environment, your family, your friends, your likes and dislikes. Who gets hurt when you die? Your people. You are also your people. You're everything, just like me.

EBOK No. 16443893


EBOK No. 16443895

Kiss my ass crack homo

Anonymous No. 16444143

Because you're a retarded nigger

Nothing happens after death

Anonymous No. 16444152

Why haven't we done an experiment where we keep the brain alive while removing all sensory input, and leaving only the mouth so the subject can verbally describe what they are feeling.

It may seem morbid and morally wrong but it'd make an interesting experiment and answer some questions about ourselves.

After we get the necessary data, we should remove the mouth and keep the brain alive. That person would then be merely an imagination. Their existence entiely in their own head. Feed them drugs and keep the brain alive for as long as possible, decades, even centuries if possible.

I am mentally ill.

Anonymous No. 16444313

Alright, how about we start with you as subject number 1, retard.