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🧵 MEGALODON Do they exist?

Anonymous No. 16448332

why do you know less about ocean compared to space?

Anonymous No. 16448358

wait till they find the Gigalodon

Anonymous No. 16448367

Short answer?
No lol. Absolutely not.

If you need a longer explanation watch this:

Lindsay goes out of her way to break it down in brainlet terms why.

Anonymous No. 16448372

Does anybody else remember when animal planet and discovery was making those fake megalodon documentaries?
>guys you gotta believe us. This warm-water, surface-dwelling, high-metabolism, whale-eating, sight-hunting, bus-sized shark decided to move to the cold dark depths where there’s no food because it just did ok. Oh also there’s mermaids down there

Anonymous No. 16448375

>MEGALODON Do they exist?


>Do they still exist?

No. They're extinct:
-The got too cold; this caused more calories & fat that would have normally been allocated to gaining size, now being burnt to stay warm, making being a giant cold-blooded Megalodon inefficient. The maximum length of a current day great white shark is probably around 30ft.
-Orca whales (and to a lesser extent Sperm Whales) have created an ecological 'glass ceiling' as to how big a marine predator can get.

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cocaine shark pos....jpg

COCAINE SHARK No. 16448378

Do they exist?

Anonymous No. 16448381

>why do you know less about ocean compared to space?
Not even close.

Anonymous No. 16450239

they used to exist, but that was before the plague hit.