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Anonymous No. 16449261

Is coffee food for you?

Anonymous No. 16449283

no it's a beverage

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Cult of Passion No. 16449322

>drinks dried bean juice

Anonymous No. 16449392

>this thing is good for you
>oh wait it kills you
>nvm it's actually good
>lol guess what
When will science stop this madness?

raphael No. 16449394

coffee is healthy

KafNoon No. 16449402

Coffee is traditional Alawite drink

Anonymous No. 16449416

Anything with that type of title is automatically trash and I don't care

Anonymous No. 16449421

>2 hours video

Anonymous No. 16449478

It significantly impedes bloodflow to the brain, that's bound to make you a lil retarded. I still drink it because I like the dopamine/stimulant boost

Anonymous No. 16449526

>diary of a clickbaiter

Anonymous No. 16449914

is there a known mechanism on how it impedes blood flow?

Anonymous No. 16449936

That guy face screams scammer.
The title screams click bait.

Anonymous No. 16450726

Motherfucker and his stupid SPEC scan infomercial scams wasting PBS airtime.

raphael No. 16453347

its not science its grifters

raphael No. 16453348

its neuroprotective retard it causes vaso constriction which also speeds up RHR which causes blood to get to more parts of your body

๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ Anonymous No. 16453401

Coffee is great for your health if you don't suffer from anxiety. If you do, its more poisonous than battery acid.

Anonymous No. 16453498

Something can be both bad for one aspect of your health and good for a different aspect.

Anonymous No. 16453503

i should drink more coffee then

Anonymous No. 16453524

>Is coffee food for you?
Beer is food for me. Coffee is more like an enema.

Anonymous No. 16453973

Why do you not even provide a link to that gay man talking?

Anonymous No. 16454038

>guy telling me to do things looks like shit
yeah, no.

Anonymous No. 16454304

Didn't bother watching it myself since I don't consume caffeine but the channel in general looks pretty lame.

Anonymous No. 16454310

I'm too sensitive to coffee, and it gets worse as I age. Tea mogs coffee anyways.

Anonymous No. 16454312

>a dark brownish beverage that makes you shit your pants, is a powerful stimulant drug with a recognized come down, gets people addicted to it to the point of having their hands shake
>but it it good fof you? :^)
Nigger just do real drugs

Anonymous No. 16454404

I have coffee in the morning, and caffeine free tea at night before bed. I am capable of enjoying multiple things at once.

Anonymous No. 16454444

The vasoconstriction leads to less blood to the brain, moron. Less blood = less oxygen, if you think that's great for the brain you are an actual moron. I drink coffee but I dislike idiots who just need to come up with ad-hoc benefits for all their bad habits to somehow justify them as ''healthy'', it's the same with the keto morons

Anonymous No. 16454446

Cerebral vasoconstriction by antagonizing adenosine receptors. Adenosine is a neuromodulator that promotes sleep and relaxation and generally has a vasodilatory effect (it relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow). By blocking these receptors, caffeine leads to vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels) and reduced cerebral blood flow

Anonymous No. 16454531

Caffeine does not reduce the overall oxygen intake significantly. The brain just extracts more oxygen from the blow and nullifies the adverse effects. Retards need to stop latching to this dumb and disproven theory.

Anonymous No. 16456731

Yeah but guess what's happened to like 99% of all the Alawites... most of them have died, especially the ones that drank coffee (R.I.P.)

Anonymous No. 16456732

It decreases bloodflow, so at standard blood o2 concentrations it would be decreased oxygenation, BUT it actually causes an increase of oxygenation in the blood, i.e. blood o2 increases but bloodflow decreases... So in some I think it results in less oxygen reaching the brain whereas others it results in more oxygen reaching the brain. So both right but also both wrong IDIOTS

Anonymous No. 16456738

Yes, coffee drinkers may live longer:

Lower risk of death: A large study of half a million Britons found that people who drank up to eight cups of coffee per day had a 14% lower risk of dying during the study period.
Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease: Research from The Alfred found that drinking up to six cups of coffee a day can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, coronary disease, and heart failure.
Reduced risk of type 2 diabetes: Coffee drinkers may have a better ability to process glucose, which can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Reduced risk of stroke: Coffee drinkers may have a lower risk of stroke.
Reduced risk of Parkinson's disease: Caffeine may be linked to a lower chance of developing Parkinson's disease.
Reduced risk of colon cancer: Coffee drinkers may have a lower risk of developing colon cancer.
Reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease: Coffee drinkers may have a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.

Coffee contains compounds that may have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, which can help prevent or slow damage to cells.

Anonymous No. 16456852

And realistically you won't see any negative effects unless you abuse it in high doses. Most people will also build up a tolerance so in my experience there is a lot of placebo at work.