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Anonymous No. 16449375

Some people are psychopaths and/or sociopaths from birth but some are normal until they hit a certain age and then they become one. Scientifically, how does the change happen?

Anonymous No. 16449378

Like autism, it's bad socialization in an overly tight or oppressive power structure.
Autism comes from schedules too highly regimented a child's whole life and no agency or free time. They get broken into this and adjusted to love it and then they go insane when they have no schedule or flashing light distraction.
Sociopaths are raised to only respect power or money and they have no examples to the contrary. Humans are very moldable.
Psychopaths are just people who experience mood swings to such a degree that it makes them violent.

Anonymous No. 16449558

This question is answered in surprising fidelity by the gervais principle. As it articulates, acquired sociopathy originates whenever anybody gains instinctive knowledge of their own brain's reward circuit as a separate entity to themself and can begin to think about actions in terms of how they will relate to it.

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Anonymous No. 16449653

>from birth

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Anonymous No. 16449787

Understanding your own internal reward structure doesn't make you a sociopath. "Hacking" your own reward structure is pretty much mandatory to do some of the boring, tedious, difficult things that modern life requires of us.

Anonymous No. 16449928

I think going to grad school at one of the top school made me dramatically more psychopathic.
Most of the professors were straight out of American Psycho and being cold/calous made me more productive.
I was probably predisposed to it but goddamn did that experience fuck me up

Anonymous No. 16449950

From my experience, 1/3rd of professors are complete psychopaths, 1/3rd of professors are tired/burnt out and no longer care, and 1/3rd are some of the nicest people you'll meet.

Anonymous No. 16450629

i can probably best answer this, i grew up poor as

when you are poor there are no guard rails.

Are you a sociopath are you a psyhco? IF you are in povery, you are Free to run wild, til cops arrive.

Now, lets say Exact Same kid, identical twin experiment, separated at birth is raised in a well to do area / family / etc... etc...

now junior probably IS, and knows what he is, but sees world of well catered homes, and knows needs to hide. True colors dont come out til, military service, bad peers in a frat, or dropped into a really bad experience or series of

Anonymous No. 16451029

You. ?
If not You , Who?
You don't think an adversary archetype would?

Anonymous No. 16451772

desensitization through pain and trauma into complete lack of empathy

Anonymous No. 16451783

Why did the elites pushed people to chop off their genitals and sterilize themselves? What purpose? Is this part of a global agenda to depopulate humans?