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Anonymous No. 16450311

If the universe is made out of quantum fields, can I cultivate them and grow quantum potatoes?

Anonymous No. 16450317

Yes. Tomatoes too.

Anonymous No. 16450324

what if the annihilation operator destroys my vegetables?

Anonymous No. 16450485

There's always a creation operator due to Hermiticity

Anonymous No. 16450812

Yes. This is how they make the potato knishes.

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Anonymous No. 16450826

> Look mommy. I made a play on words. Aren't I smart.

Anonymous No. 16451104

You can never be sure if the potatoes are there or not.

Anonymous No. 16451125

Yes, but there will probably be a lot of wormholes in your veggies.

Anonymous No. 16451484

discrete fields can be whatever you want them to be

Anonymous No. 16451494

You can't keep count of your potatoes because they will pop in and out of existence.

Anonymous No. 16451540

no, nothing matters

bodhi No. 16451626

if you dont stare at them the while time they will dissapear back into the wave function and you have to start over