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Anonymous No. 16451632

Is washing your hands after going to the bathroom a scam? I never do it and I don't find myself getting sick more than anyone else. I get the principle in theory, obviously, but it doesn't seem to actually make a difference.

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Stop guessing start learning No. 16451680

I don't like my fingernails dirty. And dirt gets on my hands often. So I wash them. How is this a scam. I really don't follow the logic of the people that post here

Anonymous No. 16451700

Yeah, washing your hands when they're dirty obviously makes sense. I'm talking about when your hands are clean but you just take a piss, then girls freak out if you didn't wash your hands

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Stop guessing start learning No. 16451713

Because in high population densities. Infection and bacteria can spread faster. Nature does not like high density populations so we wash are hands to stop the spread of disease and Infection.

Girls will freak out because health and sanitation are embedded into our culture. People are programed to form these habits again to stop the spread of what I mentioned above.

Pathogens are real. It's not a scam

Anonymous No. 16451777

Washing your hands after you go to the bathroom isn't that much different from washing your hands at any other point. This is because your urine is sterile and both your dick and ass are just about as clean as any other part of your skin (if anything they are cleaner than your hands simply due to being protected by clothes). If you don't blatantly get shit on your hands (eating your own poop can make you sick) then washing to "avoid getting sick" doesn't make much sense.
However what it does do is three fold, firstly your hands are going to be dirty from living your life and touching things, so you need to wash them sometimes to reduce the risk of getting sick. That could be when you come home or before you eat or cook for instance but it's fairly easy to combine it with going to the bathroom. The second point is that your crotch will smell and there's risk of getting poo on your hands which you may or may not be able to detect which isn't good so you may as well wash up even if you don't do it for disease reasons. Lastly while nothing that is on your peepee is going to get you sick it can get others sick so it's best to wash up to prevent others from getting what is endemic on your skin.

Anonymous No. 16453534

this. Your hands and face are exposed to bacteria, everything else has been under clothes since you showered this morning (you didn't??). So if anything, you should wash your hands before going to the bathroom.

Anonymous No. 16453994

when you piss you touch your dick and you get tiny molecules from your dick on there and then you spread it about

Anonymous No. 16454004

After peeing is absolutely pointless. After taking a shit is just basic common sense because your hand came in close proximity to literal shit.

Anonymous No. 16456039

Plot twist: everyone around OP is constantly sick.