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Anonymous No. 16452424

If he were still alive, would he take the path of Richard Dawkins or Bill Nye?

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hawking at epstei....jpg

Anonymous No. 16452432

picrel explains his fame

Anonymous No. 16452460

Wrong science guy, buddy.

Anonymous No. 16452461

back to /tv/ pleb

Anonymous No. 16452469

Does it have to be one or the other?

Anonymous No. 16452477

Yes. It's either following the science or promoting ""the science"" of the current year.

Anonymous No. 16452491

if Carl heard you utter the words "the science" in an unironic fashion he would spit on you.

Anonymous No. 16452495

he would be glued to twitter/x with his blue check mark shitting out tds 24/7.

Anonymous No. 16452524

>β€œOne of the great commandments of science is, 'Mistrust arguments from authority'. (Scientists, being primates, and thus given to dominance hierarchies, of course do not always follow this commandment.)”
Well, he's still a primate so he's got an out.

Anonymous No. 16452601

He looks like a meek man so he would undoubtedly be pressured into taking the same path as Bill Nye

Anonymous No. 16452694

He'd be black science man. I believe black science man was impressed by him and tries to emulate him. Although he probably made that story up to make himself sound smart and cool

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πŸ—‘οΈ Anonymous No. 16452956

Sagan was brilliant but he publicly regretted that the human figures on the pioneer plaque looked too white. That should tell you a lot.

Anonymous No. 16452958

I would hope the Richard Dawkins route. Bill Nye went down the progressive idpol grift route and his image will never recover because of it.

Anonymous No. 16453331

Name one instance that Carl Sagan supported non-scientific views just to align with a certain political group.

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Anonymous No. 16455465


Anonymous No. 16455624

>Political stance
Are you mentally deranged?

Anonymous No. 16455641


I'm gonna go with this: >>16452694
Carl Sagan had been mentoring Black Science Man since he was 16, so they'd probably be similar. This is kind of the wrong question to ask though since scientific personalities, before en masse social media, were a lot more "doing their own thing".

There's two issues here though:
-Scientists used to be a lot more "doing their own thing", by that I mean if you asked them about something they'd be willing to give you a measured, length, response on the matter. Sometimes they'd tell you something completely batshit, but they'd have the dignity to admit it and let you decide if you subscribed to it. Carl Sagan thought it'd be interesting to put violent prisoners on HTR to see if making them trannies would make them less violent, he also said Area 51 was a cover up for American civilian/military mass surveillance because he built a bunch of them. The worm has really turned though: no republican, conservatist, or right-leaning, person is ever going to patron a scientist (or economist, or doctor, or biologist) anymore. It's infinitely easier, and cheaper, to just run 120 or so social media accounts and lie to everybody constantly about everything.
-Bill Nye isn't a scientist. Bill Nye is an engineer. Engineers don't know shit about dick.

Anonymous No. 16455682

Global warmism is a political ideology and nuclear winterism is also a political ideology.

Anonymous No. 16456172

Carl Sagan raised global warming issue before it was a political position. It's not smart to attribute retarded mainstream ideologies of today to a guy that was a pioneer.

Anonymous No. 16456188

au contraire, the Engineer knows the most about dicks, the length girth grime and flavor. As for shit on dicks, they know more than their fair share about that as well, just not in the good way.

Anonymous No. 16456267

He would be all over the place politically and scientifically and "both sides" (artificially controlled groups) would hate him for not fitting into any simple categories

Anonymous No. 16456487

So... Dawkin's path? Christcucks hate him because he is an atheist, and le science is awesome left cancelled him for not adhering to the new lgbt rhetoric.

Anonymous No. 16456502

"Nuclear winter" was a CIA developed narrative, it had no basis in any scientific reasoning. The circulated it on their government propaganda media outlets, such as PBS and on their compromised & CIA friendly private media outlets and eventually it became a generally agreed upon idea regardless having zero scientific merit.