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Anonymous No. 16452839

Making a call to all anons for a large international cooperation to INVENT THE FIRST TIME MACHINE
Humans have been wasting enough time trying to expand in space, but exploring time is much more pressing now. Use this thread to compile all resources you are aware of pertaining to time machines and how to make them. No shitty sci fi books though.
>inb4 /x/

Anonymous No. 16452844

Anonymous No. 16452849

Causality is inviolable.

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Anonymous No. 16452852

Time travel isn't possible in any direction except forward, and in a linear fashion.

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Anonymous No. 16452858


Anonymous No. 16452889

just go fast, maybe you find someone to take you back along the way but i doubt it, but if you travel at almost light speed, eons will pass in seconds

Anonymous No. 16452907

>Humans will never fly like birds
t. 19th century nigger

Anonymous No. 16452925


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Stop guessing start learning No. 16452941

Agreed. Reversing time would require the reversal of energy in the opposite direction.

Which is impossible.

All events that happened would have to reverse even the ants crawlin or leaves fallin.

Anonymous No. 16452962

Fuck off schizo

Anonymous No. 16453196

i liked the short story where two galactic empires are at war. one side develops time travel but instead of using it they secretly leak the plans to the other side. the others build a time machine as a megastructure and shortly before testing it the whole sector goes boom in a freak accident. maybe we should focus on curing baldness instead.

Anonymous No. 16453198

> compile all resources you are aware of pertaining to time machines
okay, I'll start...

there, I'm done.

Anonymous No. 16453249

Retarded motherfucker.

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Die Glocke.jpg

Prince Evropa No. 16454089


Anonymous No. 16454101

>nooooooo time reversal is the same as watching a movie in reverse

Anonymous No. 16454128

Prove it. Haven't we already found multiple things where cause and effect seem to be reversed somehow?

Anonymous No. 16454133

>Time dilation is linear.
JHFC, read a book.

Anonymous No. 16454136

If that were true, your stupid question would have made your dad pull out.

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The Flash reverse....jpg

Anonymous No. 16454165


Anonymous No. 16454171

If backward time travel were possible, the entire visible universe would have already been mined for energy and resources.

Anonymous No. 16454185

It's complicated. You have to set your rest mass to imaginary. If you surrounded yourself with a tachyonic field (let's say they exist, in all likelihood they don't), you can never stop traveling. The difficulty after approaching FTL speeds is slowing down. Because when tachyons lose energy their speed increases. So you need a way to release a massive amount of energy to make sure your tachyons gain energy and thus slow down. But even then, you can never drop below the speed of light.

Anonymous No. 16454189

tl;dr Conservation of Momentum

Anonymous No. 16454477

If a time machine ever exists, then a time machine always exists.

Anonymous No. 16454981

Just take shrooms, salvia or something and chill lmao

Anonymous No. 16454987

Pod designing?

This will help space travel

So we put you there floating in psychodelics eating from a tube and see if wormholes lead into the past